
Luna'S Revenge Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Una Hermosa Luna Después del Rechazo

    ``` Cecily era una chica escuálida sin amigos. Sin embargo, como todas las demás chicas, anhelaba el amor verdadero. Siempre había estado enamorada de Roberto, el hijo del Alfa de su Manada. Sin embargo, en su decimoctavo cumpleaños, ¡descubrió que Roberto era su compañero! Antes de que pudiera abrazarlo emocionada, Roberto ya había apartado su mano como si fuera un trozo de basura. —No te convertirás en mi compañera. Finge que hoy no pasó nada. ¡Vete y cuida tu boca. No digas nada que no debas decir! —Roberto miraba descaradamente a la sexy y hermosa rubia Alison en su graduación de la escuela secundaria. El viaje de graduación cambió a Cecily, haciéndola más fuerte, más segura, más vibrante, más bella y sexy. Además, Roberto, que la encontró nuevamente en el campus de su universidad, comenzó a perseguirla. —Deberías ser mi Luna. Viviremos juntos a partir de ahora. Tendremos muchos hijos. Serán saludables e inteligentes. —Los ojos de Roberto estaban llenos de lujuria. ¡El acoso de Roberto hacía que Cecily se sintiera disgustada y nauseabunda! Como Cecily no podía protegerse de Roberto debido a la diferencia de fuerza, apareció Miguel. —Tus acciones te hacen indigno de ser un Alfa —Miguel miró a Roberto con desdén. Durante la inauguración de Roberto como Alfa, Cecily ya no pudo tolerar su acoso. —Yo, Cecily Levin, rechazo a Roberto Paslo como mi compañero —Cuando Roberto estaba furioso y sufriendo, queriendo herir a Cecily, ¡Miguel apareció de nuevo! —Cecily era la compañera dispuesta por la Diosa de la Luna para mí —Miguel miró a Cecily dulcemente. —Quien se atreva a tocarla está faltando al respeto a la familia real. ```

    JQK · Fantasy
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  • Scarred Luna

    "Now, listen to me" he commanded and I instantly looked up at him. "Rule number one, no screaming. No matter what I do to you, I must not hear a single noise. If I do, it would most definitely get worse" he said and my heart hammered in my chest. "Rule number two, when I tell you to do something, you do it, or else, I will whip you repeatedly and make sure you're on the brink of death but just enough to keep you alive." He said with a wicked grin on his face. "Rule number three, follow those two rules" he said and got up. Out of the blue, he whipped me again and I screamed. I had never felt that much pain in my entire life. "Tsk tsk, you're a slow one" he said and I held my breath as I awaited the next whip. He whipped me again and I managed to stifle a scream. "Good girl" he said and went back to sit on his bed. "Now, strip." He ordered and I shakily got up and began to pull my clothes off my body. ... Kieran had a regular life until a ruthless Alpha turned it all upside down. She suffers and even gets rejected. What happens when she has a better second chance mate who is protective and the ruthless Alpha who made her life hell is butting into her life again?

    Zee_Ladia · History
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  • The cannon fodder's revenge (BL)

    (Completed) This is the first novel I've ever written, please be nice. “Whoever freed me made a mistake, because I'll only bring death and carnage in my wake.” A mysterious voice proposed: “How about we do it together baby?” A-Xuan spent his entire life fighting to be able to live well since he was an orphan with no one at his side. All he did was work and go to school until he got a well-paying job in a famous high-tech company. Just before he could enjoy the fruit of his hard labor, he was abducted and became a slave to a cannon fodder system CF. From then on started his miserable journey. For over 20 000 years he suffered misfortune after misfortune as he traveled from world to world. Each body he inhabited lived a terrible life until its painful end. Between each world, he only had a few moments in the Locus space before he had to move on until it turned into freedom. A-Xuan studied the interface in his forearm, and then looked at his status in the CF system. He smiled and looked around the stary place. He watched as a shooting star passed in front of him. A-Xuan reached out and destroyed the star in pieces with a vicious smile. Now that he is free, he'll use the CF system as it should've been used. He'll cause immeasurable damage and suffering to anyone who had a hand in the extermination of all the bodies he'll inhabit. A-Xuan reached for the nearest star and disappeared with a malicious smile. Arc 01: Modern Era (15 Chapters)✔ Arc 02: Abo (10 Chapters)✔ Arc 03: Actor (13 Chapters)✔ Arc 04: Vampire (13 Chapters)✔ Arc 05: Interstellar (8 Chapters)✔ Arc 06: Mafia (10 Chapters)✔ Arc 07: Ancient Era (8 Chapters)✔ Arc 08: Witch (13 Chapters)✔ Arc 09: Ger (14 Chapters)✔ Arc 10: Fairy (14 Chapters)✔ Arc 11: Origin (16 Chapters)✔ Arc 12: Apocalypse (10 Chapters)✔ Arc 13: Gods Realm (9 Chapters)✔ *********************************

