
Ginny Nackt Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • The Duke’s Temptress

    {Mature content 18+ } Siren—— mystifying, beautiful, enchantingly dangerous. A single melody and you are a goner. But despite the dangers humans still looked for them, tears of siren were like magical pearls with powers beyond the understanding of mere mortals, their blood was like a mine of rubies, hair as fine as the softest Pima could be sold for thousands of dollars but beyond everything else that was sought was their melodies that could heal any wound and bring peace to even the wildest beast. Ginevra Harlow, Ginny for short, was an extremely beautiful lady with a personality that was too cold but even then her scent alone was enough to drive the males around her crazy, but there was something exceptionally wrong about her, she never spoke a word to the males of the village,she wouldn’t look them in the eye and always kept her secluded from the villagers. Some say that she was driven mad by her father’s curse that wouldn’t heal no matter what she did, some say that it was because of her mother who mysteriously disappeared. Ginny however never let the rumours get to her because she had a secret to keep. But things go terribly wrong when her father’s curse relapses for the worst and the landlord threatens to drive her away with her sick father. She had no choice left but to enter the house of Duke Terranova, an archmage born from the affairs of the Emperor and a Holy Saintess as she strikes a deal with him. Unfortunately, for her things didn’t go as planned because despite all the cautions that she took against the Duke, he wasn’t willing to let her go. “ I fulfilled my end of the deal, now you have to give me what you promised, Duke.”said Ginny as she glared at him, trying to calm herself as Akris pushed her against the bed. “You cannot order me around and nor can you stop me from meeting other men!” Twirling a strand of her hair, Akris kissed her blonde locks. “ You promised me your life, Ginevra. There are no take backs you see.” Kissing her fully on the lips, Akris pulled back before rubbing the pad of his thumb on her lower lip. “ But if you want to leave then you can, but remember this—— every time you try to leave me there will be one innocent one losing his life.”

    fairytail72 · Fantasy
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  • Miss Not so Typical: Consider me Humored (GL)

    Ginny Green, an aromantic nerd, accidentally slept with the infamous campus Princess, Persephone Campbell, but she can't remember. ** Ginny Green is an aromantic nerd who only believes that love only exists in movies and novels, but still wishes to find that special someone even though she's thinking that it's impossible. After she got drunk at a party, she found herself tangled in bed with the infamous campus Princess, Persephone Campbell. Persephone Campbell is an extremely attractive, charismatic, misjudged individual due to her wealthy background. Deemed by the people as coldhearted and a snob, but she's totally the opposite. She fell in love with Ginny after their faithful night together and would love to start a relationship with her. But there is a problem, Ginny is aromantic and doesn't want to be in a relationship with anyone. Now, Persephone is on a mission to make the aromantic nerd fall in love with her. ** "You're not going to run away and walk out of this room and pretend that this didn't happen, are you?" In every accidental one-night stand, of course, that thought is not an option anymore. Embrace each other at night like long-time lovers, and in the morning, shrug off every memory like it never happened. That's always been the case. And of course, that was Ginny's initial plan after assessing the situation. But looking at Persephone's threatening, yet smiling face, she knows well how screwed up she was. Let's just laugh first. "N-no, I wasn't thinking of that at all." "Good." Persephone smiled, satisfied with her answer. She gingerly moves closer to Ginny, wrapping both of her arms around her waist. Ginny can't seem to utter a single word. Seeing a naked Persephone in front of her was... was... was - she doesn't even have any words to describe it. ** This story is slowburn that contains fluff and will contain some mature scenes soon.

    Talesofheaven · LGBT+
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  • Der Aufstieg des dunklen Alphas

