
Bobo Stewart Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Unwanted Marriage: Honey, No More Divorce!

    After three years of marriage, Wendy Stewart was used to Michael Lucas's sarcastic remarks, his frequent threats about getting divorced, and even his indulgence of a mistress. She thought that she could bear with this her entire life, until she accidentally got pregnant with a child that Michael did not want. Finally despondent, Wendy signed the divorce agreement and left. She thought they could have parted ways forever, but Michael refused to stop looking for her after the divorce. When they met again, she was the world's top designer. Smiling sweetly at her ex-husband, she said, "My dear, we're already divorced." Michael simply stared at her coldly, "Tell me, what will it take for us to reconcile?"

    TheHana · Urban
  • Matrimonio no deseado: ¡Cariño, no más divorcio!

    Después de tres años de matrimonio, Wendy Stewart estaba acostumbrada a los comentarios sarcásticos de Michael Lucas, sus amenazas frecuentes sobre el divorcio e incluso su indulgencia con una amante. Pensó que podría soportar todo esto toda su vida, hasta que accidentalmente quedó embarazada de un niño que Michael no quería. Finalmente desesperada, Wendy firmó el acuerdo de divorcio y se fue. Pensó que podrían haberse separado para siempre, pero Michael se negó a dejar de buscarla después del divorcio. Cuando se encontraron de nuevo, ella era la mejor diseñadora del mundo. Sonriendo dulcemente a su exmarido, dijo: —Mi querido, ya estamos divorciados. Michael simplemente la miró fríamente: —Dime, ¿qué hará falta para que nos reconciliemos?

    TheHana · Urban
  • Chasing The Vengeful Villainous Heiress

    (MATURE CONTENT) A Villainess, they called her. A killer. A psychopath. A demon. Mentally unstable, and a crazy bitch. Well, they were right about the crazy part but it wasn't exactly the kind of crazy they were thinking of. Though so many crimes were pinned on her back, she was innocent of all but she proudly wore the label of being a villainess. But in front of the one whom she loved, she was defenseless and could only shudder with the sheer thought of him inflicting pleasure through his supposed 'suffering'. "Valerie, Valerie, Valerie. Do you know why I keep chasing you?" Valerie looked at this man in front of her with no vivid emotion on her face and she sighed. "What do you want, Max?" "It's not a 'what', Valerie. It's a 'who'." He took a lock of her hair and kissed it. "I want you and I will chase you down and make you suffer more than you made me suffer." "And when do you plan to make me 'suffer'?" Valerie asked, showing no hint of fear as she folded her arms. Max's lips curled up in a smirk and he said, "It's up to you, princess." Valerie, the heiress of the Ross group, the second-largest corporation in the country, had a bad reputation for being a villainess. Called a villainess by choice and was thus a villainess as clean as a slate. Attempts on her life were made. Crimes were pinned on her back. It was already getting out of hand and what she was fighting for was being threatened, so she decided to lay low. She decided to take a vacation. But even then she could not enjoy her 'vacation' in peace. 'He' was following her! They had a past, back in highschool. Now, he was the representative of the Stewart group, the leading corporation in the country. "You can't escape my clutches, Valerie Ross! I will chase you to the ends of the Earth if need be. Even to the depths of hell!" Unable to ignore him or the feelings hidden in her heart, she decided to confront him. Bind him to herself and use him as a pawn in her game of revenge chess. But that was until, he decided to make her 'suffer'. Yeah, she would gladly enjoy the feeling of suffering in his hands. Because... he was the only one she loved and would ever love. ******** Before you read, know that both MC's have a bit of loose screws in there heads. I'm being literal. Read and you'll find out what I'm talking about. They need help. But in the quest for revenge, no one can be completely sane, I guess. Anyway, just read on. I hope you enjoy it. ********** please check out my completed work, I Am An Illegitimate Child With A Legitimate Reason For Revenge And my latest book on apocalypse, The Fate Of The World Is In My Hands, But All I Want To Do Is Eat! yeah, the title is freaky. Hope u like it too

    Author_fredah · Urban
  • Casamento indesejado: Querida, chega de divórcio!

    Após três anos de casamento, Wendy Stewart estava acostumada com as observações sarcásticas de Michael Lucas, suas frequentes ameaças sobre se divorciarem, e até mesmo sua indulgência com uma amante. Ela pensou que poderia suportar isso por toda a vida, até que acidentalmente engravidou de uma criança que Michael não queria. Finalmente desesperada, Wendy assinou o acordo de divórcio e foi embora. Ela pensou que poderiam ter se separado para sempre, mas Michael se recusava a parar de procurá-la após o divórcio. Quando se encontraram novamente, ela era a designer mais famosa do mundo. Sorrindo docemente para o ex-marido, ela disse: "Meu querido, já estamos divorciados." Michael simplesmente encarou-a friamente, "Diga-me, o que será necessário para nos reconciliarmos?"

