
Alan Bloomgate Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Hundred Times Income Multiplier System

    Jack Alfonso, the seventh child of the youngest generation of the Alfonso family of Crystal city goes through a lot of trouble at home. His mother dies when he was still fifteen years old. Then, things get worse as he’s bullied by his older half siblings. In the end, he decided that since the Alfonso family couldn’t help him in this life, he would just have to look for a way by himself. He decides to use the small amount of money that he’d been saving since he was thirteen till he was nineteen. He leaves Crystal city that was under full influence of Alfonso family and goes to a backward city, Inchoate city where he starts a small business. Who knew that he when he received his first income, he received a prompt that startled him. [Ding! Congratulations on activating the Hundred Times Income Multiplier.] [Ding! You’ve earned three hundred dollars. Multiplier applied. You’ve received thirty thousand dollars.] [Ding! First income. As a reward, you gain a Suzuki GSX-R1000] [Ding! First income. As a reward, you gain a custom made Bugatti Veyron.] [Ding! The system can assist you. You’ll be rewarded with the professional driving skills. But, you’ll have to complete a task given to you at the specified period of time. If the task isn’t completed, then not only would you lose the skill, you’ll also be punished by the system.] [Ding! First income. As a reward, you gain a Eurocopter EC135] [Ding! First month of income earning. Rewarded with Glaze Hotel.] …. With that, his life immediately changed for the better. He didn’t know what would happen next but he had gained a new dream. He would want to become wealthier than Alfonso family. This way, at least they would regret not caring about him. But that wouldn’t be all, he would have to make sure that the family goes down. The reason for this was pretty simple, he found out the reason for his mother’s death! ….. Hello guys. This story is mainly romance related and we can say that there are some fiction parts. But, I hope that you like the story. Guys, with every 100 power stones, there will be an extra chapter. 200PS= 1 extra chapter 100GT= 2 extra chapters and so on. The release of the bonus chapters would be at the start of every month. So please, if you want more chapters, then put in those power stones and golden tickets, then leave the rest to me.... .... You can give me your opinions through; https://discord.gg/yaBqh38Q You can support my other novels, a fantasy genre, 'The Golden Star', 'The Soul System in the Apocalypse', 'The Bodyguard System', 'Twins With Systems: Complete the Mission'

    Alan_Wafula · Urban
  • The Bodyguard System

    Jaden lived an ordinary life. This was the life that he had lived for several years now. This kind of life was one that had existed ever since the death of his parents. His parents died in an accident, leaving him an orphan. The moment that his parents died, his uncles came over and took over everything that was supposed to be taken by him. He tried going to court, trying to see if he could get back the wealth that belonged to his family, but due to the connections that his uncles possessed, he did not succeed. Completely abandoned by his relatives and friends that existed before the death of his parents, Jaden was left to fend for himself. He managed to get a job as a bouncer in a club. But as a coincidence, he ended up irritating someone that he was not supposed to offend. And with that, he was beaten and left in an alley to die. But it was at that exact moment that out of nowhere, he was bitten by a dog. Jaden could not believe it. He had never expected that he was going to die just like this. And even before dying from the wounds that he had suffered from the beating, he was going to be infected by rabies? But the strange thing that happened was the fact that after the dog bit him, a holographic screen appeared in front of him. [Congratulations on being chosen by The Bodyguard System.] And with that, Jaden's life changed completely. **** 300 Power stones = 1 extra chapter 100 Golden tickets= 2 extra chapters

