
Ben+10 Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    ben 10

    PrabhaP · Games
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    Global Beast Taming: Awakening Top 10 SSS Talents at the Beginning

    In the era of the Universal Beastmaster, demonic beasts rampage, but thankfully everyone in the human race can awaken their talents and enter contracts with beasts to resist them when they come of age. Some individuals awaken F-ranked talents, doomed to a common life without any hope of beast evolution. Some awaken to C-ranked talents, their beasts are able to exert power beyond their own, becoming immensely strong. Others awaken to S-ranked talents, and with their beasts, become top-tier forces contributing to humanity's power. Struggling on his way across, Ye Feng began by awakening ten top-tier SSS-ranked talents, choosing his beast at will. [Eye of the Soul: Examine strengths and weaknesses of beasts while identifying their ultimate evolution path]. [Cultivation Reciprocation: Infusing cultivation base to the beast, the host gets an equal share, triggering a chance for a critical hit]. [Horrific Swallow: Beasts can permanently obtain the skills of the creatures they devour; weaker beings can be killed directly by devouring]. [Talent Plunder: Each time a life is taken, a random talent of the deceased is acquired]. ... Despite odds stacked against him, Ye Feng chose to forsake choosing a high-star beast, instead contracting with the Earth Ape King and cultivating it into a Great Saint Qi Tian. The mythical Great Saint Qi Tian, the world-embracing World Tree, the world-consuming Great Golden Sun Crow, and the Kun Peng which controls the way of space and force; This is an era exclusive to Ye Feng, where gods retreat, and all realms bow down.

    The golden robe is like a dragon · Eastern
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    A Necromancer Who Just Wants to Plant Trees

    Matthew found himself transported to a game world. He realized that there seemed to be something wrong with his system. [Class: Necromancer Quest: Planting Trees Goal: 1000 trees Reward: Summoning 'Skeleton Dragon' & a large amount of EXP] From then on, a Necromancer who believed in balance even more than a Druid was born.

    The Key In 10 Years · Games
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    Getting $10 Trillion Out Of Nowhere

    Connor McDonald delivered food as his part-time job. One day, he had to deliver food to a hotel infamous for being a sex hotel. When the room door opened, he couldn't believe his eyes. His girlfriend was half-naked, cuddling with a rich kid from their class. "Well, now that you've found out, I guess it's time that you know," the rich kid scoffed. "Your girlfriend is dating me now. "Connor, give up on me. You're an orphan and have no money. Even if you deliver food for the rest of your life, there's no way you can compete with him. You are not good enough for me. Let's break up," his girlfriend said. Connor was utterly dumbfounded, wondering why God would inhibit poor people from being in a normal relationship. Just as he was wallowing in pain, his phone suddenly rang. He received an interesting text message. [You have received 1,000,000,000.00 dollars in your account.] "What the hell?" Connor exclaimed. "Who the heck just transferred 1 billion dollars to me?"

    Silent Wind · Urban
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    Obteniendo $10 Billones De La Nada

    Connor McDonald trabajaba a tiempo parcial repartiendo comida. Un día, tuvo que llevar comida a un hotel tristemente célebre por ser un hotel sexual. Cuando la puerta de la habitación se abrió, no pudo creer sus ojos. Su novia estaba medio desnuda, abrazada a un niño rico de su clase. —Bueno, ahora que lo has descubierto, supongo que es hora de que lo sepas —se burló el niño rico—. Tu novia está saliendo conmigo ahora. —Connor, olvídate de mí. Eres huérfano y no tienes dinero. Incluso si repartes comida por el resto de tu vida, no hay forma de que puedas competir con él. No eres lo suficientemente bueno para mí. Terminemos —dijo su novia. Connor estaba completamente atónito, preguntándose por qué Dios impediría a la gente pobre tener una relación normal. Justo cuando se sumía en el dolor, su teléfono sonó de repente. Recibió un mensaje de texto interesante. [Has recibido 1,000,000,000.00 dólares en tu cuenta.] —¿Qué diablos? —exclamó Connor—. ¿Quién demonios me acaba de transferir 1 mil millones de dólares?

