
Eyewitness Konusu Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Blind Rape

    Maya Turner's life takes a dark turn when she becomes the victim of a horrifying assault in her own apartment. As the legal battle unfolds, she finds herself entangled in a web of complexity, manipulation, and public scrutiny. Facing legal hurdles, Maya's case becomes a challenging battlefield as the cunning defense lawyer, Alex Hamilton, exploits legal nuances to obscure the pursuit of justice. The media circus surrounding the trial exposes Maya's past, unraveling family secrets and previous relationships that further complicate her situation. Prosecutor Sarah Ramirez, initially hesitant, takes on Maya's case, but the relentless pressure of the public eye weighs heavily on her. Meanwhile, Maya's childhood friend, Jake, unveils a significant secret tied to her past, altering the narrative of the assault. The credibility of Maya's case falters when a crucial eyewitness changes their testimony, introducing doubt. Maya's ex-boyfriend, Mark, and his ties to an underground crime network further muddy the waters as the defense capitalizes on these connections to cast doubt on Maya's character. A surprising witness emerges, providing a potential alibi, but the trial becomes a psychological battlefield as Alex Hamilton manipulates emotions and perceptions. Investigative journalist Lisa discovers hidden motives, revealing dark secrets among those involved in the case. A pivotal turning point comes when the surprise witness's alibi is exposed as fabricated, shaking the defense's credibility. Maya's resilience in the face of adversity becomes a beacon of inspiration as Sarah Ramirez introduces new evidence that shifts the momentum of the trial. In a climactic courtroom scene, justice prevails. The truth unfolds, exposing the real assailant and vindicating Maya. The community rallies behind her, providing the support she needs to rebuild her life after a grueling journey through shattered shadows.

    Manosh_Sootehar · Teen
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  • Hard Knocks

    "I will seize my destiny for myself in this new world. I will obtain the freedom I seek, or die in it's pursuit." Eric Zakhele Xolani-Xing, 29 years old- Protagonist African/Chinese American Former underground cage fighter, Olympic boxer, wrestler and mixed martial artist. Born in a small town in Northern California, USA, to a Zulu African father and a Chinese mother from Hong Kong. Brother to Aaron Jabulani Xolani-Xing. Parents died in a car accident when he was 17, resulting in him taking care of Aaron from then on. The deaths had happened the day after he had won a gold medal in Olympic wrestling and before he won the gold in boxing, the news only reaching him the day after. He would go on to college on a full ride scholorship for wrestling, getting a degree in finance by the time he was 20. Served in the military on active duty until he was 22. Joined the UFC, with Aaron as his manager/coach, and swept 3 belts from their respective weight classes until he was 25. Having a perfect record, he sought out for more challenges and found an underground fighting league. He went around the world fighting in cage fights against all kinds of opponents, some if whom even used weapons. He fought them all bare handed, rarely receiving a scratch. It was then that his brother Aaron was approached by a man who simply went by Mr. Long. He informed him that Eric was to lose his next fight, with a reward of 4 times the normal prize money, and that failing to comply would not in his "best interest". Aaron told Eric, they agreed to leave the underground, which lead to them being brought before a Yakuza boss that served as Mr. Long's superior. He held Aaron hostage while Eric went to the next fight where he was to take a dive in the second round. The option was stolen from him in the first round however, when his opponent fell over from a heart attack after attacking him wildly for 2 minutes. The boss actually took the loss with grace and allowed the two brothers to leave with no repercussions, believing Eric to be a bad omen for him and his men. Mr. Long however, had been siphoning money from the organization and had taken a much larger loss than anyone that fight. In a rage, he found Aaron and shot him in the back of the head in broad daylight outside of a grocery store in Amsterdam. Eric, who had been out on a morning run, returned to find his brother being taken away on a stretcher. CCTV and eyewitnesses revealed who had done it. And so Eric began his rampage in pursuit of the man. After 3 years of chasing him around the world, he eventually concluded his revenge. Followed immediately by his own demise. Only to awake in a new world, in a younger body, and with a new mountain of adversity before him. Now he seeks freedom. For that he will need status. For status he will need power. For power... he will need to fight.