    Alan_Wafula · Urban
  • Re: Apocalypse Game

    Alan, a young science teacher, finds himself and millions of other, forced by alien invaders to participate in absurd VR "Apocalypse Games." Desperate to save his sick daughter, he took the path of gun and sword, embarking on a journey to become one of the top players in this deadly virtual world. All were forced to survive a series of different apocalypse scenarios: Ice age, Nuclear Fallout, AI Meltdown, Apex predators, etc. all for one promise: [Defeat all rounds and we will leave your world in peace] Every year, with less than 10% managed to survive, the whole world would watch the games in terror as their loved ones suffered and died.  After seven grueling years, Alan and his team become the last hope for humanity. But even their valiant efforts end in defeat. Alan loses everything—his comrades, his daughter, and the hope of mankind. Given a second chance, equip with the knowledge of the game's secrets and the future, will this simple science teacher succeed in saving the world? ---------------- Author Notes: This is my fifth Novel, i believe this one will show all my experience after writing 2000+ chapters and being Top 20 Webnovel Authors for 3 years. Its VR + Squid games + Apocalypse movies If you like any of those you will like this one #SmartMC #System #FullpackAction #Magic #MartialArts #Mecha #Vampire # Werewolf #Zombies #Bloodlines #Alien #War #Romance#SliceofLife #PopCulture Check out Apocalypse Game VIDEO TRAILER and COMIC TEASER on www.avans.xyz

    Avan · Games
  • The Soul System in the Apocalypse

    Henry was just a simple boy but life was never simple to him. During his early years, he had actually encountered the legendary human trafficking. As such, he was sold to a place where he was forced to workday and night. During one of the nights that he was resting after a long day of working, something astonishing happened. He was taken to a black space where time was supposedly nonexistent. After wondering aimlessly for a long time in the darkness, something finally happened. A screen suddenly appeared in front of him. The screen had a title written on it in bloody red bold, 'THE SOUL SYSTEM'. Then, a bulky amount of information was poured into his mind at that moment. The planet that he was in was going to experience an apocalypse. Magic and other things that could only be seen in fantasy were going to appear. And during that time, it would be the period of the reign of the strongest. As someone who hadn't seen the world, how was he supposed to survive in such a world where not just strength, but even knowledge mattered? Thankfully, he had managed to get THE SOUL SYSTEM that was going to guide him. If he was going to rise in power, was he going to look for the family that he had lost many years ago? Or was he simply going to focus on finding out the cause of the sudden apocalypse, as well as to find the mysteries behind THE SOUL SYSTEM?

    Alan_Wafula · Fantasy
  • Sistema Multiplicador de Ingresos Cien Veces

    ``` Jack Alfonso, el séptimo hijo de la generación más joven de la familia Alfonso de Ciudad Cristal, pasa por muchos problemas en casa. Su madre muere cuando él tenía solo quince años. Luego, las cosas empeoran ya que es acosado por sus medios hermanos mayores. Al final, decide que ya que la familia Alfonso no podía ayudarlo en esta vida, tendría que buscar la manera por sí mismo. Decide usar la pequeña cantidad de dinero que había estado ahorrando desde que tenía trece hasta los diecinueve años. Deja Ciudad Cristal que estaba bajo la influencia total de la familia Alfonso y se va a una ciudad atrasada, Ciudad Incoada, donde comienza un pequeño negocio. ¿Quién hubiera sabido que cuando recibió su primer ingreso, recibiría una notificación que lo sobresaltaría? [¡Ding! Felicitaciones por activar el Sistema Multiplicador de Ingresos Cien Veces.] [¡Ding! Has ganado trescientos dólares. Multiplicador aplicado. Has recibido treinta mil dólares.] [¡Ding! Primer ingreso. Como recompensa, ganas una Suzuki GSX-R1000] [¡Ding! Primer ingreso. Como recompensa, ganas un Bugatti Veyron hecho a medida.] [¡Ding! El sistema puede asistirte. Serás recompensado con habilidades profesionales de conducción. Pero, tendrás que completar una tarea que se te dará en el período de tiempo especificado. Si la tarea no se completa, entonces no solo perderías la habilidad, también serías castigado por el sistema.] [¡Ding! Primer ingreso. Como recompensa, ganas un Eurocopter EC135] [¡Ding! Primer mes de ganancia de ingresos. Recompensado con el Hotel Glaze.] …. Con eso, su vida cambió inmediatamente para mejor. No sabía qué pasaría después, pero había ganado un nuevo sueño. Quería ser más rico que la familia Alfonso. De esta manera, al menos se arrepentirían de no haberse preocupado por él. Pero eso no sería todo, tendría que asegurarse de que la familia se arruinara. La razón para esto era bastante simple, ¡descubrió la razón de la muerte de su madre! …. Hola, chicos. Esta historia es principalmente de romance y podemos decir que hay algunas partes de ficción. Pero, espero que les guste la historia. Chicos, con cada 100 piedras de poder, habrá un capítulo extra. 200 PS = 1 capítulo extra 100 GT = 2 capítulos extra y así sucesivamente. El lanzamiento de los capítulos de bonificación será al comienzo de cada mes. Así que por favor, si quieren más capítulos, entonces entreguen esas piedras de poder y tickets dorados, y dejen el resto en mis manos.... …. Pueden darme sus opiniones a través de; https://discord.gg/yaBqh38Q Pueden apoyar mis otras novelas, de género fantástico, 'La Estrella Dorada' y 'The Soul System in the Apocalypse'. ```