    TheEmpressNing · LGBT+
  • Une belle Luna après le rejet

    Cecily était une fille maigre sans amis. Pourtant, comme toutes les autres filles, elle aspirait au véritable amour. Elle avait toujours eu le béguin pour Robert, le fils de l'Alpha de leur Meute. Cependant, pour son dix-huitième anniversaire, elle découvrit que Robert était son Âme Soeur ! Avant qu'elle ne puisse l'enlacer d'excitation, Robert avait déjà repoussé sa main comme un détritus. « Tu ne deviendras pas mon Âme Soeur. Fais comme si rien ne s'était passé aujourd'hui. Pars et garde ta langue. Ne dis rien que tu ne devrais pas dire ! » Robert reluquait publiquement la sexy et belle blonde Alison lors de leur remise des diplômes au lycée. Le voyage de fin d'études transforma Cecily, la rendant plus forte, plus confiante, plus éclatante, et plus belle et sexy. De plus, Robert, qui l'a retrouvée sur le campus de son collège plus tard, commença à la poursuivre. « Tu devrais être ma Luna. Désormais, nous vivrons ensemble. Nous aurons beaucoup d'enfants. Ils seront en bonne santé et intelligents. » Les yeux de Robert étaient remplis de luxure. Les assiduités de Robert rendaient Cecily dégoûtée et nauséeuse ! Comme Cecily ne pouvait se protéger de Robert en raison de la différence de force, Michael apparut. « Tes actions te rendent indigne en tant qu'Alpha. » Michael regardait Robert avec dédain. Lors de l'intronisation de Robert en tant qu'Alpha, Cecily ne pouvait plus tolérer ses assiduités. « Moi, Cecily Levin, je rejette Robert Paslo en tant qu'âme soeur. » Quand Robert était furieux et souffrant, voulant blesser Cecily, Michael réapparut ! « Cecily était l'Âme Soeur arrangée par la Déesse de la Lune pour moi. » Michael regardait Cecily doucement. « Quiconque ose la toucher manque de respect à la famille royale. »

    JQK · Fantasy
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  • Uma Linda Luna Após a Rejeição

    Cecily era uma garota magricela sem amigos. No entanto, como todas as outras garotas, ansiava por um amor verdadeiro. Ela sempre foi apaixonada por Roberto, filho do Alfa de sua Matilha. No entanto, no seu décimo oitavo aniversário, descobriu que Roberto era seu Companheiro! Antes que pudesse abraçá-lo em excitação, Roberto já havia lançado sua mão para longe como um pedaço de lixo. "Você não se tornará minha Companheira. Finja que nada aconteceu hoje. Vá embora e vigie sua boca. Não diga nada que não deva dizer!" Roberto olhava publicamente para a loira sexy e bonita Alison na formatura do ensino médio. A viagem de formatura mudou Cecily, tornando-a mais forte, mais confiante, mais vibrante, e mais bela e sexy. Além disso, Roberto, que a encontrou novamente no campus da faculdade, começou a persegui-la. "Você deve ser minha Luna. Viveremos juntos a partir de agora. Teremos muitos filhos. Eles serão saudáveis e inteligentes." Os olhos de Roberto estavam cheios de luxúria. A insistência de Roberto fez Cecily sentir nojo e náuseas! Como Cecily não podia se proteger de Roberto devido à diferença de força, Michael apareceu. "Suas ações o tornam indigno como um Alfa." Michael olhou para Roberto com desprezo. Na inauguração de Roberto como Alfa, Cecily não pôde mais tolerar sua insistência. "Eu, Cecily Levin, rejeito Roberto Paslo como meu companheiro." Quando Roberto estava furioso e com dor, querendo ferir Cecily, Michael apareceu novamente! "Cecily foi a Companheira arranjada pela Deusa da Lua para mim." Michael olhou para Cecily com ternura. "Quem quer que ouse tocá-la está desrespeitando a família real."