    [KOMPLETT - SILBER $8.000USD GEWINNER: Werwolf-Wettbewerb 2022] Zev stürmte auf sie zu, in strahlender, brutaler Schönheit, das Kinn gesenkt und mit diesen unglaublichen, stechenden Augen auf sie gerichtet. Er blieb nicht stehen, bis sie auf Augenhöhe waren und er ihr die Sicht auf alle anderen Männer im Kreis versperrte. Seine Augen wanderten zu ihrem Mund, als er sich zu ihr beugte und sein Flüstern auf ihrer Haut spielte. "Du. Bist. Mein." Seine tiefe Stimme klang in ihrem Bauch, als das Heulen des Wolfsrudels hinter ihm aufstieg und über die Berge von Thana hallte, während die anderen Chimären gegen seinen Anspruch protestierten. Gegen den Drang ankämpfend, mit ihren zitternden Händen über seine breite, nackte Brust zu streichen, zwang sich Sasha, den Kopf zu neigen und eine Augenbraue zu heben. "So mutig für einen Welpen, der gerade seine Reißzähne gefunden hat. Die anderen Männchen brüllten vor Lachen. Zev ignorierte ihren Spott, seine Augen funkelten und er lehnte sich noch näher an sie heran, wobei sein Kinnhaar ihre Wange kitzelte, als er lächelte. "So mutig für einen Menschen, der bereits das Vergnügen kennt, meinen Namen zu rufen. Sie erschauderte, als seine Zähne ihr Ohr streiften. ***** Nur wenige Tage nachdem Sasha sich ihrer Jugendliebe hingegeben hatte, verschwand er. Fünf Jahre später kehrte Zev auf einer dunklen Straße in der Stadt zurück - mit der Gefahr im Nacken. Zev ist eine Chimäre: Halb Mensch, halb Wolf. In einem sicheren Forschungslabor erschaffen, ist seine Existenz ein Geheimnis. Doch als die mächtigen Männer, die ihn erschaffen haben, versuchen, die einzige Frau zu töten, die sein Herz je zum Singen gebracht hat, reißt Zev an ihrer Leine und entführt sie in die brutale, verborgene Welt der Chimera-Clans. Hin- und hergerissen zwischen der Anziehungskraft ihrer ersten Liebe und dem schmerzhaften Verrat seines Verschwindens, versucht Sasha, Zev auf Distanz zu halten. Doch als sie diese geheimnisvolle Welt erreichen, entdeckt Zev, dass die Menschen während seiner Abwesenheit die Kontrolle übernommen und fast alle Weibchen gestohlen haben. Die Chimären sterben - und Zev ist nicht mehr der Alpha. Jetzt muss Zev gegen sein eigenes Volk kämpfen, um das Recht zu erlangen, seine einzige Liebe zu paaren. Kann er ihr beweisen, dass sein lang zurückliegendes Versprechen, ihr Herz und ihren Körper zu schützen, wahr ist? Oder werden die Menschen die Welten durchqueren, um den Wolf zu jagen und die Liebenden für immer auseinander zu reißen? [Erwachsener Inhalt, keine sexuellen Übergriffe] Das Titelbild stammt von Aenaluck und wird mit Erlaubnis und gegen Bezahlung verwendet. Sehen Sie mehr wunderschöne Kunst und unterstützen Sie den Künstler auf www.patreon.com/aenaluck

    AimeeLynn · Fantasy
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  • Die Verführung durch die Krone

    [Warnung: r18+/starker reifer Inhalt] Er ist ihre Rettung. Sie, sein Untergang. Dennoch weigert er sich, sie gehen zu lassen... Mineah, die jüngste Prinzessin von Ebodia, wurde bei ihrer Geburt verflucht, unbefleckt zu bleiben und Unglück über die Menschen um sie herum zu bringen. Diese Prophezeiung schwebt wie eine dunkle Wolke über ihr und wird mit jedem Jahr, in dem sie nicht eintrifft, größer. In der Gerüchteküche wird sie als bemitleidenswerte Figur dargestellt - zerbrechlich, sanftmütig, unerwünscht. Unter dieser Maske verbirgt sich eine starke und kämpferische Füchsin, die einer Königin würdig ist. Und diese Möchtegern-Königin hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, ihren Fluch zu brechen, selbst wenn das bedeutet, den gerissensten Vampir aller Zeiten auszutricksen. Nikolai, obwohl zurückgezogen und rätselhaft, wird vom Königreich Valcrez als weiser und mächtiger Herrscher verehrt. Was seine treuen Untertanen nicht wissen, ist, dass sein Bild von Perfektion ein Netz von Lügen ist, das, wenn es aufgedeckt wird, ihr Königreich und alles, was ihnen lieb und teuer ist, zum Einsturz bringen kann. Als sich die Wege der beiden in einem Heiratsbündnis kreuzen, beginnt das Spiel um die Verführung der Krone. Aber wer ist eigentlich der Jäger und wer die Beute? ******** Excerpt: "Warum ziehst du dich vor mir nackt aus?", fragte sie stirnrunzelnd und tat wenig, um die Irritation in ihrer Stimme zu verbergen. Ihr Ziel war es, nur sein Herz zu erobern, nicht seinen ganzen Körper! "Darf ich nicht mit meiner Frau baden?", bemerkte er mit kaltem Ton. "Ich habe absichtlich um eine große Wanne gebeten, nur um sicherzugehen, dass wir beide zusammen hineinpassen." Sie seufzte und riss ihren Blick nicht von ihm los, als sie ihre Fassung wiedergewann. Als sie sein Grinsen sah, zwang sie sich, es sich bequem zu machen, während er sprach. "So ist es schon besser. Du hast selbst gesagt, dass dich niemand gezwungen hat, mich zu heiraten. Stattdessen hast du dich freiwillig dazu bereit erklärt, also erwarte ich, dass du selbstbewusst genug bist, um ein Bad mit deinem Mann zu teilen", erklärte Nikolai zuversichtlich. "Schließlich werden wir bald mehr als das tun. Schamlos... Sie verhinderte, mit den Augen zu rollen, und schaffte es, ihm ein Lächeln zu schenken, als sie sagte: "Geben Sie mir nicht die Schuld, wenn Sie mir dann sterben." **** Anmerkung: Band 1: Hauptgeschichte Status - Abgeschlossen (Kapitel 1 bis 403) Band 2: Nebengeschichte Status - Abgeschlossen (Kapitel 404 bis 472) Band 3: Nebengeschichte Status - abgeschlossen **** PS: Das in Auftrag gegebene Buchcover ist Eigentum des Autors! Bitte nicht verwenden!