    Alan_Wafula · Urban
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  • Villain: Girlfriend Thief

    (Warning! Extreme levels of puns intended!) Living in poverty and never having the chance to enjoy his youth, Alan died in an unexpected incident. He then wakes up to find himself as a side character in the novel he read as a child. "Welcome, chosen one! This is the world of Arcana!" "You have been bestowed with the title 'Girlfriend Thief'!" "Make the target woman submit to you using only your tongue and steal her from her boyfriend!" Will Alan be able to survive in this world of magic and monsters, using his new virile body? ---------------------------------- Additional tags: Smut-- Magic-- Handsome Male lead-- No NTR (only Netori) -- No Yuri --Vampire girls -- Elves-- Monster girls -- Demon girls -- Angels -- Dating simulator system -- Mind break ---------------------------------- "Some people think that money, power and looks is all it takes to keep their women from leaving them." "Some people think that women like gentle, kind and caring boys." "Some people think that any sort of roughness is a turn off." "But you are an exception, aren't you?" ~ Rosalind Stewart to Adam ----------------------------------- This novel does have action but most of it involves smut :D Reader discretion advised. ----------------------- None of my works are dropped, and I'll update all of them. But! Like a particular series and want me to update it more than the others? Just let me know in the comments!

    Ani_On_Fire · Fantasy
  • Livid Guardian's Endless Coddling

    Excerpt: "You jerk! How dare you? Just because you are my guardian and I have nobody to ask, did you think, you can take advantage of me? I thought you stand on high morals..." Rian turned Aria towards him not quietly understanding what was going on. Amelia and Rowan were in the same state. "Arrie! What happened? Did brother do something? Why are you angered so much?" He sounded very concerned. Alan leaned on his room door frame thinking what would be her answer. ..... Aria's mouth was wide open in shock. 'Sh*t! This man really has a mental illness. How can he forget so soon?' It vexed her more and wrung her hand to punch but Alan held her hand twirled her before pressing her back on him. "Young Miss Cooper! Mind your hand." He said loudly and whispered, "If you wanted more, you should have asked me." ~~~~ Aria Cooper, a confident, brave, intelligent, lively teenager turns insecure and timid losing her only family, her father. Alan Morgan, a cold, indifferent young President of Morgan Industries falls in love with the teenage girl who moves into his mansion. Being a cynic, will he be able to change and win over the girl's heart? Will he be able to find the culprit behind the murder of Aria Cooper's father who targets her? Will he be able to keep her safe? --- *** --- This is an original story. Story DISCORD: https://discord.gg/QhhXXWq Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/munchkin_2 Instagram: auth_munchkin Linktree: https://linktr.ee/munchkin *Credit to the real owner of the novel cover.