    JQK · Fantasy
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  • Becoming the Luna (bl)

    Life is all roses and strawberries with your asexual mother till Alpha wolves fall in love with you. And now you have to choose... But who do you pick? Hayden Lebaron is an average teenage boy, well if average means being about the size of a midget and being babied by everyone, at least that's what he thinks. A new student moves to their school and Hayden finds out that he's deeper in the Werewolf world that he ever thought possible and the worst part was that he had no idea that Werewolves even existed. EXCERPT : "What the fuck did you do?" Virgil demands his eyes dark, the only reason Dale doesn't have a black eye yet is because he's still carrying me.  I intervene quickly before Virgil changes his mind and decides to land the punch. "V-Vi-Virgil." I stutter out desperately, reaching for him. "I-It wasn't D-Dale, h-he d-didn't d-do any-anything." "What sort of boyfriend are you, letting your girlfriend get beat up by dudes in the boys bathroom?" Dale accuses, snatching me back and ending my efforts to reach for Virgil, his leaf green eyes nearly glowing.  Shana is momentarily stunned, "Girlfriend?"  She mouths to me, I close my eyes in embarrassment, this was one of those days I wanted to start over.  Virgil isn't even fazed by the obvious confusion. "Thanks." He bites out coldly, the appreciation has the same energy as 'go jump off a cliff. "Now give me back my girlfriend." "No. Now get away from me, you're in my way." Dale deadpans, making a move to continue his journey.  "I won't ask you again." Virgil says in a deadly voice, stepping in front of us, electric blue eyes nearly jumping from his face with how hard he is glaring.  "Hayden sounds terrified of you so no, I'm not giving her back. Now get the fuck out of my way." He says, his quiet voice ringing volumes, the entire hallway is silent now, the entire school watching the school's heartthrob go against the hot new kid... and over me! - I wail mentally, wishing I was a bird, a pebble, anything but Hayden LeBaron right now. VOLUME 2 •~• Come talk to me on discord at Aryna Stan#5852 I'd love to hear your thoughts... Link to the Discord server... https://discord.gg/qYk2ka7fc7 •~•

    Aryna_Stan · LGBT+
  • Natasha's Revenge

    "You know what?" Natasha asked. "It doesn't matter, whether you kill me or not, whether I die or live, I will find my way back back to take my revenge, no matter what it takes". Natasha said with gritted teeth. "Even if I have to exchange thousands of lives just to return and have my revenge, I will do it". "Take these words back to him and tell him that he will not live happily whether I live or die. "I will crawl my way out of hell if I have to just to get to him". Natasha said with a sadistic smile on her lips. Her blue eyes burned like flames. ****** Natasha a young woman who was hurt by her husband seeks revenge for the brutal murder of her family by her groom on their wedding night got the help of the Grim Reaper. They had an agreement that if he was willing to spare her and help her get that revenge that she sort she would give the lives of others in exchange for hers. The deal was made and Natasha began her quest for vengeance, killing all those who aided her husband in murdering her family... For more please read the novel. ***** WARNING! This book will contain mature content as the story progresses. Whoever cannot take a scare or stand a gory scene should refrain from reading. This is the only warning for this book. **** Join my discord server to chat with other readers https://discord.gg/gGBShbS3

