
Dejavu Novels & Books - WebNovel

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    "Under the lamppost, I recall the time we first met. You failed to see me in the crowd.'' Three years later, same place, same person, same feelings. But this time, will the feelings become mutual...?

    rin_space · Realistic
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    Deja vu

    Time cannot die Time cannot be stopped Time continued to flows Forward Forward Yet it can turn its direction Return Return Till your life has gone Till the moment of your existence began Till your soul has been created And in that Time You can meet the end of the beginning And you will Realize Death only awaits you. Whether you move forward or go backwards Death is the Ending of Time -Destiny

    lYuren · Fantasy
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    De Ja Vu

    Moments like this doesn't come very often... but when it does you have to take it Fragments of memories, lost into the unknown. Returning and feelings as if you've already been there... When you don't have a clue, you don't know You don't understand but for some reason it feels familiar as if you just have to know.... De Ja Vu

    20a22lexi14 · Teen
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    DEJA VU.

    Century_Lifestyle · Urban
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    who am I to you

    'His....... mere existence made me flustered' I know your never going to be mine. Atleast let me stay by your side. I won't forget that your my boss and I'm your secretary but what am I supposed to do with my heart ..........Your mere existence make me flustered'............. William Alder mysterious Multi billionaire...... An unavoidable love story between a mysterious billionaire and his temporary secretary.

    Dejavu_Dejavu · Fantasy
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    amarah bahagia

    Ruangan khusus 18+, dibawah itu author tidak bertanggung jawab yeah. Bagaimana rasanya saat anda seperti Reinkarnasi dari seseorang tanpa di lahirkan kembali? Yang lebih mengejutkan ternyata tahun, bulan, bahkan kalian di lahirkan di hari yg sama? Namun di belahan negri yg berbeda? Kalian bukan saudara kembar lahir dan di besar kan dalam lingkungan yg saling bertolak belakang. Itu lah yg di alami Fauziah Arzanetta, dia merasa kan sebuah kejadian yg tak tertuga, mimpi aneh serta merasa pernah berada di situasi yg bahkan belum pernah ia jejaki, itu bukan sebuah DeJavu semata? Mengejutkan Fauziah bahkan di pilih sebagai pewaris sah dari seseorang yg tidak dia kenal, di penghujung usianya orang itu menyebut namanya sebagai pewaris tunggal semua harta yg dimilikinya padahal mereka belum pernah saling mengenal. Kesamaan wajah keduanya seolah yg telah tiada hidup kembali bahkan mereka mencintai pria yg sama, namun sang pria hanya mencintai salah satu di antara mereka. Bagaimana cinta lain turut andil mengacaukan cinta sejati Fauziah menjadi cinta yg bukan segitiga lagi namun segi empat? Penasaran yuk, Happy Reading.

    Fitri_Dwyta · Teen
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    Kelahiran Kembali Sang Manusia Serigala

    "Kita akan bertemu seribu purnama lagi, Cintaku. Tapi tentu saja Kau akan menemukanku dalam raga yang berbeda, tunggu aku," begitulah suara jiwa cinta sejatinya. "Jika kita tidak bertemu dalam kurun waktu seribu purnama, maka Dewi Bulan telah mengubah takdir kita. Kau bebas memilih penggantiku di sisimu," serigala itu melanjutkan pesan terakhirnya yang cukup panjang. _______ "Rachel, I love you," Danique mendekatkan bibirnya ke wajah Rachel. Rachel membeku di tempat, ini seperti dejavu. Ia merasa seperti pernah mengalami kejadian ini sebelumnya. Berada di lift berdua bersama Danique dan lelaki itu mengajaknya berciuman. "TIDAK, INI CUMA MIMPI!" teriaknya. "Mimpi? Ini nyata, Sayang," Danique memundurkan badannya karena kaget oleh teriakan gadis itu. Benar-benar membingungkan, Rachel pernah mengalami ini tetapi di dunia mimpi. Ia terbangun waktu itu karena melihat sesuatu yang ganjil di dada lelaki itu. Rachel menggeleng dan memegang dahinya. "Mengapa, Sayang? Pusing?" ucap Danique dengan lembut. "Tidak, minggirlah," Rachel menggeser kakinya menghindari Danique. Lelaki itu berbahaya, mulutnya manis dan lembut tetapi isi otaknya tidak mungkin tidak berisi kebrengsekan. "Ada yang salah denganku?" Melihat tingkah Rachel, Danique semakin bingung. Baru kali ini Ia melihat Rachel pucat pasi, bibirnya memutih dan sangat ketara karena menggunakan lipstick yang tipis. "Tidak, hanya saja Kau berbulu," racau Rachel sembari masih memijit keningnya. "Hah, berbulu? Enak saja, aku tidak berbulu. Apakah Kau pernah melihatku melepas baju? Sini kuperlihatkan dada telanjangku," mendengar tuduhan Rachel, Danique mengotot. Danique melepas kancing jas hitamnya tetapi seketika dihentikan oleh Rachel. "Hei, mesum! Apa yang Kau lakukan? Hentikan!" Danique hanya tertawa, Ia pun mengikuti gadis itu keluar lift dengan sedikit lega. Sedangkan dalam hati Rachel, masih terpatri beberapa pertanyaan tentang kejadian di lift. Ia pernah mengalami itu dalam mimpinya, Ia masih ingat padahal sudah sembilan puluh lima tahun berlalu. Dalam mimpi tersebut, Rachel berteriak lantang karena menyadari apa yang Ia alami hanya mimpi. *** Mahaya Liliana 2 Juni 2022

