
Tempest of the Battlefield

Author: Skull Elf

(192 ratings)

136 It's Too Much

6yr Translator: | Editor:

It's Too Much

The FFC had given mankind not only technical innovations such as the space crystal and the METAL suit, but also an episode of the mysterious relationship between the FFC, General Li Feng, and the Blade Warrior.

Stories and legends aside, the human world had improved their standards of living thanks to the FFC.

After many years of technology advancement, the FFC had remained a heavyweight player in the military industry. However, it was no longer the hegemony that it used to be. Both the Moon and Mars had their independent military research and manufacturing facilities that rivaled the FFC. The competition had become fierce, as every faction was trying to gain an edge in the next wave of innovation.

The standard METAL suits could be divided into six tiers, each to be used by the fighters of equal soul power. However, these were merely the standardized versions, and even the sixth tier was no match to the one used by the Blade Warrior. Therefore all the research institu

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