
Free Classic Mystery Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Free Fall (Pyramid of Gold)

    Wraiths are genetically altered people who possess special abilities. However, ability doesn't always mean power: more often than not, it just makes you a target. This is especially true for Matthew, who might just be one of the most powerful wraiths in the world - and therefore, has to hide his power and use cunning in order to survive. And then there is that girl who wants him to join her rock band...

    Guiltythree · Sci-fi
  • The Infinite Mystery

    A generation's mighty and most powerful expert died mysteriously and reincarnated without any memories on a small planet far away from the Cultivation World. This small planet was earth. Five thousand years ago, a great calamity descended on earth. Countless Spatial Cracks appeared in the sky and beasts invaded. After hundreds of years of fighting, humans discovered they could awaken a battle spirit that can help them raise their strength and grant them the abilities that were simply unimaginable for humans before. Qin Feng also awakens his battle spirit but unfortunately, it was swallowed by his own birthmark, The Infinity Symbol. This was just the beginning of the mysteries that surrounded him like invisible specks of dust. He soon discovered that the 'Infinity Symbol' was actually not his birthmark but something mysterious from another world. The Infinity Symbol helped him awaken a Divine Battle Spirit and granted him a Nameless Cultivation Technique that was beyond the world's limit. He also discovered that he could not die! Every time, he was killed, he returned back in time with the memories of what is going to happen in the future. Soon after awakening the Divine Battle Spirit, a mysterious beautiful lady stepped into his life and told him that he does not belong to the earth. He was actually the reincarnation of someone called 'KING'. The mysteries that surrounded him like the invisible specks of dust started to come on the surface from the day of his awakening, revealing many secrets to him. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are some grammatical errors so please ignore them and enjoy the story. The cover doesn't belong to me. All rights of the cover belong to the original artist.

    RazaKarim · Fantasy
  • Not a Classic Wedding

    Adult Romance (21+) _____________________ Series Wedding #1 [Not a Classic Wedding] Kalvian dan Kalebriena melakukan perjodohan tanpa drama, kontrak, atau syarat apapun. Menurut mereka, menolak perjodohan hanya akan membuang waktu mereka. Pernikahan tetap terjadi, mereka tinggal menjalaninya. Namun, siapa yang menyangka bahwa mereka telah mengenal jauh sebelum perjodohan ini berlangsung. Bukan hanya mereka berdua, tapi juga melibatkan sepasang hati yang lain. Tapi hal itu hanya masalalu mereka, individualis seperti briena dan vian tidak akan pernah membiarkan masa lalu merusak masa depan mereka. Sekalipun harus menyakiti hati oranglain, bahkan juga hati mereka sendiri. Tidak perlu ada drama yang memuakkan. This is not a classic wedding _________________________________________ Series Wedding #2 [CEO Scandal's : Married with Benefit] "Menikahlah denganku," ujar pria itu masih dengan nada dinginnya. "Apa?" Lona begitu terkejut dengan ucapan pria itu. Perempuan itu berusaha menormalkan degub jantungnya yang tiba tiba menggila. "Oke, tenang, Lona. Mungkin saat ini kau masih terjebak ke dalam skenario yang kau ciptakan sendiri," ujarnya dalam hati. "Sadarlah!" "Menikahlah denganku, Nona Hilona Anpuanra." Pria itu samakin menajamkan pandangannya dan Hilona nyaris tenggelam karenanya. "Kenapa? Kenapa aku harus menikah denganmu?" tanya Hilona setelah tersadar jika lamaran yang di utarakan pria itu bukan dialog dalam skripsi imajinasinya. "Karena saat ini, kau sudah terlibat ke dalam skenario hidupku dan mau tidak mau kau harus menerimanya." Salah satu alis tebal milik pria itu terangkat ke atas. Ada senyum yang tertarik dalam sudut bibirnya yang penuh. "Tunggu! Apa maksudmu aku harus menerimanya?" tanya Hilona masih tak mengerti dengan skenario yang tiba tiba saja terjadi. "Anggap saja, pertemuan kita kemarin malam adalah skenario Tuhan untuk mempertemukan kita. Aku akan menjelaskan lebih lanjut setelah kita resmi menikah." Setelah mengatakan hal tersebut, pria itu pergi meningalkan Lona begitu saja. Gila! Ini benar benar skenario yang gila! Bagaimana bisa tiba tiba ada seorang pria melamar Hilona? Menyatakan seolah tidak ada skenario lain selain menikah. Wait! Pria itu mengatakan tentang pertemuan kemarin malam? Pertemuan apa? Hilona berusaha untuk menggali ingatannya tentang pertemuan yang di maksud pria itu. Ia sendiri masih bingung dengan apa yang terjadi. Dia sedang menceritakan kisah kelamnya dan tiba tiba saja salah satu skenario yang ia bayangkan terjadi di hidupnya. Perempuan itu menoleh ke samping, ia baru tersadar jika saat ini tidak sedang berada di apartemen lusuhnya. Semua perabotan di ruangan ini terlihat mahal dan berkelas. Hilona menatap pantulan dirinya yang terlihat sama, ia kemudian menatap ke arah satu titik. Ke arah kalung yang saat ini ia pakai. Perempuan itu tak ingat pernah memiliki kalung ini sebelumnya. Lalu tiba tiba sekelebat ingatan muncul di ingatanya. Tentang kejadian malam itu. Kejadian yang membuatnya terjebak dengan pria yang baru saja melamarnya. Pria rupawan dengan jabatan tinggi dan sangat terpandang. "Sial! Aku benar benar harus menikah dengan Kalan Arusha Adhyasta!" Hilona mengusap rambutnya frustasi.