    Silent Wind · Urban
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    Mendapatkan $10 Triliun Dari Entah Darimana

    Connor McDonald bekerja mengantar makanan sebagai pekerjaan paruh waktu. Suatu hari, ia harus mengantar makanan ke hotel yang terkenal karena hotel seks. Ketika pintu kamar terbuka, ia tidak bisa mempercayai matanya. Pacarnya hanya mengenakan pakaian setengah telanjang, berpelukan dengan anak orang kaya dari kelas mereka. "Nah, sekarang kamu sudah tahu, sepertinya saatnya kamu tahu," ejek anak kaya itu. "Pacarmu sekarang berkencan dengan saya. "Connor, lepaskan aku. Kamu ini anak yatim dan tidak punya uang. Walaupun kamu mengantar makanan sepanjang hidupmu, tidak mungkin kamu bisa bersaing dengannya. Kamu ini tidak cukup baik untukku. Ayo putus," kata pacarnya. Connor benar-benar tercengang, bertanya-tanya mengapa Tuhan melarang orang miskin untuk menjalani hubungan normal. Tepat ketika ia tenggelam dalam kesakitan, ponselnya tiba-tiba berbunyi. Dia menerima pesan teks yang menarik. [Anda telah menerima,00 dolar di akun Anda.] "Apa-apaan ini?" seru Connor. "Siapa sih yang barusan mentransfer 1 miliar dolar ke aku?"

    Silent Wind · Urban
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    Obtendo $10 Trilhões Do Nada

    Connor McDonald trabalhava com entrega de comida como seu trabalho de meio período. Um dia, ele teve que entregar comida em um hotel famoso por ser um hotel de encontros amorosos. Quando a porta do quarto se abriu, ele não pôde acreditar em seus olhos. Sua namorada estava seminua, abraçada a um garoto rico de sua classe. "Bem, agora que você descobriu, acho que é hora de saber", zombou o garoto rico. "Sua namorada está namorando comigo agora." "Connor, desista de mim. Você é órfão e não tem dinheiro. Mesmo que entregue comida pelo resto da sua vida, não há como competir com ele. Você não é bom o suficiente para mim. Vamos terminar", disse sua namorada. Connor estava totalmente desconcertado, imaginando por que Deus impediria as pessoas pobres de terem um relacionamento normal. Justamente quando ele estava imerso em dor, seu telefone tocou de repente. Ele recebeu uma mensagem de texto interessante. [Você recebeu,00 dólares na sua conta.] "Que diabos?" exclamou Connor. "Quem diabos acabou de me transferir 1 bilhão de dólares?"

    Silent Wind · Urban
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    I Have 10 Training Avatars

    Lin Xuan transmigrated into a world where demon beasts rampaged. He became one of the lowest ranking wasteland reclaimers in the Germinal Organization to explore the mystic realms. The Zero Realm mystic realm was the Giant Rock Cave. The First Realm mystic realm was the Demon Ant Nest. The Second Realm mystic realm was the Tree King Sea. [Congratulations on seizing a Gold Swallowing Lizard as one of your avatars for gaining more experience. Do you want it to begin its training?] [Your current location is first floor of the Giant Rock Cave. (1 coin per minute. 5 exp points per minute)] [Gold Swallowing Lizard has been training for 4 hours. Do you wish to collect its experience?] Lin Xuan’s eyes were wide open. He was well-versed in how this worked. This was similar to the AFK games that he played in his previous world. As such, he began his comfortable journey of becoming the strongest. Up until one point, the Germinal Organization discovered that he was abnormal and decided to deal with him. It only then did Lin Xuan realize that even Seventh Realm fighters and the managers of the organization were inferior to him.

    Flying Jade Dragon 3,000,000 · Games
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    After Fishing For 10 Years, I Became A Saint Without Knowing How To Raise Beasts

    # STRANGEBEAST Yu Chi transmigrated to a world covered with savage, barren lands, where more than 10,000 races fought to ascend to the top. He began his life in this world in imprisonment. While the others had completely forgotten about his existence, he took out a bamboo stick that he had been carrying with him since his previous life. The souls of ancient divine beasts could be found in various savage lands and rivers. His bamboo stick could communicate with these ancient souls. When he fished at the Death Sea of Hades, he got the voice of Naga Siren. When he fished at the Ice River of Skeletons, he received the attack power of Blobfish. When he fished at the Lake of Grotto-Heaven, he obtained the golden eyes of the Five-Talon Divine Dragon. When he fished at the Cliff of Hanging Candles, he acquired the fire of the Nine-Tailed White Fox. In the blink of an eye, millions of years had passed. Deities and pet beasts from various corners of the world came to congratulate Yu Chi on his wedding. A prominent figure couldn’t help but ask, “Why are you so terrifying?” As Yu Chi stared at his gorgeous wife, the memories of him fighting millions of devils in the Underworld flashed in his mind. He then smiled and replied, “There’s nothing I can boast about. I was just lucky.”