    Eustoma_Reyna · Fantasy
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  • Verkauft?

    Buch 1 verkauft? [Band 1] Das Schlimmste, was sich ein Mädchen vorstellen kann, ist, verlassen zu werden. Aber was ist noch schlimmer? Bei einer Auktion verkauft zu werden, nackt und verängstigt, und dann als Spielzeug gekauft zu werden. Rosalie hätte nie gedacht, dass sie tatsächlich einmal auf einer Auktion verkauft werden würde. Ihr Leben bestand zwar nicht nur aus Blumen, aber sie wollte trotzdem nicht als Salbe enden. Als das Schlimmste passiert ist, wird sie an einen Milliardär verkauft. Buch 2 Owned? [Band 2] Von Gangstern gejagt, entführt und dann gezwungen zu werden, Sklavin eines der größten Mafiabosse des Landes zu werden, war Azaleas größter Albtraum. Aber um es noch schlimmer zu machen, war der Entführer der Mann, den Azalea ihr ganzes Leben lang gehasst hatte, weil er sie ihrer einzigen Familie beraubt hatte Buch 3 Captive? [Band 3] Nach dem Verschwinden von Azalea war Arius immer wieder in Gedanken an sie versunken. Er ist nie über sie hinweggekommen, aber was passiert, wenn ein kleiner Ball der Freude in sein Leben tritt und zu einem Weg wird, seine verlorene Liebe wiederzufinden?

    _Chickennugget · Urban
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    Love, life and sacrifices. Ginny, raised in a strict christian family, is the last born in a family of four girls. While her three elder sisters know exactly what they want in life and how to get it, she still struggles to find her footing in life. All the conflicts in her life all come from her parents. Being the last child and the only one under their watchful eyes after all her sisters have left the nest, she finds herself in a very stressful situation that only got worse until she had to leave home and land in the hands of man who once mistook her for a call girl. She learns that life is harder out there but she also finds her freedom in the process.

    FLAME_LILY · Teen
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  • Harry Potter’s Pen Pal

    What would have happened if Harry had gotten the diary Horcrux instead of Ginny? Harry is confused about many things. Why won't Dumbledore let him stay at Hogwarts for the summer instead of go back to the Dursleys? Why won't Ginny leave him alone, even after he tells her he's gay? Why do Ron and Hermione keep meeting with Dumbledore and not telling him about it? With the help of his new friend, Tom Riddle, Harry answers these questions and more. *I don’t own this story*

    Taleahr · Fantasy
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  • My Boyfriend Is An Octopus

    Imogen ‘Ginny’ Fairchild has always been drawn to the Thorne twins, but it’s Lysander's quiet, gentle soul that pulls her in. Just as she’s ready to confess her feelings, Lyle urges her to be with his brother, Cassian, instead. Against her better judgment, Ginny agrees. She lets Cass into her life, piece by guarded piece, even as her connection to Lyle deepens in unexpected ways. But as their lives intertwine, what begins as love spirals into obsession—a dangerous bond tightening around her like a vice. Soon, Ginny finds herself caught in a web of passion, control, and secrets. And as the truth about the Thorne brothers unfolds, she realizes too late that this isn’t love - it’s a trap. TW: Themes of emotional manipulation and obsession. Not suitable for those who are easily disturbed.