    seinseinaa · History
  • Free: Otherworldly Adventure

    Long ago, on Cielo Continent. Humans were treated as slaves. There was no strong man among humans to stop this brutal fate. So they could not free themselves from foreign races. Then one day three people rose, denying their destiny. They want to break free from this slave chain. The team was led by Human Monarch, " The Conqueror ". He was so strong he swept all foreign races and combined all the humans scattered around the continent. Seeing there are powerful people among the human race who can contend with them, the foreign races finally chose to seek peace. They compromised and gave them land in North-East. Thus Humans finally lived in peace. ... Leon, Who was alone since birth has not experienced anything. Just some major up-downs. After his death, he is reborn in a new world full of mysteries. He goes on a journey totally opposite to his past life with his new friends and new challenges. A place where there is no hero or no villain. Everyone with their own story, motivation, and goal. Come join us and witness all of their sad and beautiful stories. ----------------------------- Chapter length: 1k+ words (Highest may get 1200+) ---------------------------- Author's note: New author here. Have no experience. This novel is like Shōnen. I always wanted to express my own imaginary adventure. So I hope my Shōnen-type story makes you guys enjoy it fully. If I have made any mistake and wrong in any case remind me. Also English is not my native language. There may be grammar mistakes. No system. Sorry for you guys. ----------------------------------- The cover picture is not mine, sorry I used it. But, If the owner has any problem contact me below: Email: leonsroad1@gmail.com Discord: StumblingtoSuccess#5154 I will be grateful if you do so. Thank you.

    StumblingtoSuccess · Fantasy
  • Beyond The Mystery

    The world is ruled by the law of nature, nature is unkind to every human. Is there something greater than nature that nature cannot touch? Not knowing that beyond every path there are some hidden mysteries. the blood, the soul, and the spirit of every human being have been sealed by 90% of its actual power in an enclosed space only the chosen one can unlock. why do we cultivate? what is cultivation? does talent makes you unrivaled. what can rivals talent? Follow Thomas and his sword on how he journey and battle through family, love, rejection, betrayal, and how he reaches the peak beyond humans comprehension. How he unravel the mystery that has been plaque on every human being for a millennium without them knowing. ************** please am a new writer be patient with me. Any errors you please notify me in the comment. I will make adjustments. you can add me on discord Evergreen#6303 ********************** Cover design by Roxanne Jane Black ******************† please support me with a donation https://ko-fi.com/evergreen_smile