    Munchkin_2 · Urban
  • Sistema Multiplicador de Renda Cem Vezes

    Jack Alfonso, o sétimo filho da geração mais jovem da família Alfonso da Cidade de Crystal passa por muitos problemas em casa. Sua mãe morre quando ele tinha apenas quinze anos. Depois, as coisas pioram quando ele é intimidado por seus meio-irmãos mais velhos. No final, ele decide que, uma vez que a família Alfonso não podia ajudá-lo nesta vida, ele teria que buscar um caminho por conta própria. Ele decide usar o pequeno montante de dinheiro que vinha economizando desde os treze anos até os dezenove. Ele deixa a Cidade de Crystal que estava sob total influência da família Alfonso e vai para uma cidade atrasada, Cidade de Inchoate, onde ele inicia um pequeno negócio. Quem diria que quando ele recebeu sua primeira renda, ele recebeu um aviso que o deixou surpreso. [Ding! Parabéns por ativar o Multiplicador de Renda Cem Vezes.] [Ding! Você ganhou trezentos dólares. Multiplicador aplicado. Você recebeu trinta mil dólares.] [Ding! Primeira renda. Como recompensa, você ganha uma Suzuki GSX-R1000] [Ding! Primeira renda. Como recompensa, você ganha um Bugatti Veyron feito sob medida.] [Ding! O sistema pode auxiliá-lo. Você será recompensado com habilidades profissionais de condução. Mas, você terá que completar uma tarefa dada a você no período de tempo especificado. Se a tarefa não for completada, então não apenas você perderá a habilidade, você também será punido pelo sistema.] [Ding! Primeira renda. Como recompensa, você ganha um Eurocopter EC135] [Ding! Primeiro mês de ganho de renda. Recompensado com Hotel Glaze.] …. Com isso, sua vida mudou imediatamente para melhor. Ele não sabia o que aconteceria a seguir, mas ele havia ganhado um novo sonho. Ele queria se tornar mais rico que a família Alfonso. Dessa forma, pelo menos eles se arrependeriam por não se importarem com ele. Mas isso não seria tudo, ele teria que garantir que a família caísse. A razão para isso era bem simples, ele descobriu o motivo da morte de sua mãe! ….. Olá pessoal. Esta história é principalmente sobre romance e podemos dizer que há algumas partes de ficção. Mas, espero que vocês gostem da história. Pessoal, a cada 100 pedras de poder, haverá um capítulo extra. 200PS= 1 capítulo extra 100GT= 2 capítulos extras e assim por diante. A liberação dos capítulos bônus será no início de cada mês. Então, por favor, se vocês querem mais capítulos, coloquem essas pedras de poder e ingressos dourados, e deixem o resto comigo.... .... Vocês podem me dar suas opiniões através; https://discord.gg/yaBqh38Q Vocês podem apoiar meus outros romances, do gênero fantasia, 'A Estrela Dourada', 'O Sistema da Alma no Apocalipse', 'O Sistema do Guarda-costas', 'Gêmeos com Sistemas: Complete a Missão'

    Alan_Wafula · Urban
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  • Système Multiplicateur de Revenus Centuple

    Jack Alfonso, le septième enfant de la dernière génération de la famille Alfonso de la ville de Crystal traverse beaucoup d'épreuves à la maison. Sa mère meurt lorsqu'il avait seulement quinze ans. Ensuite, les choses empirent lorsqu'il est malmené par ses demi-frères et sœurs aînés. Au final, il décide que puisque la famille Alfonso ne pouvait pas l'aider dans cette vie, il allait devoir trouver un moyen par lui-même. Il décide d'utiliser la petite somme d'argent qu'il avait économisée depuis l'âge de treize ans jusqu'à ses dix-neuf ans. Il quitte la ville de Crystal qui était sous la pleine influence de la famille Alfonso et se rend dans une ville en retard, la ville de Inchoate où il commence une petite entreprise. Qui aurait su que lorsqu'il a reçu son premier revenu, il a reçu une invite qui l'a surpris. [Ding ! Félicitations pour avoir activé le Centuple Multiplicateur de Revenu.] [Ding ! Vous avez gagné trois cents dollars. Multiplicateur appliqué. Vous avez reçu trente mille dollars.] [Ding ! Premier revenu. En récompense, vous gagnez une Suzuki GSX-R1000] [Ding ! Premier revenu. En récompense, vous gagnez une Bugatti Veyron sur mesure.] [Ding ! Le système peut vous assister. Vous serez récompensé avec les compétences de conduite professionnelles. Mais, vous devrez accomplir une tâche qui vous sera donnée dans la période spécifiée. Si la tâche n'est pas accomplie, alors non seulement vous perdrez la compétence, vous serez aussi puni par le système.] [Ding ! Premier revenu. En récompense, vous gagnez un Eurocopter EC135] [Ding ! Premier mois de gains de revenu. Récompensé par l'Hôtel Glaze.] …. Avec cela, sa vie changea immédiatement pour le mieux. Il ne savait pas ce qui se passerait ensuite mais il avait acquis un nouveau rêve. Il voulait devenir plus riche que la famille Alfonso. De cette façon, au moins ils regretteraient de ne pas s'être préoccupés de lui. Mais ce ne serait pas tout, il devrait s'assurer que la famille tombe. La raison en était assez simple, il a découvert la raison de la mort de sa mère ! ….. Bonjour tout le monde. Cette histoire est principalement liée à la romance et nous pouvons dire qu'il y a des parties fictives. Mais, j'espère que vous aimerez l'histoire. Les gars, avec tous les 100 pierres de pouvoir, il y aura un chapitre supplémentaire. 200PS= 1 chapitre supplémentaire 100GT= 2 chapitres supplémentaires et ainsi de suite. La sortie des chapitres bonus se fera au début de chaque mois. Alors s'il vous plaît, si vous voulez plus de chapitres, mettez ces pierres de pouvoir et billets d'or, puis laissez le reste à moi.... .... Vous pouvez me donner vos opinions via; https://discord.gg/yaBqh38Q Vous pouvez soutenir mes autres romans, de genre fantastique, 'L'Étoile d'Or', 'The Soul System in the Apocalypse', 'The Bodyguard System', 'Twins With Systems: Complete the Mission'

