
Review Detail of MadMollusk in The Path Toward Heaven

Review detail


What do you get when you combine a Xia MainCharacter cultivator with sherlock holmes and then mix in one of sergio leones Namless western film heroes. Well the answer is in this book and this book only! BADASS and COOL and not in a flashy hollywood way but a more elegant sneaky execution. I often compare it in my head to the old clint eastwood western were 2 characters would just stare at each other for 5min while music was going on then someone would say a single word then leave. This is a Chinese story with a very large cast of character VERY LARGE as in 40+ Chinese names. To me personally remembering a single Chinese name is similar to memorizing a 8 digit random number. But lest we dont have 10 characters with the same last name you can mostly remember them by their affiliation clan and role so it could be worse.


The Path Toward Heaven

Mao Ni

Liked by 6 people




Just remember their status and that'll nuf.