I NEED TO FINISH THIS NOVEL.THIS CLIFFHANGER IS UNBEARABLE! I just wish I can meet someone who can protect me and understand me, just like Tang Ning and Mo Ting. #soenvious
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LIKEWhat happened? Did something go wrong? We usually receive the succeeding chapters twice a day, that is, morning and aftrnoon! But today, there was no chapter ths morning! I hope and pray we can go on reading these chapters till the end of the novel! It is a pity if this is discontinued! The characters are so inspiring and lessons on character and attitude and most of all love can be extracted for our own good in our respective lives!! I like to think that there is a Mo Ting in every man on this earth!.. and a Tangning!...that is when truest love in its purest and most innocent is jointly felt by a couple!!.. Let us be them in our love lifes!! GOD bless!!