    Xldub09 · Action
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  • A perfect world: BREAK

    A teenager who just turned 18 and just days ago got his diploma is signing up for the hero program known as Hero Society. The Hero Society is the most famous hero institution in the world, having thousands of people try to sign up and join. This teenager (named Daniel) passes all exams with flying colors and manages to join as one of the most skilled in his class. Daniel trains with his class and the teachers for weeks. After these weeks of training, Daniel finally gets to go out on the field. While scouting, Daniel notices someone getting robbed. Daniel hurried to help make it just in time. He fights the villain, but having a lack of control over his abilities kills the man. Daniel goes to court. He gets released after many eyewitnesses and cameras back him up. about three weeks after court, Daniel gets captured by a villain who claims to be the brother of the person he killed. After Weeks of the worst torturing known to man whipping, cutting, beating, tearing out finger and toe nails, pouring exetremly hot water on him, taking a spoon to his eye and pulling it out, and much more, finally someone finds him and helps him escape. while in the hospital, Daniel gets a vision about a world without heroes or villains. This world was so perfect, but the one thing that he noticed the most about the vision was that he was the one leading this perfect world. Daniel made up his mind that day since heroes couldn't save anyone, and villains kept hurting people he decided. "it's time for a change." ******************************************** I will be uploading a chapter 6 times a week. Also, the book cover is not of my making. If you are the maker and do not want it on there, do tell. ******************************************** Sorry for the lack of updates. Recently, I have lacked the interest to update the book. It's not because of people reading. Actually, this book has grown so much that it's incredible. I just have lost interest in making the book because it takes up two-three hours of my day. Currently, I'm a sophomore in high school, and I just lack time to make the book. I will continue to make the book, but it won't be as much as before.

    FG_Frost · Action
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  • Skinwalkers: based on a true tale

    They are relentless and ferocious. They hunt men as though they are animals. They do not fear any weapons man made or otherwise. Worse of all, they take on a shape that we trust, they can be your family, friends, or even your pet. Be wary of everything. I write this now because I feel that this story must be known to all, even at the risk of my own life. What are these creatures called? The American Indians called them skinwalkers, those that walk the world as monsters in human skin, other legends call them vampires, werewolves, even trolls. Join me as we explore what these creatures have done to a small town in southern Colorado. These events are based on a true story. Thirty-six eyewitnesses have came forward and told their side and this is the story I have pieced together.

    Mr_Eppeak · Horror
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    Grace Bush, the only child of a prominent Canadian family, was known for her modesty, kindness, and respectfulness. Regrettably, a traumatic incident transpired on the happiest day of her life, claiming the lives of her entire family, shattering her world, and leaving an indelible mark on her very being. With her father dead and her mother in a vegetative state, she found herself as the sole eyewitness and survivor of the fatal incident. She underwent a profound transformation; the once sweet, innocent child became wild, self-centered, and disrespectful. Some even call her crazy. To lay claim to her late father's wealth, she had to learn the ropes of the firm industry. However, things didn't unfold as expected. Just when she felt like giving up, fate intervened, offering her an unforeseen chance to break free from the confines of her troubled hometown through a life-altering job opportunity. Enter Noah Creed, the stunningly handsome billionaire CEO of the S.O. publishing industry in New York, who seemed to have it all—wealth, looks, and success. Despite being a three-time divorcee, a father, and engaged to an aspiring model, Noah had never truly understood or desired love. That is, until he crossed paths with the unpredictable and wild Grace Bush, a newcomer in his film industry. Little did he know that meeting Grace would open a new chapter in his life. The catch? Grace worked for him, and romantic involvement among staff members was strictly prohibited. Prepare yourself for a captivating office romance novel that is a must-read as the story of Grace and Noah unfolds in unexpected and exciting ways.

    ClaraStar · Urban
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    Sarah never thought that she would become a prisoner of a mafia as well as a billionaire who was very famous for his wealth and cruelty. starting from Sarah who was walking after work, she accidentally saw the tragedy of a murder in a dead end alley near her company. The man realized that Sarah was an eyewitness to the murder that Marcelino Andreas committed, but Andreas didn't want to let Sarah go because he thought that the woman could open her mouth at any time. "Forgive me sir" Sarah pleaded with her lips trembling with fear Marcelino smirked. "I can't trust anyone including you, you have to be under my supervision until I'm sure that you won't do anything wrong" Since then, Sarah has lived in fear in Marcelino Andreas' luxurious Mansion. "You are too beautiful for me to throw away on the street, be my bed warmer, then you will live full of wealth" concluded Marcelino