    Great River Flows To The Sky · Eastern
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    I Will Transmigrate In 10 Days: Fortunately I Have A Cultivation Emulator

    If you found out that you would be transmigrated to a fantasy world 10 days later, what would you do in these 10 days? [Activating the Cultivation Emulator.] [Your current cultivation talent options are: extraordinary writing skills, disabilities…] [Day 1. You transmigrated to a small village at the foot of Tianwu Mountain. You were determined to become a great cultivator who was immortal. On the same day, you left the village and headed into the mountains.] [Day 2. You were in the mountains and hadn’t found any food so far. Hungry and thirsty, you sought temporary shelter in a dilapidated temple at night. To your surprise, there were monsters in the temple. You had no means to defend yourself and you died.] [Ding! You completed the simulation. Every day, you can permanently retain a talent. You can also extract the talents into the real world.] 10 days later, Zhao Hao ventured into the cultivation world, along with 10 top cultivation talents.

    Small Daoist Monk · Eastern
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    Reincarnated As A Mosquito

    Get ready to swat away tears of laughter and brace yourself for the most buzzworthy adventure of the century! Meet Ben Franklin, the world's foremost expert in attracting bad luck and the unlikeliest hero you'll ever encounter. From stumbling over his own shoelaces to triggering fire alarms with a single glance, Ben's life is a never-ending comedy of errors. And if you thought his luck would change in the afterlife, think again! Even the god of opportunity couldn't resist the magnetic pull of Ben's bad luck charms. Just as Ben was about to embark on a new adventure in the great beyond, fate took a hilarious twist. A glitch in the universe turned him into a mutant mosquito, reincarnated along with the very reincarnation system itself! Now that's what you call a bug in the matrix! The absence of a reincarnation system in the universe has resulted in a cosmic crisis. With dead souls wandering aimlessly and lifeless babies popping out like deflated balloons, it's up to our unlikely hero to solve the mystery and save the day! Now armed with six legs, buzzing wings, and an insatiable thirst for adventure (and, let's not forget, blood), the legend of Ben Franklin, the most unlikely hero in the insect kingdom, began. With his quirky sense of humour and insatiable thirst for justice, he embarked on a hilarious and unconventional quest to save the universe, leaving behind a trail of itchy mosquito bites and bacterial infections in his wake. ....................................... Weekly PS and Golden Ticket challenge- 1. 100PS = 2 extra ch on Sunday 2. 30GT= 1 bonus ch on Sunday  3. 200PS= 5 ch mass release on Sunday 4. 50GT= 2 bonus ch on Sunday.  Hope you guys can complete it, - 

    Xero_5825 · Fantasy
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    10 Billionen Dollar aus dem Nichts holen

    Connor McDonald lieferte in seinem Nebenjob Lebensmittel aus. Eines Tages musste er Essen in ein Hotel liefern, das als Sex-Hotel berüchtigt war. Als sich die Zimmertür öffnete, traute er seinen Augen nicht. Seine Freundin war halbnackt und kuschelte mit einem reichen Jungen aus ihrer Klasse. "Nun, da du es herausgefunden hast, ist es wohl an der Zeit, dass du es erfährst", spottete der reiche Junge. "Deine Freundin ist jetzt mit mir zusammen. "Connor, gib mich auf. Du bist ein Waisenkind und hast kein Geld. Selbst wenn du für den Rest deines Lebens Essen lieferst, kannst du nicht mit ihm konkurrieren. Du bist nicht gut genug für mich. Lass uns Schluss machen", sagte seine Freundin. Connor war völlig verblüfft und fragte sich, warum Gott arme Menschen daran hindert, eine normale Beziehung zu führen. Gerade als er sich in seinem Schmerz suhlte, klingelte plötzlich sein Telefon. Er erhielt eine interessante Textnachricht. ["Sie haben,00 Dollar auf Ihrem Konto erhalten." "Was zum Teufel?" rief Connor aus. "Wer zum Teufel hat mir gerade 1 Milliarde Dollar überwiesen?"