    TheHana · Urban
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  • The Billionaire's Glamorous Wife

    Three years ago, Madeline was deeply in love and made significant sacrifices for her boyfriend, Bruce Stewart, including donating her kidney to his mother and suffering from the resulting health complications. These sacrifices led to her gaining weight and losing her once-renowned beauty. Despite her loyalty and love, Bruce betrayed her by having an affair with her half-sister, Leila. This betrayal was devastating for Madeline, who was once a celebrated beauty in the city. Heartbroken and humiliated, Madeline disappeared for three years. During this time, she underwent a remarkable transformation, regaining her beauty and confidence. Now, she returns with a mission to seek revenge on those who wronged her.

    black_flowertrend · Urban
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  • Ungewollte Heirat: Schatz, keine Scheidung mehr!

    Nach drei Jahren Ehe hatte sich Wendy Stewart an die sarkastischen Bemerkungen von Michael Lucas gewöhnt, an seine häufigen Scheidungsdrohungen und sogar daran, dass er sich eine Geliebte gönnte. Sie glaubte, dies ihr Leben lang ertragen zu können, bis sie versehentlich mit einem Kind schwanger wurde, das Michael nicht wollte. Schließlich unterschrieb Wendy verzweifelt die Scheidungsvereinbarung und zog aus. Sie dachte, sie könnten sich für immer trennen, aber Michael weigerte sich, nach der Scheidung aufzuhören, nach ihr zu suchen. Als sie sich wiedertrafen, war sie die Top-Designerin der Welt. Sie lächelte ihren Ex-Mann freundlich an und sagte: "Mein Lieber, wir sind bereits geschieden." Michael starrte sie nur kalt an: "Sag mir, was muss geschehen, damit wir uns wieder versöhnen?"

    TheHana · Urban
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  • Villain: Girlfriend Thief

    (Warning! Extreme levels of puns intended!) Living in poverty and never having the chance to enjoy his youth, Alan died in an unexpected incident. He then wakes up to find himself as a side character in the novel he read as a child. "Welcome, chosen one! This is the world of Arcana!" "You have been bestowed with the title 'Girlfriend Thief'!" "Make the target woman submit to you using only your tongue and steal her from her boyfriend!" Will Alan be able to survive in this world of magic and monsters, using his new virile body? ---------------------------------- Additional tags: Smut-- Magic-- Handsome Male lead-- No NTR (only Netori) -- No Yuri --Vampire girls -- Elves-- Monster girls -- Demon girls -- Angels -- Dating simulator system -- Mind break ---------------------------------- "Some people think that money, power and looks is all it takes to keep their women from leaving them." "Some people think that women like gentle, kind and caring boys." "Some people think that any sort of roughness is a turn off." "But you are an exception, aren't you?" ~ Rosalind Stewart to Adam ----------------------------------- This novel does have action but most of it involves smut :D Reader discretion advised. ----------------------- None of my works are dropped, and I'll update all of them. But! Like a particular series and want me to update it more than the others? Just let me know in the comments!

    Ani_On_Fire · Fantasy
  • Our Wedding Night

    Paige Campbell Stewart, the youngest daughter among the two children of the STEWART family thought marriage with her long-time sweetheart– Nolan Paterson was all she needed to make her life complete. Not until she caught him red-handed with Itzel, her older sister on their wedding night. The night that was supposed to be passionate and happy, turned gloomy and dark for Paige. She was torn to shreds physically and emotionally. Escaping her reality of betrayal on that rainy night, she lost her life in a gory accident. But fate seemed to be playing games with her when she found herself back in time. Given a second chance at life with revenge as her utmost goal. She is like a wolf on the hunt– how far can she go? What if Love comes knocking once again? Will she be yielding to find true happiness?

    Henrietta_Otu · Urban
  • Mariage Non Désiré : Chérie, Plus de Divorce !

    Après trois années de mariage, Wendy Stewart était habituée aux remarques sarcastiques de Michael Lucas, ses menaces fréquentes de divorcer et même son indulgence envers une maîtresse. Elle pensait qu'elle pourrait supporter cela toute sa vie, jusqu'à ce qu'elle tombe accidentellement enceinte d'un enfant que Michael ne voulait pas. Finalement désespérée, Wendy signa l'accord de divorce et partit. Elle pensait qu'ils auraient pu se séparer pour toujours, mais Michael refusa de cesser de la chercher après le divorce. Lorsqu'ils se retrouvèrent, elle était la meilleure designer du monde. Souriant doucement à son ex-mari, elle dit : "Mon cher, nous sommes déjà divorcés." Michael la regarda simplement froidement, "Dis-moi, que faudra-t-il pour que nous nous réconciliions?"

