After careful consideration, and reviewing every on of the 100+ web novel I’ve read until this point, I have to call this my favorite novel of all time. The characters have actual personality. The power system is well defined enough for reference, but he entire plot revolves more around personal growth than strength. The main character is interesting, real, and flawed enough to feel like a real, relatable person. However, the supporting characters are all equally fleshed out and interesting. The story is filled with amazing plot twists, but none of them are forced or unessisary. And most of all, the story flips between actions being perceived as important, to being seen as stupid, back to being seen as genius. The world building is the best I’ve ever seen, and it’s populated with the best characters I’ve ever read. On top of that, the conflict and goals are well defined and consistent. I rarely rate novels, but this story is too good for its current low popularity on here. Read it!
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