    Blessing_O · Fantasy
  • Avery's Game Of Revenge

    "I WILL MAKE THEM ALL REGRET THE DAY THEY MET ME! I WILL MAKE THEM WISH THEY WERE NEVER BORN! AND I WILL MAKE THEM HATE THE DAY THEY THOUGHT OF BETRAYING ME!" "You will, Sweetie. And I'll help you with that..." Those were the last words Avery spoke and heard before passing out in her bloody red wedding gown, on the same day she was supposed to marry her boyfriend from senior high school. ~~ Avery McCallum, the sole heiress and president of the McCallum Group of Companies, had her whole family wiped out on her wedding day. Framed for her grandfather's murder and stripped of her position, Avery vows to take revenge on those who wronged her. But her powerless state seems to mock her determination. Enter Archibald Donovan. She used to hate the devilishly hot and narcissistic chairman of the A² Corp who also happened to be her older brother's best friend, but when consumed with the need to take revenge, she begged him to marry her in return for fulfilling a long list of conditions. Archie agrees, and a month later, Avery re-emerges as Ava Donovan, a rising actress and the wife of the most powerful man in the country. With her newfound status, Avery systematically destroys her adversaries, uncovering dark secrets and hidden agendas along the way. But as she navigates the treacherous landscape of her new life, she must confront the truth about her family's past and at the end of it all, come back to him. She owed him after all... ~ EXCERPT Archie's eyes darkened when he saw her stumbling out of the wine cellar, a bottle of wine in one hand and her night robe, in the other. She was literally half naked. "Hey..." her greeting came out in a slur, and that was all he needed to know she was drunk. Very drunk, at that. "Why?" he asked simply, knowing she would interpret his question as she usually did. "I...I visited them today. The flowers on their stones were already wilted and...and...it broke me. I wanted to be happy and at the same time, I wanted to cry," Avery replied, inhaling short wisps of air before she continued, "Then I found the cellar." "Did it work?" She shook her head slowly in reply, lifting her head up in time to see a mischievous smirk curl on his lips. "Don't be sad, Baby girl. I happen to know a way to make you cry and keep you excited at the same time," he said. "Really?" "Wanna try it, Mama?" Avery nodded, slowly but firmly as he closed the distance between them. As he promised, she did cry...in pleasure. Note: This book is participating in the Cupid's Quill Contest. Your support is highly appreciated!

    Krepsore07 · Urban
  • Luna is The Alpha's Mate

    My life is surrounded by misfortune, where I have to endure the greed of men out there. No one pities me; instead, they treat me as an object to be sold. The amount mentioned was so enormous that it made my eyes widen in shock. Never before had I heard of such a sum for my frail body. Even so, who would want their body sold to a lecherous man? But then, the deep voice of a man who had just arrived broke the auctioneer's concentration. He was so different, though I couldn't see his face. But that voice had a profound impact on me.

    Ivy_valaine · Fantasy
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  • The Luna's Vengeance

    I am Amalthea Jade, the daughter of the prestigious Matthew and Thea Jade. My parents died in a rogue attack, and the only hope I had was my chosen mate, Blake Cohl. I thought I got all the happiness in the world when I got married to him, but on my wedding night, he brought his fated mate to our wedding room. The mate, he can't reject. I would've let go of her if she hadn't provoked me, and naturally, I did what anyone would've done in a situation like this. I attacked her. There's a rule that if any person attacks another person without a reason, then he/she is punished with 20 whippings, but since I am the luna, I was given another option, apologize to my husband's fated mate. Bow down and apologize to the person who took away my happiness? He must be joking. Rather than bowing, I took not 20 but 50 whippings to remember this humiliation for the rest of my life. Feeling tired, I decided to leave, as my father also thought that Blake was the better alpha than me. But as I was leaving, I came to know that my parents’ death wasn't just a normal rogue attack case. It was more than that. The plan was simple. Avenge my parents, the humiliation I suffered, and start afresh, but what am I supposed to do when the Lycan king starts tailing me? How the hell am I supposed to react when he says he wants to marry me, and that he will destroy everything in my world if I keep refusing him? Not to mention how he hates me. “I can’t marry you because I hate all the males with the alpha syndrome, and I am already married,” I barked at him. “And? I don't see why that's a problem. Let me make it clear, Amalthea. I want you, and I will do anything to get you, even if it means I will have to turn this world upside down,” He smirked. How am I supposed to get on with my plans like this? Not to mention the rogue head who is strangely interested in my matters more than I am. Oh, and did I mention I was in the process of awakening my powers that even I didn't know of?

