
Way of the Devil

Author: Get Lost

(1,855 ratings)

281 Destined Destruction (12)

5yr Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation | Editor:

"And this Devil Essence… doesn't even need refining and I can directly condense it into liquid and integrate it with my body."

Lu Sheng looked around again and soon found more items with Mental Energy.

After killing seven or eight giant wolf creatures, Lu Sheng finally stumbled upon the first creature that was close to "intelligent" in this cavern.

It was a giant, murky green wolf, rotting all over and with all sort of arrows that stuck out from his body.

In the dark, the giant wolf's glowing green eyes were examining Lu Sheng from head to toe.

"Another one… the ancient devils have been freed and broken through several layers of seals. Me and many other guardians have been contaminated… Did the Song Imperial Court send you?"

"You… can talk?" Lu Sheng was a little surprised.

"Why would I be unable to talk?" the wolf said nonchalantly in the ancient Great Song dialect. "You seem quite power

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