    _Evergreen · Fantasy
  • ROmance MYstery

    Mylar Rodriguez is a waitress at Gentleman's club, a famous night club in Brooklyn, New York city. She finds herself in a hassle after her boss from the club revealed his intention of keeping her with him for as long as he wanted while using the excuse of a repayment of $80,000. And in the long run, she is involved in a one night stand with a big shot known as Camilo Wylder. Camilo is a young man who can't stand on his own without depending on his daddy who is a very rich business tycoon. Mylar finds out later on that she was in a really deep mess due to what she did out of compulsion and finds it difficult to think of a solution to her problem. Rumours about Camilo's habits are quite famous in the New York's papers and social media. Mylar took a big step after being pressurized by Vida, her best friend from gentleman's club. Mr Julian, Camilo's daddy accepted her into the family with open arms but with a condition of a contract marriage that will last for three years only. Elio, Camilo's younger brother and Mrs Camila, Camilo's mom liked Mylar very much and treated her like family but some others hated her especially Miss Emelda, Camilo's nanny and confidant. Elio falls in love with Vida and a new love story is formed. Mylar's curiosity reveals all the family's dirty secrets. Mr Julian's love affair and his plan to make Mrs Camila totally crazy by giving her the wrong drugs just to keep her properties for himself. Mylar saves Camilo from being killed by Mr Julian after he found out that he isn't his dad. Mystery finds it way into romance and romance finds it way into Mystery. PART TWO ROmance MYstery2 (FAMILY DRAMA) SYNOPSIS In order to cover up her secret about having a child out of wedlock, Mylar Tiffany Rodriguez had to find someone to put the blame on and that someone was going to be Camilo Diego Wylder, rich billionaire and mummy's spoilt boy. After a one night stand with a woman whom he almost ran over with his car, his life turned upside down. Mylar, the crazy and most popular stripper in Magic City Strip Club on 241 Forsyth St SW, Atlanta Georgia had recorded their sex video. Camilo's mom was forced to organized a contest to find a wife for her son by her father-in-law to please him after his failed seven dates but Mylar had to ruin it with her pregnancy news. His granddad literally ruined his life by arranging a contract marriage for both of them with the hope that one day, they will begin to love each other. "Hey daughter, we are moving in." Mylar's insanely terrible mom suddenly informed her that they'll be moving into her daughter's in-law's house because her gambler dad made a bet with their house and now they are homeless, broke and they do not have a place to live. More trouble for both Mylar and Camilo other than their daily trouble because Camilo's mom, his grandma and Mylar's parents despised each other. Here is a romance and a family drama with a twist for you to read. Enjoy.......

    OlubukunmiJokotoye · Urban
  • Death : Mystery Unsolved

    The world is on the verge of apocalypse, all no-thanks to the newly elected leader of TTO (The Terrorist Organization), who wants to conquer and rule over the world, by spreading terror [ the utmost form of fear ] all over the world. Within last 20 days ; 4 countries had already gotten hit by it. The blast in the industrial area of Country C, Chemical gas explosion under the thermal plant of Country A, Hijacking of airports area of Country NZ and today The disappearance of 5 high tech public service planes of Country H. Within just 20 days; millions of innocent people had already lost their lives , under this mass slaughter. But TTO won't remain silent , it will attack again , as for when and where, that's an underlying threat , a mystery which needs to be solved and needs to be stopped. But, what will happen , when the people who actually have the capabilities and powers to stop this apocalypse from happening , are SWORN ENEMIES of each other. Two agents; Agent S and Agent K ; who are the highly formidable and undefeatable foe of the entire world, who actually have the abilities to stop this apocalypse together , are actually each other's arch- nemesis. Two agents , who can't even tolerate to breath the same air as other, who can't even tolerate to pass their day without planning the strategies to kill each other. What will happen, when they will have to work together to save the world from this apocalypse ? Will they be able to stop it? Will they kill each other? Will they be able to join hands and work together? Will they be able to stop the next attack as well as to kill the leader of TTO, without killing each other at first? To know more , please read the story. Thank you.

    Silence · Sci-fi
  • World of Free Use

    Alex is dead and transmigrated to a planet called Nyxus where women and men can have free sex. He sent into the body of a kid from a middle-class family called Alex Gray who has a milf mom, father, married older sister, and young sister. This Book contains adult content Incest, Free-use, Harem, Netori, NTR etc... Anyone having a problem with Netori, NTR, and free use please don't read this story. Discord - https://discord.gg/gGX68uDEMZ If the link is expired dm in comments.

