2018-06-02 20:35

Still waiting for the updates. Please please please x10 I miss the cat and the kids. Dear translator, you're not planning on abandoning this novel are you? So please update soon.

Liked by 6 people


Here u go: http://goo.gl/aeDFSp

Other Reviews

very interesting novel.I'reading it in qidian.the story is a little boring at the beginning but not drop it. it will be hilarious later. As for the translation quality, you are doing a good job。but I have something to say about the proverb:‘’Everything happens for the best‘’ I think there are some mistakes in translation。the author'original words is ‘’风吹鸡蛋壳,财去人安乐‘’,for the leading actor ,this words is just console himself ,it contains more helpless(无奈)than hope。just like anther words "Life is just like being raped. If you can not resist, close eyes,learn to enjoy it!"(ಡωಡ) about this words"风吹鸡蛋壳,财去人安乐".this is a literal translation ‘’Like wind blows on egg shells, when the money is gone ,a person feels light (at ease).‘’ this words from a children's enlightenment textbook written in the Ming dynasty,AD 14th Century. its full text is" 严父出孝子,慈母多败儿。 枪打出头鸟,刀砍地头蛇。 风吹鸡蛋壳,财去人安乐。 谁言碧山曲,不废青松直。 谁言浊水泥,不污明月色。 here is a story adout this words:a poor stingy person go out,in order to save money,he just brought a salted egg for his side dish,3 days later,this egg is half over。while he was eating on the boat,wind blew his egg into the water。he looked at the river and said helplessly that‘’风吹鸡蛋壳,财去人安乐‘’ .......please ignore my poor English(。・ω・。)ノ

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