    smirnoffxmule · Urban
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  • Palace Life: The Rings of Secrets

    In a post-apocalypse world, the world has finally resettled back to societies. The catch- the evolution chains had sped up. New species and new races have emerged since the world was turned upside down three thousand years ago. Old technologies have been lost, and new technologies have been found. The world has changed and so have the survivors' descendants. Mutations in their DNA have led to a world filled with superhuman powers. The strongest of the powers have always been the elementalists. All powers are inherited with few deviations in the bloodlines. The Crown Prince of Glear is a student of the Royal Academy, where his classes are in the Government Department. He leads a normal life going to and from school with his princely duties on the side. His life turns stressful when his father, the King of Glear, does not have long to live. The Royal Court has deemed that the young Crown Prince must wed before the king passes. Aphra "Ginny" Harkins is a scholarship student attending the Royal Academy in the Kingdom of Glear. She is widely known as "Director Ginny" for her artistic productions in the Arts Department in school. Everyone knows that she is from a lesser nobility that her maternal grandfather formed. She leads a peaceful life in school, even though her status is the lowest. Peaceful, that is, until she gets a decree to marry the Crown Prince of Glear. Apparently, her maternal grandfather had saved the late King of Glear. In gratitude, the late King gave him a noble title and declared that their grandchildren would rule the kingdom since their children were already grown and with families of their own. Two rings were formed to symbolize their engagement agreement, and Ginny wears it around her neck with a necklace given to her paternal great-grandmother by the Queen of Edalelia. Why the Queen of Edalelia? Let's just say that "Ginny" has many secrets... including one with the Crown Prince of Glear. Excerpt: "Do not fear, I will make sure that I find the most expensive one (ring)," said Maxen (the Crown Prince of Glear) as he puffed out his chest. "It does not need to be the most expensive, just that you have to have a story or a reason to getting that ring," responded Ginny. "Oh, do not worry. Leave everything to me," he smiled brilliantly at her as she seemed to understand his hidden intentions and smiled back while giggling to herself. "Heh! Once we divorce, that shiny expensive ring will be going to the Royal Vault. You will never see it again!" thought Maxen. "It was easy to manipulate this naïve prince into buying a ring from my own wears. Even if we divorce, he still would have paid me for buying that ring. What's more, the publicity for a Crown Prince buying from my store will bring me more revenue!" thought Ginny. Years later, while looking at her ring, "This ring really does suit my wife best! It belongs on your finger, only!" "Hmph! If we had divorced back then, I would have bribed you for this ring. It was a ring that my late father had commissioned for my late mother. It is too sentimental for me!" ***** This story is about two people forced into a relationship that both didn't want until forming an alliance to "Marry now, Divorce later." About letting go of the past, redemption, and ultimately, love.

    UsagiLuna · Fantasy
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  • Yes, Mr. Barnes.

    Y/N is a normal girl with a normal dream - living and thriving in New York City. She lands a job at Barnes Law Firm, run by CEO James Barnes. She grows close with her coworkers, steering around her boss. The only thing getting in her way of the life she truly wants is her dark past. James is like any CEO, sitting on piles of money he can spend, lawyers out the ass, and women. Women everywhere. He grows a liking to Y/N when he notices that she'd rather spend her time flirting with his employees, rather than him. This sparks a fire inside him, leaving him obsessed, needing to know more about her.

    Ginny_Wise · Urban
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  • ~bloodline~

    Ginny_on_mars · Fantasy
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  • Seeking and Finding (HAPPINESS)

    Her life seemed to be ruined when Ginny Albright, owner of The Royals, a well-known perfume company in England, received many complaints and scatter criticism from many parties, including the mass media which continued to corner her and The Royals. Ginny received pressure after pressure so she had to sell her luxury house to save The Royals from bankruptcy and live in a small apartment Headry Cho, a well-known perfume entrepreneur in Asia intends to help Ginny to manage The Royals, but Ginny persists not to give what is hers to be managed by someone else. In the midst of the turmoil she is facing, Ginny finds Dave, her husband, who has betrayed her and left her alone with her only daughter.It didn't matter if her husband left her. However, the problem now is that Dave has pawned The Royals' land certificate to the Bank and forced Ginny to work hard again to defend her Royals. How did Ginny survive the devastation and pressure she received? Did Ginny manage to find and find happiness for herself?

    Shazia_Byun · Urban
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