2017-12-22 12:09

Hi everyone, its your friendly neighbourhood translator! Firstly, I would like to thank you guys for the interest and love you have shown for Superstars of Tomorrow even though it hasn't even been one week since we released it! I can assure that you would not be disappointed with this story and me and Min will work our hardest to continue pumping the chapters for you guys! Secondly for your info, 2 Chapters will be released on Wed-Sun at around 12 p.m +8GMT for a total of 10 per week. Of course there would be burst releases when we hit certain targets or on special occassions! Also, it would really help out with our livelihood if those of you who can afford it would support us on our patreon : https://***.patreon.com/superstarsoftomorrow It would help us greatly as a supplement to our busy schedules outside of translating. Lastly, Christmas is coming and SantaBarker knows who's been nice or naughty so all y'all nice kids better check your stockings on christmas for a surprise ;) Anyway continue supporting us and enjoy the novel and keep rocking. Hehe my dears!

Liked by 218 people


Cats or dogs? This is a very important question that will decide your fate, choose wisely.


how about trees?

Exitiumm:Cats or dogs? This is a very important question that will decide your fate, choose wisely.

... It works, you shall bask in the glory of nature whilst running in a city of future wonders! That's 5.99$ for a DLC prophecy.

BeetleBarker:how about trees?

That foreshadow Ps. Thanks so much for translating! I’m really enjoying so far

BeetleBarker:how about trees?

Thanks for mass release on this joyous occasion. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.


do you have any plans about surpricing us with 10 chapters for newyear as well like you did on christmas?


Thanks pal!!




Hi translator, could you hide under a spoiler tag (if its required) if this novel has romance? Please do help with an answer!






Awesome work!


I fall in love with SOT..the storyline are good,,MC a badass old man with class..*which my major turn on* XD the way you guys translating are good to..thanks for your hard work,,,may you guys always in good health and have a unlimited stamina...for me to read this novel.. XD


Thank you!

DarkLordMisty:I fall in love with SOT..the storyline are good,,MC a badass old man with class..*which my major turn on* XD the way you guys translating are good to..thanks for your hard work,,,may you guys always in good health and have a unlimited stamina...for me to read this novel.. XD

Hi, I am just writing this so that you, the translator knows and understands how much I FREAKING LOVE this novel. Just saying. Oh, and also, a few extra chapters wouldn't be missed.


Thank you for translating!!! It is amazing!!! ♡


Thank you so much for the translation. In fact I do not know if I thank or fight with you, I do nothing else in my life but read this novel. 😁


this novel is really good!! 😍😍 it hooks me upp thank you so muchh for translating this and a few extra chapters will be reallyy appreciated 😉


Keep up the good work! :)


Thanks 😊

Other Reviews


It's a novel about a guy from an apocalyptic age time traveling to the future. Although the MC is probably some combat monster, the novel is more focused on the MC's preapocalypse profession of being a composer. His experience helps in paving his path in the music industry, but I like how it's not a super cheat that blows away competition. He doesn't go "oh Imma use music style 500 years ago to be first in this newcomer competition thing!", and I'm happy that he doesn't really get close to first place but still has a placing that is befitting of an MC. It's not an MC can do everything (and by everything I mean plagiarizing works from others and act all mighty) and provoke countless people because he's too good novel, I'm talking about you IRAS. MC gets his placing because he has talent and experience, not because the works from his time was better or whatnot. People have saying IRAS this IRAS that, but no, it's not like that obnoxious novel. Or at least so far, we haven't yet seen stupid fan service, and although you can kinda see that horrendous cycle of "ppl underestimate MC, MC proceeds to face smack them," I like to think that the author is well aware of what he's doing and only skims through it, not spending 5 fucking chapters filled with people ridiculing MC while some people go "bla bla bla, MC is good, but I don't think he can make it out of this one." (I think I just spoiled the entirety of I Really Am a Superstar for you, sorry if you haven't read it yet). Author spends more time on other relevant things, which I appreciate a lot. A lot of the chapters are spent on the MC's work rather than others' reactions. But don't worry about the whole crowd reaction thing, it's not absent in this novel. Author has been innovative in showing the reactions so far, a far cry from just random people screaming with !!! at how good the MC is. I like how things are more believable in the industry part, you see a a lot of the insider stuff in play. I like to think that the author knows what he's doing, compared to just having a character with some sort of position but not really acting the part. I'm super glad we haven't yet seen the horror of a narrow minded upper management that plagued IRAS. In fact, the upper management so far in this novel have that kind of comical feel of what's it like to have a high position, but is actually plagued by all the work and responsibilities that they have. So far, we haven't yet had a hateable character. There's that guy who betrayed the MC's body's previous owner, but you can't really hate the guy since he's as good as dead meat, just waiting to die (even he himself knows that he's dead meat). I like the scifi part of it. I usually hate scifi since it's mostly filled with plotholes and inconsistencies, but I like how the author had the scifi in a manageable level. We haven't actually really seen much of the scifi part apart from flying cars and virtual idols yet, but nothing overboard so far has happened. I actually really like the whole virtual idol thing, which has a big part in the novel. I'm a Vocaloid pseudo-fan, and it's cool seeing the concept in a novel. But don't worry if you hate Vocaloid, since the idols are actually based more on actual idols, and there's this virtual idol vs human idol thing going on in the novel. I guess you can only really call it a subplot at this point since the focus isn't really on them because the virtual idol the MC is making is really unique in the novel's context. The chapters have either been short, or that it was really enjoyable I didn't notice I was already at ch 23. Not much has happened, but you can really see the progress. The translation speed is good, so I think it'll be all good on the pacing part. It has been really enjoyable so far, and I hope it stays this way. I have high hopes for this novel.

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