
Review Detail of Aeonir88 in A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality

Review detail


Decent start. Well written for the most part, but increasingly dull and repetitive for every arc. The plot is non existant, only Han Li's cultivation journey. Also every arc there's some beauties that take and interest in him that he totally ignores because "he's focused on the cultivation path", blatant teasing that goes nowhere in other words. That could've been enough but he has no personality and no principles and nothing he'd fight for, other than the illusive goal of Immortality and preserving his life on the way so we have no reason to care about him. I can only imagine this having such a high rating based on when it came out and that it's competition was mostly really ****ty novels... This is, like someone before me said, like water, totally fine but bland as hell.

A Record of a Mortal’s Journey to Immortality

Wang Yu

Liked by 13 people




Yeah, Han Li is a strange kind of pervert. Ima help you but let me kiss you and erase your memory afterwords.


Read a 100 chapters, found it a bit boring and it seems like he's not interested in any kinds of relationship. Came to the reviews to find if he'll still be like that. So quitting it right now. Thanks for the review.