    Alan_Wafula · Urban
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  • Xavier’s girl

    I heard the door opening. "I'm fine Stephanie," I said thinking she was the one that followed me. "It cute you think my sister cares" I hear Alan voice "What are you doing here," I asked him annoyed "Oh just doing someone a favour," he said as Xavier walked in behind him. I was alarmed as to why they were both here "what do you want" I asked both of them getting up. "You're in my room," Xavier said as he locked the door behind him. Making me more alarmed. "I'm sorry I didn't know, I can leave, " I said not wanting to anger him. I made my way to the door but Alan grabbed me "not so fast sweetheart" he said holding my arm. "Please let me go" I begged them. I didn't know what they were planning but I knew they were up to something. "Why would we do that" Xavier said walking to me and stroking my collarbone making me shiver. Vanessa morales just moved to town. Shy, smart and quiet girl planned to spend most of her high school life hidden. But some how ended up at the cheerleader tryouts and the school bad boy blackmailing her. She tired her best to stay away from him but he wasn't letting her go. She didn't know he had plans for her. He has been waiting for this days for years, waiting for her to return. Of course she didn't remember him (he never forgot her), that didn't bother him cause he knew she belonged to him. He would do anything to make her stay this time. One party and her life is ruined. Warning: This book is provocative. It will not be for everyone. If you are a reader with certain triggers or sensitivities common to the dark romance genres this book is not for you.