    Silent Wind · Urban
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    Marvel's Ben 10

    A young man, named Benjamin Tennyson who faced difficulties in his life was chosen by a Marvel version of Professor Paradox. He transported him to MCU along with Anodite, and an Osmosian legacy as well as an Omnitrix. Follow this Young man on his journey through the unknown planets of the Marvel Universe. # I do not own the cover, Ben 10, or the MCU. My interest is to use the characters of one literary and graphic work in another to entertain.

    Lucifer_7771 · Fantasy
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    Obtenir 10 Trillions de Nulle Part

    Connor McDonald livrait de la nourriture pour son travail à temps partiel. Un jour, il a dû livrer de la nourriture à un hôtel tristement célèbre pour être un hôtel de passe. Lorsque la porte de la chambre s'est ouverte, il n'en croyait pas ses yeux. Sa petite amie était à moitié dénudée, se blottissant contre un enfant riche de leur classe. "Eh bien, maintenant que tu l'as découvert, je suppose qu'il est temps que tu le saches", a déclaré l'enfant riche avec dédain. "Ta petite amie sort avec moi maintenant. "Connor, renonce à moi. Tu es orphelin et tu n'as pas d'argent. Même si tu livres de la nourriture pour le reste de ta vie, il n'y a aucune façon que tu puisses rivaliser avec lui. Tu n'es pas à la hauteur pour moi. Rompons", a déclaré sa petite amie. Connor était totalement abasourdi, se demandant pourquoi Dieu empêcherait les pauvres d'être dans une relation normale. Alors qu'il se lamentait de douleur, son téléphone a soudainement sonné. Il a reçu un message texte intéressant. [Vous avez reçu 1,000,000,000.00 dollars sur votre compte.] "Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça?" s'est exclamé Connor. "Qui diable vient de me transférer 1 milliard de dollars?"

    Silent Wind · Urban
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    Ben 10 Sex Stories

    Heart_0Demon · Urban
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    Ben 10 gamer

    I saw a Ben 10 fiction that I enjoyed and but it stopped posting pass the second chapter so I decided to make this. Ben wakes up in Yosemite National Park after wondering off and remembers a meteor crashing down towards him. as ben wakes up he notices that he can see a blue screen that says welcome gamer, but ignoring that for a second he sees the meteor and decides to get closer to it as he does a strange object comes flying onto his wrist...... If you want to know more you are going to have to read. ; )

    jd8890 · Fantasy
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    Ben 10 : Future bonds

    It's been three years since Ben and Gwen had their Summer vacation across the country but, as the years pass they find themselves resembling the dreaded future timeline they visited on that trip; is it possible to change your own destiny? How will the duo react to the growing feelings betwixt them? Follow Ben and Gwen into adulthood as they explore their feelings! Bwen

    DaoistnieFJZ · Realistic
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    ben 10 insanity

    my name ben 10 i was a hero in till asmith removed the watch and gave it to gwen that when it happened a being gave me two things a system and a new watch picture i had done by a friend how does not want to be named

    jp_cole · Sci-fi
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    Always, Ben

    Ben Haggerty is devastated when he returns home from work to discover his lover of eight years has gone off to complete his master's degree at another college -- and left no forwarding address. Not only has Ben chosen Rick over his beloved family, but he's supported his boyfriend both financially and emotionally the entire time. Unable to remain in their shared apartment, Ben moves and spends a miserable holiday season alone. With the New Year, however, he's determined to make a fresh start, so he manages to obtain Rick's address and sends him a card asking if Rick ever plans to return. Somehow, the card winds up in the wrong mailbox.<br><br>Jason Prescott is a genius, having obtained his first master's degree at twenty-one and now working on his second. When he receives a card in error, he returns both the card and a card of his own to be courteous, expressing his hopes Ben can get in touch with his boyfriend. This begins a correspondence that leads to friendship, and ... the start of something more? Jason introduces Ben to his family and reunites him with his own.<br><br>But will Jason, who's even smarter than Rick, be satisfied with someone as ordinary as blue-collar Ben feels himself to be? Or will Rick, realizing what he's let slip through his fingers, manage to persuade Ben to take him back?

    Tinnean · LGBT+
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    Ben 10 Omniverso

    Jhair_Argollo · History
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