    Angelina Bhardawaj · Fantasy
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  • Mafia’s Revenge

    “I’m being forced to marry the Cruel Mafia Boss.” Joanna Smith’s perfect life suddenly took a drastic turn when the Cruel Mafia Boss demanded for her to be his new bride. “Do you wish to know why I married a fragile woman like you?” He had asked her, his voice dripping with coldness. Joanna nods her head, wanting to know the reason behind her marriage to such a dangerous man. “You are paying a debt, sweetheart! A debt your father refused to pay off before his death!” He laughed metaphorically, as though he had said something funny. “You are mine now, Joanna. I’m gonna do all kind of crazy things to your body, make you crave me, want more and beg me to F**k you mercilessly!” He smirked evilly at her.

    goldenwriter172 · Urban
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  • The Abused Luna's Comeback

    [WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] She was the most unpopular female wolf in the New Moon Pack, as lowly as a blade of grass. Eight years ago, her mother went missing, her father was killed, and her entire pack was exterminated. Thus, she had been demoted to the lowest servant level by her father's murderer. For eight years, she had been beaten, cursed, and starved, but she kept her identity a secret. This year, she turned eighteen years old. He was the alpha of the largest werewolf pack in all of America and shone like the sun. With his perfectly sculpted face and a tremendous amount of money, no werewolf didn't know his name, and he was the dream lover of every woman. Everything seemed perfect, except for the fact that he didn't have a mate yet. This year, he turned twenty-six years old. What kind of spark or conflict would there be when they meet by chance? “Rose, I can give you everything you want. In exchange, you have to be mine.” “Alpha, the truth is, I'm—” "Oh, Jesus f*cking Christ! Now, you will never escape me, my Luna.

    Author qkO7aX · General
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  • Reverse Apocalypse: The Devil's Revenge

    Raised in war, the path of the misfit was filled with blood and death. Nobody expected anything from him, and everyone loathed him. In the middle of Chaos and Destruction, he found himself awakening new Powers as he chases a long-harbored dream - to regain his freedom and to seek vengeance against those who had wronged him! Follow the path of the Halfling as he rises to the top after everything had been taken from him! Witness the path of revenge as the Bloodline of a Devil and a human gives birth to a creature that should have never been born. ** The MC might seem a little bit soft in the beginning, but don't be fooled. This is a fantasy novel. If you think everything will be logical or follow the same laws as it is in reality...I'm sorry! -R18 doesn't necessarily mean intercourse guys...- Discord Server: https://discord.gg/cexm4qGW **

    HideousGrain · Action
  • Alpha's Rejection: Luna's Awakening

    After pregnant Elena gets accused of infidelity and gets rejected by Alpha Darius, she rejects and disappears from the Pack. Years later, Alpha Darius is invited to a party by the most feared Alpha, Alpha Killian. He sights Elena from afar, so different and more beautiful. Beside her is a young boy, agile, handsome and a photocopy of him. He walks up to Elena. "Long time no see, Elena." "Good day Darius. It's good to see you after so many years," she says with a smile. Alpha Darius looks at the boy beside her and smirks. "Is he my son?" Elena smiles and points to a very tall handsome man. "That's his father over there. He has organized this party because he wants to introduce our son to everyone as the Pack's heir." Follow the journey of Elena, a kind-hearted Luna initially chosen by Alpha Darius, who faces rejection and false accusations of infidelity. As she disappears from her pack and rises as Luna of the Silver Howl Pack, she transforms from a timid soul into a resilient force. *chapter 101 sneak peek "So, Elena," Sarah drawled, her voice dripping with venom. "Ready to cooperate yet? Ready to accept my son is the heir not yours?" I squared my shoulders, refusing to show any sign of weakness. "I and my son don't need a position in this Pack, Sarah. Justin doesn't want to be the heir of this Pack but it turns out everyone wants him to be the heir because he doesn't have an evil blood running through him," I declared defiantly. "And you'll never lay a hand on my son." Sarah's lips curled into a cruel smirk. "Oh, Elena, you're so naïve. And yes, what if my son has an evil blood, he'll never be unlucky as your son was and is," she taunted. "Do you really think you have any say in this? Your son is in my custody now, and you may never see him again." My heart sank at her words, but I refused to let despair consume me. "You'll regret this, Sarah," I warned, my voice trembling with rage. "If you lay a finger on my son, I'll make sure you pay for it. I'll hunt you down to the ends of the earth if I have to." Sarah's laughter filled the room, a chilling sound that sent shivers down my spine. "You think you can threaten me, Elena? I'm so so scared. Please don't hurt my son, Elena," she sneered. "You're nothing but a pawn in my game. And soon, you'll be nothing at all, just like your son." But I refused to back down, my determination unyielding. "Mark my words, Sarah," I spat, meeting her gaze with resolve. "You may think you hold all the cards now, but justice will catch up to you eventually. And when it does, you'll regret every moment you spent tormenting my son and me. I just warn you now, play stupid games with me but not with my son. Don't forget you have a son too. An eye for an eye." With that, Sarah's smirk faltered, replaced by a flicker of uncertainty. For a fleeting moment, I glimpsed a hint of fear in her eyes – a crack in her façade of invincibility. But just as quickly as it appeared, it was gone, replaced by a cold, steely resolve. "We'll see about that, Elena," she hissed, before slamming the door shut behind her, leaving me once again in the suffocating darkness of my captivity. As the minutes turned into hours, I clung to the flicker of hope burning within me, praying for the day when justice would prevail and my son would be safe in my arms once more. A man came into the room with a chain. "Hello missy, I have just got an order to torture you and also rape you," the man said heartlessly as he gave me a cold stare. "If I was you, I wouldn't do it. Only stupid people would," I sneered. "Trust me I'm the most stupid," and with that, he flung the chain and it collided with my arm. I screamed in pain. He began to unzip his trouser. "You look so beautiful. Can't wait to taste you." I wouldn't let him do this to me. No. Never. Just as the man advanced towards me, his intentions clear and my fear reaching a crescendo, the door suddenly burst open with a resounding crash.