    KimNia · Urban
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  • ADURA: Killer of the Sand Desert

    A girl named Yena has been working as the King's Personal Guard in the Kingdom of Altair for quite some time. She was appointed directly by the King of the kingdom. She is also entrusted with guarding the legendary sword, Er'dura, as its official owner. However, before Yena's four-year term was up, rumors spread of a hitman targeting important people in the kingdom. This news spread throughout the country, including the Aisty State. Yena was immediately assigned to investigate the case thoroughly, racing against time, as murders continued to occur. The perpetrator brutally left their victims' bodies without heads. Yena, who was almost desperate, returned home briefly to rest and clear her mind from the task. Unexpectedly, a young man named Hazard appeared out of nowhere, buying a house around her residence. His physical features were exactly the same as the killer's, according to eyewitness accounts. Unfortunately, no one knows what his real face looks like. Thus, Yena's suspicion needs to be investigated further, making her more interested in uncovering who the person behind the mask really is. *** "Don't worry, ma'am. I promise to solve all the crimes committed during this era of King Altair." "Regardless of the circumstances, family is the first thing that I must protect." "I am also a prince, and it is my duty to protect my homeland from traitors and destructive creatures." "Although our interests differ, our goals are the same. That is, to send you straight to hell!" *** Update: Very slow.

    DeanyNa · Fantasy
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  • English-language werewolf novel from the mid-to-late 1980s

    The book begins much as you described. An anthropologist is listening to members of a primitive tribe talk about how a werewolf had been killing people, twelve years ago, in sprees which always occurred during a full moon, until the tribal shaman was able to come up with a way to kill the monster. The scholar is interested in letting them talk, but personally suspects the "werewolf" was something like a victim of rabies who foamed at the mouth and seemed inhumanly strong as he went on a rampage -- although it is odd that he would survive long enough to launch three killing sprees at monthly intervals. The scholar silently speculates that perhaps there were multiple rabid attackers, in a monthly cycle -- each new one having been infected by the previous before he died of his disease, and only the last of them was somehow trapped and killed by the men of the tribe, who then blamed this "monster" for all of the previous killings. The scholar is trying to be polite, but evidently his skepticism shows through. The shaman is offended at being patronized by a white man who thinks he already knows all the answers. The shaman had kept a souvenir of the werewolf, dried out and in powdered form, believing it still contained the power to create another werewolf if need be. The shaman (called "Ugalde") puts that special powder into a bottle of whiskey and then . . . With the swiftness of a man half his age, the Indian leaped from a sitting position onto the other's chest, as if he were pinning him in some friendly athletic contest. But the crazed expression covering his face and the keenness of the knife blade removed any trace of ordinary competition from the action. Ugalde sat the bottle viciously on the ground next to the visitor's face and tipped the neck of it toward his mouth. "Drink," he ordered. "Ugalde!" the man cried frantically. Visions of wriggling microbes being revitalized by the liquor flooded his mind. Could any life survive for a dozen years in such a dehydrated state? Yes, yes, viruses could live for centuries! "What in the name of God are you doing?" A sneer replaced the sullen look the older man had worn. "Your god! You believe your eye, white man, and only that, so drink and see what the devils you don't know can cause a living spirit to become! Drink, or I will cut your throat!" Then a good chunk of the book deals with brutal murders taking place, always on the night of a full moon, and various characters getting interested in the investigation, for various reasons. At first, there's a serious lack of surviving eyewitnesses to describe the mysterious attacker to the cops, but gradually the evidence accumulates that something strongly resembling a Hollywood-style werewolf is involved in these homicides. We readers, of course, have a very good idea of how that happened. Then another large chunk of the book deals with what happens in one horrible night after the anthropologist has been taken into custody. (I think he finally surrendered himself to the police, voluntarily, and described everything he could remember about the incident with the shaman, and what's happened since then on the nights with full moons in the sky.) You are correct that becoming a werewolf appeared to be a type of communicable disease, although I can't recall if it was specifically established, during the novel, to be a "germ" or "virus" or what. You are also correct that silver was particularly effective against a werewolf. Other weapons could pierce its flesh, but it appeared to recover very rapidly from such wounds. (Sort of like Wolverine's mutant "healing factor" in the X-Men comics and movies.)

    Catalyst_Horror · Action
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