    Uniion · Fantasy
  • Fragments of Time [FREE/COMPLETED]

    Time goes. But love goes further. Elena Lee has a unique ability. She remembers everything she saw or heard at least once. Be it people, things or places. Her memory is like a puzzle the fragments of which are growing day by day whether the girl wants it or not. She doesn't know where this ability came from. Her first memories start at the age of 6 when she was adopted by a rich man, the head of the big pharmaceutical company. For many years she was trying to find something about her real parents but all in vain. Elena wants to find this piece of memory but she doesn't know that the missing fragment is in the hands of a man who is following her from the shadows. 12-9-19-20-5-14 20-15 25-15-21-18 8-5-1-18-20 He knows her past. He owns the key to her future. He wants to get the sacred knowledge hidden inside Elena's head even the girl herself doesn't know about. He wants her. But it's impossible to get both. 4-15 14-15-20 2-5-12-9-5-22-5 25-15-21-18 5-25-5-19 Time goes. The price for truth is life. Hers. His. Or the whole world. It depends on how to use the missing fragments. And he has to make a choice. The Master. 20-5-19-5-18'19 12-1-23 14-21-13-2-5-18 9 6-15-12-12-15-23 25-15-21-18 6-5-1-18-19 *** The original cover photo is mine.

    Anya_Nesh · Sci-fi
  • Classic Fantasy Story

    Dunia dimana sihir dan monster berada. Oh ya! Skill dan System juga ada! Felrick Algor protagonis kita hidup dalam dunia yang tidak masuk akal ini dan inilah petualangannya..! [Condition has been met.] [Beginning Synchronization...] [Completed.] *note: - karena saya buat dadak jadi ga rapih sama jadwal rilis bisa lama banget. - Dont forget to write a review, ok?

    Louinous · Fantasy
  • Free and Unfettered

    Dying at the hands of a person she loved, she, who had once loved with all her might, felt that the world was full of bleakness. Having a new start, her new body had her gender hidden from the world at the time of her birth. Free and unfettered, cold and aloof. Sadism is just another facet of her personality. Nine Destan is the Crown Prince to a thriving Empire. To save her brother, she makes a choice. What's hers, she protects. For those with wandering hands, lay off. Rather than being powerless to protect, she would rather throw herself in headfirst. Just when she thought everything would end, danger creeps and tribulations lurk. Nine, "Vampires can't have children." The Male Lead, who ended up letting go of his morals and sexuality, "Even if I'm a male, I can make it work!" °•°•°• ...... Genres: Fantasy, Romance Current Release Rate: Completed https://discord.gg/AzDQaDy Do not own the cover photo. This story originally started off as a diversion from the original story 'The Captivating Crown Prince' for the first few chapters.

    Rxel · Fantasy
  • A Classic Tale of Romance

    In the west, a republican revolution rages on, swirling into a storm that threatens to swallow the whole world with them. At the eye of it, two souls meet, not knowing each other's allegiance. This work of fiction was written as part of NaNoWriMo 2023.

    deussacramentum · LGBT+
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  • Eclipse: The Terror of Mystery

    As mankind was swept in the chaos, the world terraformed. But for Asher, it was always the same. Before the collapse, wealth was the only law, a place where the poor were needed for their work. Now , the strongest ruled, and they had no concessions for the weak.

    InfernusReal · Fantasy
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  • Cannon fodder in a classic cultivation story

    Su Jing transmigrated into a story. Now, you might think that's all well and good, but let's not forget one crucial detail: Su Jing was not the star of this story, not by a long shot. The spotlight belonged to someone else, a girl who's got it all—talent, luck, power, and even a beautiful man who's madly in love with her. And Su Jing? She's just trying not to get killed, which is no small feat in a realm where folks trained endlessly to harness their inner qi and do supernatural things like fly on swords, shoot fireballs, and debate the meaning of life while suspended upside-down on mountaintops. As Su Jing navigates through this over-the-top story, she discovers that her mere presence is throwing everything off balance. She's not the chosen one, and she's definitely not here to save the day. But somehow, the story is changing, and Su Jing isn't even lifting a finger. Let's just say her days of boring, ordinary existence were officially over. disclaimer: English is not my first language! Slow progress, weak and unwilling protagonist. It may not appeal to everybody.

    Fuhua · Fantasy
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