
Review Detail of bavieca in Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Review detail


Not going to lie, it's the MC that kills this one for me. I have seen case studies on children raised by wolves and this boy is worse than that. He was raised by years by a man who taught him basic skills, but that also means he was socialized to an extent. Since the story started the MC has been in society at least virtually for 3 years, yet he is still acting like a total savage? nah, unless he actually has a mental illness or a developmental disability there is no way this dude is this clueless to human interaction. I am sure it was intended to be humorous and/or edgy, but it absolutely detracts from the story.

Legend of the Supreme Soldier

Fang Xiang

Liked by 30 people






There is a saying in my hometown that "a character attained at birth will not be lost even after death"..... Animals are easy to understand but humans are scary


You're talking about something completely unrelated. You can be a violent person from birth and still know what a handshake is. Understand that a pat on the back isn't an attack. That your students and fellow teachers aren't a deadly threat you need to take seriously 100% of the time. That people can glare out of anger and not be a threat. Think about a person in your life who you know is a violent person and ask yourself this, would he or she know what to do when somebody puts their hand out for a handshake? Because this moronic child(With three years of socialization) didn't.

Empyerian:There is a saying in my hometown that "a character attained at birth will not be lost even after death"..... Animals are easy to understand but humans are scary

You maybe missed the part where it says he's somewhat of a humanoid mutant and literally from day 1, he has to fend for himself on a trash planet infested of mutants that will eat you. The only way he survived that hellhole is to be apathetic towards life itself and be on guard against everything. So yeah social skills is kinda like a handicap in his opinion, btw he improves his social skills at the later stages of the novel.


Why would you change just because you're somewhere else?


At first i wasn't gonna read this because the mecha tag got my dick soft, but then i saw your comment and the replies, and really man, when i see people like you *****ing about the MC being ruthless, i already know this is the novel I'm looking for. Thank you, and **** you.


he's not ruthless though, he's mindless.

FunFun:At first i wasn't gonna read this because the mecha tag got my dick soft, but then i saw your comment and the replies, and really man, when i see people like you *****ing about the MC being ruthless, i already know this is the novel I'm looking for. Thank you, and **** you.

warlock of the magus world is a novel with a pretty ruthless MC sorry oot

FunFun:At first i wasn't gonna read this because the mecha tag got my dick soft, but then i saw your comment and the replies, and really man, when i see people like you *****ing about the MC being ruthless, i already know this is the novel I'm looking for. Thank you, and **** you.

Ik I've read it.

ceremians:warlock of the magus world is a novel with a pretty ruthless MC sorry oot

no rape tag i drop this


XD bro

FunFun:At first i wasn't gonna read this because the mecha tag got my dick soft, but then i saw your comment and the replies, and really man, when i see people like you *****ing about the MC being ruthless, i already know this is the novel I'm looking for. Thank you, and **** you.

You into rape ?

salcho87:no rape tag i drop this

recommend`s ?: D

gugyyg:You into rape ?

You should probably try Side Character Transmigrations: The Final Boss is No Joke. That has a lot of rape/s*x endings for the bad guys.

salcho87:recommend`s ?: D

will give it a try lol who knows ty anyway ;)

Victorica:You should probably try Side Character Transmigrations: The Final Boss is No Joke. That has a lot of rape/s*x endings for the bad guys.

I like you reply. It summarizes everything I want to say. The MC is not just socially trained and even if he is being trained by shang the environment does not permit implementation of this social training. But one thing is sure he has emotions.

Daoist_Dan:You're talking about something completely unrelated. You can be a violent person from birth and still know what a handshake is. Understand that a pat on the back isn't an attack. That your students and fellow teachers aren't a deadly threat you need to take seriously 100% of the time. That people can glare out of anger and not be a threat. Think about a person in your life who you know is a violent person and ask yourself this, would he or she know what to do when somebody puts their hand out for a handshake? Because this moronic child(With three years of socialization) didn't.

Presumably the human genome has not changed much (or at all) meaning brain chemicals are still as volatile as they were before. Possibly, by constantly eating mutant beasts or beast saturated in radiation has severely affected the social part of his brain or completely screwed with his brain chemicals.


What you just did was justify the statement. a person is a collection of personality and emotions. of which sone are born with while some are acquired through society and learning in the various walks of life. you can unlearn things that you learned, some even forget it (ex: all across the world hold good for most:loss of morality of politicians) and others you are born with (ex: honesty or brutality) that follow you to your grave. you can suppress the inborn traits but never get rid of it

Daoist_Dan:You're talking about something completely unrelated. You can be a violent person from birth and still know what a handshake is. Understand that a pat on the back isn't an attack. That your students and fellow teachers aren't a deadly threat you need to take seriously 100% of the time. That people can glare out of anger and not be a threat. Think about a person in your life who you know is a violent person and ask yourself this, would he or she know what to do when somebody puts their hand out for a handshake? Because this moronic child(With three years of socialization) didn't.

Instead of suppressing it should be channeled. I definitely think nature is way more present than people assume, but if you make a concerted effort (I.E. Identify it as a problem and do something about it) then nurture can do a lot imo. For an example, undirected violence can be turned into constructive violence. Be it in a career, various hobby's or personal fitness. Something dangerous if simply left alone can be turned into a useful trait. To larger or lesser degrees some things humans are just born with. But it's not like your helpless to do anything about it after the fact. But... I remember next to nothing about this story so don't quote me in regards to it lol. That's just my personal take on what you said.

Empyerian:What you just did was justify the statement. a person is a collection of personality and emotions. of which sone are born with while some are acquired through society and learning in the various walks of life. you can unlearn things that you learned, some even forget it (ex: all across the world hold good for most:loss of morality of politicians) and others you are born with (ex: honesty or brutality) that follow you to your grave. you can suppress the inborn traits but never get rid of it