
Fuyumi Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Shiki

    Shiki ("Corpse Demon" or "Death Spirit") is a Japanese horror novel written by Fuyumi Ono. It was originally published in two parts by Shinchosha in 1998. The story takes place during a particularly hot summer in 1994, in a small quiet Japanese village called Sotoba. A series of mysterious deaths begin to spread in the village, at the same time when a strange family moves into the long-abandoned Kanemasa mansion on top of a hill. Megumi Shimizu, a young girl who wanted to leave the village and move to the city, pays them a visit never to return. She is later found lying in the forest and tragically dies. Doctor Toshio Ozaki, director of Sotoba's only hospital, initially suspects an epidemic; however, as investigations continue and the deaths begin to pile up, he learns—and becomes convinced—that they are the work of the "shiki", vampire-like creatures, plaguing the village. A young teenager named Natsuno Yuuki, who hates living in the village, begins to be pursued and becomes surrounded by death.

    KyoIshigami · Horror
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  • The Demonic Child (Ono Fuyumi)

    The story is about friendship and love, deception and betrayal, ambition and lust for power. In the middle of it all is, Linghu Chong, an orphan who is the senior student of Yue Buqun, leader of Huashan Sect, and the protagonist of the story. The story deals with his journey and development as a swordsman and his witness to the various intrigues which take place in the martial world of the story. This is a translation of Ono Fuyumi's Mashou no Ko.

    RandomTranslator · Urban
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  • The Twelve Kingdoms (Juuni Kokuki) - Tradução PT-BR

    Tradução das Novels de Fuyumi Ono. As Novels inspiraram um anime de mesmo nome "The Twelve Kingdoms", produzido em 2002 pelo studio Pierrot, e adaptou parte da história. Eu me apaixonei pelo anime e sempre tive vontade de saber a continuação da história. Como não existem traduções para português, resolvi eu mesmo traduzi-la. Youko Nakajima é uma colegial exemplar, que está sempre tentando agradar aos outros. Ultimamente, uma série de pesadelos com estranhas bestas lhe perturbam o sono. Em um dia comum, Nakajima é surpreendida em sala de aula por um homem com vestes estranhas, este homem diz se chamar Keiki e ajoelhado aos seus pés lhe jura lealdade e diz que precisa levá-la a um outro lugar para protegê-la. Atordoada pela situação estranha e sem entender o que está acontecendo, eles são atacados por um pássaro gigante, parecido com os que Nakajima via em seus sonhos. Keiki foge com Nakajima para o terraço da escola, lá Nakajima se encontra com dois colegas de classe: Asano e Sugimoto, que acabam por se envolver na situação. Keiki entrega a Nakajima uma misteriosa espada e ordena que ela lute conta a besta, ela fica sem ação e indefesos contra a besta, Keiki invoca servos para que lutem contra o monstro. Não vendo mais saída, Keiki transporta os 3 para seu mundo - Os 12 Reinos - Em meio a viagem, todos acabam se separando. Agora eles devem aprender a sobreviver em um novo mundo, repleto de magia, bestas, espadas e imortais. Uma literatura rica, com um complexo desenvolvimento dos personagens, um mundo cheio de fantasia e uma invejável mitologia.

    Flap_Jack · Fantasy
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  • THO

    Right after his graduation from high school, Miyuki was forced to do ceremonial things related to vampires by Fuyumi, his only guardian who had adopted him after his parents passed away.

    Mariaaachan · Urban
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  • A Writer's Dream

    Ren Hasegawa. An aspiring writer. Fuyumi Chiaki, an anonymous novelist. Dreams about their works. Dreaming about the story about the novel they wrote, meeting each other in their dreams, all the way until actually predicting the future. Can they handle this phenomenon while more and more people get caught up in this dreaming mess?

    Keirushi · Realistic
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  • Nine Lives Book 1

    A normal boy name Ethan Huxley is a ordinary guy and Fuyumi is a mythical beast they will work together just to beat Helmer.

    ToToRuDesu · Fantasy
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  • Sekolah Terkutuk

    memecahkan kasus yang terjadi disekolah tersebut, begitu banyak kematian yang terjadi. Fuyumi seorang gadis yang berusaha memecahkan kasus yang berada di sekolahnya dan seorang nya berjalan waktu perlahan-lahan ia menemukan penyebab kematian ibunya

    gloria_aprilia · Sci-fi
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  • The Girl I Dreamt Of

    Hideo Fujiwara, a boy who dreamed that he's getting married. Fuyumi Miyazaki, the girl that Hideo has a crush on and greatly reassembles the girl in Hideo's dream. Kaede Sasaki, a shy girl who have a great personality and is in love with Hideo but can't get the courage to confess. How would this story play? Who knows?

    KalElPacia · Teen
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