    cluelessgixl · Teen
  • Hundertfaches Einkommensmultiplikator-System

    Jack Alfonso, das siebte Kind der jüngsten Generation der Familie Alfonso aus Crystal City, hat zu Hause eine Menge Ärger. Seine Mutter stirbt, als er noch fünfzehn Jahre alt war. Dann wird es noch schlimmer, denn er wird von seinen älteren Halbgeschwistern schikaniert. Schließlich beschließt er, dass die Familie Alfonso ihm in diesem Leben nicht mehr helfen kann und er sich selbst einen Weg suchen muss. Er beschließt, das wenige Geld, das er seit seinem dreizehnten Lebensjahr bis zu seinem neunzehnten Lebensjahr gespart hat, zu verwenden. Er verlässt die Stadt Crystal, die ganz unter dem Einfluss der Familie Alfonso stand, und geht in eine rückständige Stadt, die Stadt Inchoate, wo er ein kleines Geschäft eröffnet. Wer hätte gedacht, dass er, als er sein erstes Einkommen erhält, eine Aufforderung erhält, die ihn erschreckt. [Ding! Glückwunsch zur Aktivierung des Hundertfachen Einkommensmultiplikators.] [Ding! Sie haben dreihundert Dollar verdient. Multiplikator angewandt. Sie haben dreißigtausend Dollar erhalten.] [Ding! Erstes Einkommen. Als Belohnung erhalten Sie eine Suzuki GSX-R1000] [Erstes Einkommen: Als Belohnung erhalten Sie einen maßgefertigten Bugatti Veyron.] [Ding! Das System kann Ihnen helfen. Sie werden mit professionellen Fahrkünsten belohnt. Sie müssen jedoch eine Aufgabe erfüllen, die Ihnen innerhalb einer bestimmten Zeitspanne gestellt wird. Wenn du die Aufgabe nicht erfüllst, verlierst du nicht nur die Fähigkeit, sondern wirst auch vom System bestraft]. [Als Belohnung erhältst du einen Eurocopter EC135.] [Erstes Monatseinkommen, belohnt mit dem Glaze Hotel.] .... Damit änderte sich sein Leben sofort zum Besseren. Er wusste nicht, wie es weitergehen würde, aber er hatte einen neuen Traum. Er wollte reicher werden als die Familie Alfonso. Auf diese Weise würden sie wenigstens bereuen, dass sie sich nicht um ihn gekümmert hatten. Aber das wäre noch nicht alles, er würde dafür sorgen müssen, dass die Familie untergeht. Der Grund dafür war ziemlich einfach: Er hatte den Grund für den Tod seiner Mutter herausgefunden! ..... Hallo Leute. Diese Geschichte hat hauptsächlich mit Romantik zu tun und man kann sagen, dass es einige fiktive Teile gibt. Aber ich hoffe, dass euch die Geschichte gefällt. Leute, für jeweils 100 Kraftsteine gibt es ein zusätzliches Kapitel. 200PS= 1 Extra-Kapitel 100GT= 2 Extra-Kapitel und so weiter. Die Bonuskapitel werden zu Beginn eines jeden Monats veröffentlicht. Also bitte, wenn ihr mehr Kapitel wollt, dann steckt diese Powersteine und goldenen Tickets ein, den Rest überlasst mir.... .... Ihr könnt mir eure Meinung sagen; https://discord.gg/yaBqh38Q Sie können meine anderen Romane unterstützen, ein Fantasy-Genre, 'Der goldene Stern', 'Das Seelensystem in der Apokalypse', 'Das Bodyguard-System', 'Zwillinge mit System: Beende die Mission'

    Alan_Wafula · Urban
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  • Alan

    Chanpreet_Singh_5983 · Fantasy
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  • Married to the loveless CEO

    In a society where marriage has lost its true essence and has been distorted, reducing it to a transaction devoid of love and commitment, a mere agreement for personal benefits. Silvia Reyes found herself caught up in the chaos as she was about to be forced by her parents into marrying a man she despises. She was able to bail herself out of her dilemma as she offered a marriage of convenience to Davian Randell, who in turn needed it too to solve his dire situation. But life rarely goes as planned, does it? Will they find a way to reclaim love and commitment in their own lives, or will they succumb to the societal pressures that have tarnished the institution of marriage? Excerpt:- "If you think I'm gonna marry that man, then sorry, I'm not!" She said to her father. "You are, Silvia." Her father declared. "I have a man!" She said. "What?" Her parents chorused. "You have a man. You should have told us earlier instead of letting us go through all that trouble." Alan said. "We've been dating for some while now and he proposed to me recently and I accepted it." She showed them an engagement ring on her finger, which she bought before coming to the mansion. "It's beautiful. How come you weren't wearing it yesterday?" Her mother asked. "I didn't wear it yesterday." She answered simply. "Then why did you go through the trouble of attending the dinner date?, you could have just told us," Her mother added. "I wanted to see the man you were setting me up with. I was so angry because I knew I was taken already. I didn't want to tell you guys yet, I didn't want to introduce him to you guys till a couple of days time. You spoilt the surprise." Silvia explained. "Oh I see. So when can we meet this lucky man?, do we know him?" Alan said. "Uh-Uhm...no you don't. You'll meet him in a couple of days time, he's a really busy man." She almost shuttered. "Okay, dear. We'll be waiting." Her mother said. What has she done?, how was she going to get a man that will be willing to marry her in just a couple of days time.