    PhilippaUC · Urban
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  • The Shadow of a Luna

    An Alpha arrives at a packhouse party one night only to find out that his mate is the Beta's abused daughter. Knowing that she is abused, he takes her away from there immediately. Her mother died when she was young and took a lot of secrets to the grave with her. She starts finding out that she's not a typical werewolf and she needs to find her way around and navigate through these waters while trying to be a Luna and a leader, which is uncommon territory for her when she has been abused her entire life. But will her mate reject her after knowing how damaged she really is, or will he help of her find that happy ending that she's always been looking for.

    Kylie_McKeon_9763 · Fantasy
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  • Return Of The Rejected Luna

    After getting rejected by her mate, Hayley finds herself in the arms of the most feared Alpha in the Kingdom. He claims her as his mate, and she is taken away to his kingdom to become his bride. However, upon arrival, she discovers that her newly found mate was nothing like the stories foretold. With his help, Hayley is able to find herself, and her history. And now she returns to the land that had once rejected her to claim what is rightfully hers. Will she show mercy to the people that once trampled on her happiness? Or will this new Heiress bring destruction to her enemies?

    thehonoredone · Fantasy
  • Avenging Luna

    Leila's, the daughter of a powerful Alpha, is cast aside by her father after being born as his first child. Disappointed that she cannot inherit his title, he sacrifices her to settle a debt with a notoriously brutal rival pack. Sentenced to a life of slavery, Leila's is subjected to unspeakable cruelty, her spirit hardened by the abuse she endures. Driven by a thirst for vengeance, Leila's vows to reclaim her honor and seek retribution against her father and her captors. Her life takes a turn when she escapes her torturous existence and encounters her destined mate. He introduces her to a world of love, protection, and comfort—a stark contrast to the harsh life she has known. With her mate’s unwavering support and the skills he helps her acquire, Leila's transforms from a mild, innocent young woman into a formidable force. As she prepares to exact her revenge, she grapples with the darkness within her, ultimately seeking to quench her thirst for vengeance while navigating the complexities of love and power. 'Turning Dark' is a gripping tale of betrayal, transformation, and the quest for justice as Leila rises from the ashes of her past to become a force to be reckoned with.

    lucy_mumbua · Fantasy
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  • The cursed Luna; The alpha’s obsession

    After the brutal murder of her family, Katherine is banished from the blood moon pack by her mate, leaving her desolate. Katherine seeks refuge in the one place her father warned her about. Katherine meets Alpha Kieran and her life never remains the same. ~ Kieran's eyes narrowed, a distasteful scowl on his face. "We are not mates, Katherine. The goddess is mistaken. I don't do mates. I don't do relationships." "Will you reject me?" "Reject you? No! I won’t reject you nor will I accept you. You will stay here, under my watch. You'll never be recognized as my mate, nor will you be treated any differently than the other members. You will work and earn your stay just like everyone else. I tell you this, Katherine. Not a single soul must know we are mates.

    LauraRave · Fantasy
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