Zhao Feng works hard to prove himself better than peers in the Martial Arts Training Ground, but just when he's about to give up, a mysterious black, marble-like, object fuses with his left eye, granting him the powers of the ancient gods. With his newfound powers, Zhao Feng embarks on the journey toward becoming the greatest martial artist of all time.
Bobby works hard to prove himself better than peers in the Martial Arts Training Ground, but just when he's about to give up, a mysterious black, marble-like, object fuses with his left eye, granting him the powers of the ancient gods. With his newfound powers, Bobby embarks on the journey toward becoming the greatest martial artist of all time...
Zhao Feng travaille dur pour se prouver meilleur que ses pairs sur le Terrain d'Entraînement des Arts Martiaux, mais juste au moment où il est sur le point d'abandonner, un mystérieux objet noir, semblable à une marbre, fusionne avec son œil gauche, lui octroyant les pouvoirs des dieux anciens. Avec ses nouveaux pouvoirs, Zhao Feng se lance dans le périple pour devenir le plus grand artiste martial de tous les temps.
The small farmer inherited the legacy of the Medical God, leading the villagers to wealth and prosperity. With his exceptional skills, he became the ultimate prodigy!