    Goodness_OG · Urban
  • My Godly Ascension

    Betrayal, this word is too heavy for the heart to carry. In a world of magic and mystery, Alan Carter, once a soul scarred by betrayal in his past life, gets a second chance at happiness. Reincarnated into a noble family, he's now the charismatic and powerful heir to a duke. But this world isn't just beautiful; it's also filled with danger. As Alan navigates his new life, he discovers that his unique abilities make him both a lightning rod for attention and a magnet for admiration. Handsome, caring, and a touch of playful foolishness, he captures the hearts of those around him. A harem of adoring girls forms around Alan, drawn to his charm and strength. But beneath the surface lies a secret power waiting to be unraveled. Alan's journey is not just about gaining strength; it's about uncovering the mysteries of his abilities. With each new wife he adds to his harem, he inches closer to the love and peace he longed for in his previous life. Will Alan be able to protect the newfound happiness he's building, or will the shadows of his past once again threaten to engulf him? Join him on an epic adventure filled with magic, romance, and self-discovery as he strives to become the most powerful version of himself and safeguard the love and peace he treasures. Author note: Welcome to ALUCARD fam. This is my first time writing a novel. you Will find it interesting and entertaining. You will love the MC. This novel has 18+ content so be aware!!! [Hehehhe~] Either you like the novel or hate it, you guys are part of the Alucard fam. And don't forget to drop some golden tickets and gems this way. I will post 4-6 chapters a week Keep supporting. Discord Id- ALU_cArD#6962 ALUCARD

    ALU_cArD · Fantasy
  • The Beta And His Human Mate.

    {WARNING! MATURE CONTENT} PROLOGUE:  Alan yelled, his voice shuddering through his mate's heart, "You are mine and nobody else’s." “I am not yours! Are you insane?” Eleanor questioned while inspecting him. She was puzzled by the man's bizarre behavior in front of her. "I am aware that you enjoy dancing, but I make a distinction between the dance you teach and the one I just witnessed you perform.” Oh, so this was the reason for the yelling. She nearly chuckled as she told him, "This little dance is nothing," but she bit her lip when she saw a severe scowl on his face. “How many dicks do you think didn’t get hard from that little dance you did?” He was staring at her with glares that seemed to want to peer into her soul. He wasn't joking; he could smell every hot male in the room, desiring to have her. "It is all in your head!” She equally shouted, her voice loud as she continued, "I won't stop dancing just because it makes you jealous.” “Oh, you'd do that. And I'm not Jealous either!” Even though he shouted those words, the jealousy that was seething inside of him beckoned him to dispute his words. "I'm still not over the ruse you pulled on me when you misled me to think you purchased Hermosa. Trust me, if you try anything stupid, that's where I'll draw the line between us.” Both of their chests tightened at the mere prospect of being apart. “Huh! Do you believe getting rid of me is so simple? It would require one of us to pass away because the connection between you and me is too strong- stronger than you think.” “Then quit being a jerk, please!” Her comments caused him to painfully clamp his fingers into his palms. “You should also stop your sensual dances, I say! We would stop this argument if you agreed your dances seduce men.” Eleanor's face became hot with rage at that. The fact that Alan's jealousy grew every day was beyond her comprehension and she knew that this fight would not end anytime soon. Every time Alan watched her dancing, he felt the possessive trait that every werewolf experienced for his mate. What kind of dance would she be doing if he wasn't present, too?   Even without dancing attractively, she was enough to draw attention by simply standing there still. He should now begin remodeling all prisons and dungeons to his comfort because he was certain that he would kill someone one of these days. ****** When a father offered his life to save another, fates were forever altered. One was a human, the other a werewolf: She'll show you dance moves you've never seen before if you give her the beat! Eleanor has a carefree and friendly demeanor, and guests are always warmly greeted by her friendly demeanor. But beneath that lovely grin lurks a volcano waiting to erupt if prodded. Alan is a powerful Beta- adept at business, and everything he touches flourishes. His accompanying extras are fame and fortune. While Eleanor vows that she will never forgive Alan and his brothers for the humiliation and anguish she had endured at their hands, she found herself getting drawn to him the more. Alan, on the other hand, was conflicted about Eleanor's work and got divided between changing who she is and what she values the most. Is there going to be a battle if the powerful meet the insane? Or will an unforeseen sequence of events bring harmony to a couple doomed from the start? Would this cause them to grow apart even though they are mated? Who, after all, is this evil she-wolf, also hunting for any chance to harm this human? ***** Join discord : https://discord.gg/7TJWb2Qm