    MahayaLiliana · Fantasy
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    Dejavu Ayra

    Ayra gadis 17thn yang duduk di sekolah menengah atas berambisi mempunyai puluhan pacar karena pengkhianatan sang ayah dengan ibunya. Dan diapun suatu hari menemukan pria seperti ayahnya yang berkhianat kepadanya saat dia sudah merasakan cinta. Berbagai konflik dan rahasia pertemanan pun dimulai saat Ayra mengetahui teman dekatnya berbuat curang terhadapnya. Ayra merasa terkhianati berulang kali sampai akhirnya diapun membuat rencana nakal di kehidupannya. Akankah Ayra suatu hari menemukan pria yang benar benar sayang kepadanya? Hay Readers ini cerita atau novel pertama ku ,mohon dukungannya ya. Happy reading All....

    Lya_Karmila_Lala · Teen
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    Connection by Dejavu

    A novel based on the journey of male who found his true love in his dream and eventually met her in his life

    Manish_Gabru · General
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    Fate or Dejavu?

    Whether this is fate or a déjà vu, if life has given him this additional opportunity, grab it!

    Missrxist · Fantasy
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    Dejavu Asmara

    Travell_Bersolo · Teen
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    Dejavu : The story of the moon princess

    Lilysa_tutu3 · Fantasy
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    The Legend Reborn : King's Raid [DejaVu]

    Previously in the fantasy world there was a very good and great man and he was even named chairman. there is Raider Empire. However, he died on the battlefield. His followers tried to make him reborn and the all is good. He can reborn. There were 7 girls, they were childhood friends one of them a princess. They are sent to human nature to find their leader. Follow this adventure of 7 knight girls. They group name is DreamCatcher.

    lyxialiyana · Fantasy
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    Déjà vu

    Time cannot die Time cannot be stopped Time continued to flows Forward Forward Yet it can turn its direction Return Return Till your life has gone Till the moment of your existence began Till your soul has been created And in that Time You can meet the end of the beginning And you will Realize Death only awaits you. Whether you move forward or go backwards Death is the Ending of Time

    lYuren · Fantasy
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    Déjà Vu

    Gavin and Matthew just want to get home to enjoy Christmas Eve in their safe, warm apartment. Should they walk or take a cab? But will either option do the trick when Victor, suffering from his holiday blahs, is determined to undermine this happy twosome at every turn?<br><br>Years ago, Victor made the unfortunate mistake of coming out to his family on Christmas. Why couldn’t he have picked a random summer day? Can Victor’s husband Bryan pull him out of his gloomy mood in order to give the popular Gavin and Matthew the merry Christmas they deserve?

    Addison Albright · LGBT+
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    Ambonnnn · Teen
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    Déja vû

    tales from the life of an 19yr old college student

    NorthStarForce · Urban
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    Knight Dragon

    In ancient times there had been a battle between the power of darkness and the power of white, after a thousand years later a genius child was born who had strength above the average for his age, it turned out that he was a child who was predicted by the world who would destroy the power of darkness once again. On the way, it turned out that the two parents of the child were killed by a messenger from the Sect College who was the sworn enemy of the Sect College where his parents studied martial arts. Let's see the full story

    DejaVu11 · Fantasy
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    The Accursed Hero

    A summoned hero from Earth died and is reincarnated as second prince of the Asura Kingdom but he's casted out. Will he choose to be a hero again or a villain? [I Do Not Own Any pics.] [This is the story I created by combining different novels. So don't mind if you get dejavu.]

    Z6R1A · Fantasy
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    Swords X Souls: Rise of a Goddess

    [Reset] [Reset] [Reset] [Restarting] [Restructuring Database] [Warning of overuse of resets] "A god who made a mistake again with his beloved girl... and a history that repeats itself again..." This story of which that girl is a part... she feels she already lived it... reincarnation or nostalgia? Or rather... Dejavu?

    AlkyKyline2022 · Fantasy
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