    TheHana · Urban
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  • Pernikahan Tidak Diinginkan: Sayang, Tidak Ada Cerai Lagi!

    Setelah tiga tahun menikah, Wendy Stewart sudah terbiasa dengan sindiran sinis Michael Lucas, ancamannya yang sering tentang bercerai, dan bahkan membiarkan dirinya memiliki selingkuhan. Dia pikir dia bisa tahan dengan semua ini sepanjang hidupnya, sampai dia tidak sengaja hamil dengan anak yang tidak diinginkan Michael. Akhirnya putus asa, Wendy menandatangani perjanjian cerai dan pergi. Dia kira mereka bisa berpisah selamanya, tetapi Michael tidak mau berhenti mencarinya setelah perceraian. Ketika mereka bertemu lagi, dia adalah perancang top dunia. Tersenyum manis pada mantan suaminya, dia berkata, "Sayangku, kita sudah bercerai." Michael hanya menatapnya dingin, "Katakan padaku, apa yang harus dilakukan agar kita bisa rujuk?"

    TheHana · Urban
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  • Trapped in Her Heart

    "Love finds it's way no matter what happens....." ..... At the beach. With their hands intertwined together, Sebastian and Ellie were taking a romantic evening beach walk together. Turning towards Sebastian, Ellie smiled and asked, “Seb, what do you like in me?” Wrapping his arms around her waist, Sebastian smiled. Inching closer, he brushed their lips together and whispered, “I like each and everything about you.” ...... This is a story about Ellie Miller, a resident of Seattle, Washington and Sebastian Stewart, a native of Los Angeles. After spending more than a decade trying to live up to his parents' expectations, Sebastian Stewart had lost the true meaning of life. He lived his life in a very systematic manner with each and every second planned and scheduled for something. Many even said that he lived a robotic life. But things changed when someone entered his life and dragged him out of the robotic life he lived in. Not only did she add colors into his boring life, she opened the most beautiful path for him, the path of love and compassion. Like every ordinary woman, Ellie Miller always wanted to have a perfect love story. After witnessing the special bond her parents shared, her expectations for love spiked. Having zero experience in love even after twenty-five years of her existence, Ellie finally realized how beautiful love actually is after meeting Sebastian Stewart. Coming from two different family backgrounds, will Sebastian and Ellie manage to overcome all the obstacles that come their way? Join Ellie and Sebastian in their sweet and beautiful journey of love and compassion where they learn and grow together. ---- Follow me on Instagram: author_sofia05 Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/th8TmZr P.S: The cover doesn't belong to me :)

    Sofia05 · Urban
  • The Billionaire's Wife Seduces Her Billionaire Husband

    "Silence, longer than before stretched between us. I don't know how long our gazes stayed locked, but the tension in the air was definitely thick. The longer he stayed quiet, the more the doubts crept into my false confident armor. He was going to say no. Retrieving my fingers from his mouth, he finally broke the silence. "One night?" Is he saying yes? I didn't dare to breathe incase he's falsely leading me on, but I nodded. "One night." **** Raven Stewart has loved Ethan Henderson forever, so when she's married to him in a contract marriage, all she can do is hope the man will eventually fall for her. Three years down the road, and nothing's changed, so she decides to change tactics and seduce him instead. Fortunately for her, her methods work, but is Ethan really falling in love with Raven or is he doing all this for his own gain?

    Lilah_Morgan · Urban
  • Jovem Mestre Qin Continua Me Desejando Depois Que Eu o Derrotei

    Jiang Xun foi transmigrada como uma figurante. Sua mãe morreu quando ela era jovem, sua madrasta conspirava contra ela, e seu pai a abandonou em uma vila. Mas Jiang Xun não entrou em pânico, e ela era uma pessoa que sempre vencia pela virtude. Os ladrões diriam, "Pare de me bater, vou mudar de profissão!" Os valentões diriam, "Pare de me bater, devolverei o dinheiro!" No banquete da família Jiang, os convidados observavam todos os seus movimentos, esperando que ela fizesse papel de bobo. “Ouvi dizer que ela está vivendo na vila há onze anos e tem um jeito de caipira. Se eu fosse a família Jiang, eu não arriscaria passar vergonha permitindo sua presença." Sr. Jiang disse a ela, "Fique atrás de sua mãe e não fale para não se envergonhar." Sua madrasta concordou. "O patriarca da família Qin, Qin Mufeng é nobre, benevolente e abstêmio. Nem pense em alguém como ele; ele está completamente fora do seu alcance." Claro. Ela não pretendia se casar com uma família rica de qualquer forma. Ela só queria surrar o homem dos boatos. Mas por que esse homem estava seguindo-a o dia todo, todos os dias?

    As If Dawn · General
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