    Chrissie_Swift · Fantasy
  • Grave borne Revenant

    The story takes place in the age of steam and machinery, most people go about their days worrying about money and their lifes but some dont know that there a hidden world. This world has mysterious people and abilities some can do strange things some can even curse you Elijah a newly college guratuee gets involved with this world how will he escape this world alive? Will he lose himself? ----- @gravebrone -tiktok ----- chapter realse one chapter a day if you want that to increase then send gifts if I don't realises a chapter then that means I'm busy or I'm making more or my computer broke and it deleted half my work and I'm crying in the corner. ------ I'm still new to writing novels, so don't expect there to be perfect grammar. also, in some parts, I don't think I can describe an object well enough for you to understand, so I apologize. Since I'm still kinda new don't expect some perfect writing ----- artist name: Myunghee Woo the art is not owned by me if the artist wishes to take this down then contact me on my tick tok above because I am always active on that or contact me on discord thekingofrvelution or Demon of Revolution see which one works

    Alan_Grimlord · Fantasy
  • The Luna's come back

    BLURB Being sent back in time and given the chance to ensure the survival of the Empire from total destruction, as well as to ensure that those she held dear to her would escape the tight clutches of death, Alyssa Velcro seek the help of the infamous 3rd Alpha Prince of the Venus Empire – but the Duke of the North only agreed to go along with her plan in usurping the title of heir from his brother, the 1st Prince, if she became his wife. Alyssa accepted and this threw her usually bleak life into one of constant trouble and assassination. But Alyssa was determined to persist against all odds in order to see the survival of her family CHARACTERRIZATION ALYSSA VELCRO: The protagonist and the heir of the Velcro Pack. Due to her being underage, her uncle was the one in charge of the family affairs whilst she focused on her schooling – so since then, her uncle was the pseudo-head of the Pack and the fact that he was an Alpha made things easier on his end. However, she was a naive child who had depended on her uncle and it led to hers and her brother’s demise. She had once been engaged to the first Prince of the Vincent Pack, the heir of the Empire, and that put her in direct conflict. She’s a nice and kind person who always looked at the future possibilities of even the worst individual changing, which was why she ignored the rumours that her betrothed had been cheating on her with various women. She held a fierce love for her brother and it was partly because of him and what he’d stand to gain as the in-law of the future Emperor. When she was sent back after being executed, it took her a while to find the best solutions as to prevent the total annihilation of her already declining Pack. She decided to become the 3rd Prince’s betrothed and she used everything in her power to ensure his rise to power. LUCIEN VINCENT: The 3rd Prince and the Duke of the North and the son of the Emperor and his 2nd Consort from the North. He had the reputation of being a vagabond and a ruthless killer. He was a trained warrior and he excelled in everything than his older brothers. He was seen as a competition of the 1st Prince and fractions were created before he became of age. In order to prevent his untimely demise, his uncle, Duke Adam Cole of the North petitioned to have him housed in the North with him. He became his uncle’s heir and when his uncle passed away when he was 16 years old, he became the Duke and a great one. His actions only made his fraction stronger. He’s a cold and calculating Alpha who hides his malice and true intention behind a smile. ALAN VELCRO: Alyssa’s beloved twin brother. Like his sister, he’s a soft hearted person and he disliked conflict – but even at that he was extremely smart and it was also due to his high intelligence that he became the Emperor’s advisor. LUTHER VINCENT: The 1st Prince and the Alpha Alyssa was meant to marry. He’s an arrogant and self centered individual and a total whore. Like Lucien, he inherited the royal looks and was extremely handsome. It was he who brought the empire to its ruin due to his arrogance and inability to rule. KINGSBURY VELCRO: Alyssa and Alan’s uncle. He’s known as a kind and gentle man, always supportive of his niece and nephew, but behind his smile is a dangerous man who has been collaborating with the enemy empire to see the downfall of the empire. He’s a cunning and manipulative individual who had no qualms of killing anyone who stood in his way of his objective, even his direct family.

    Chidera_Confidence_4323 · Fantasy
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