
40000 Novels & Books - WebNovel


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    This is our list of logs that the SCP foundation has been keep secret, and they are now free to the public. But beware of what you are going to read about because it will cause you to lose all hope and satisfaction you had. After all, the SCP's main role is to contain, protect, secure and if anyone tries to stop them they will feel the wrath if the foundation and your life will be terminated. So you have been warned. P.S: THIS IS NOT OWN BY ME BUT THE SCP WEBSITE AND ALL CREDIT SHOULD GO TO THE FOUNDATION AND THE AUTHOR. ALSO, I WILL BE STARTING A SCP STORY ABOUT A SCP THAT I HAD CREATED, BUT FIRST I NEED TO SPREAD THE SCP UNIVERSE IN THIS WEBSITE AND APP SO PEOPLE KNOW ABOUT THE SCP FOUNDATION AND IT GREAT AUTHOR AND FOLLOWER. PLEASE I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND VISIT THE WEBSITE. LINK IS BELOW { http://www.scpwiki.com/scp-series } Goal: 20000 25000 30000 40000 50000 And more viewer and follower

    Almighty_flex · Horror
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      “倘若这宇宙,真是一片残酷血腥的黑暗森林,我们修真者,也会燃烧自己的生命,绽放出微弱的火花!”   “哪怕这火花再微弱,再短暂,再渺小,可是只要我们源源不断,前赴后继,终有一日,火花会点燃杂草,杂草会燎到灌木,灌木会蔓延大树!”   “最终,小小的火花,会在这片黑暗森林中,掀起燎原天火,照亮整个世界!”   *****************   修真40000年代,一个普普通通的边境少年,咆哮星辰,主宰银河的热血传奇! ------------- 已有两群: 老牛会客室202330158(两千人大群,虚席以待!) 老牛会客室二群386336065   

    卧牛真人 · Sci-fi
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    你绝对想不到--- 一套1991年出版的漫画《女神的圣斗士》可以卖到1000元; 一套1994年出版的漫画《七龙珠》可以卖到3000元; 一套1999年软精装三联《神雕侠侣》可以卖到5000元; 一本1925年出版的民国新文学珍本《志摩的诗》可以卖到40000元; 刘半农1926年出版的新诗集《扬鞭集》可以卖到50000元; 民国三十三年(1944)晋察冀日报社出版的红色文献《毛选》更是高达230000元! 这些书哪里可以找到? 废品站!旧书摊! 当你路过的时候,根本想不到这些最不起眼的地方就是一座诱人的宝藏! 来吧,和我一起淘旧书,成为当今炙手可热的“旧书大亨”! 书中自有颜如玉,书中自有黄金屋!

    镔铁 · Urban
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    King Of All Demons

    A world where you are either born a demon or an angel, but what if a family of angels had given birth to a demon. 40000 years ago when war broke out between the angels and demons the war lasted 2000 years and ended with both sides losing a ton of warriors so they now bestow their powers to the humans to rebuild their armies. **Disclaimer** Cover not mine if the owner want it down please tell me. **Disclaimer** Some chapters will be gruesome so read at your own risk.

    TheUnderestimated · Fantasy
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    40,000 years (new world book ?)

    awsome_kj · Fantasy
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