
Review Detail of Priya_Agrawal_1447 in Jun Jiuling

Review detail


If u want the novel to CONTINUE pls share this link to interested translators! https://inkstone.webnovel.com/novels/applyposition/info This novel is already completed in the original chinese website of Webnovel :- Qidian So I consulted webnovel help center and this is the reply I got -> Yes, I understand. I saw that there were still a lot of chapters to go and the translated work isn“t even roughly 1/3 of the completed novel. We“ll inform our team of your“s and the community“s continued interest in this novel. If you know someone interested in translating this work, please refer them to the link https://inkstone.webnovel.com/novels/applyposition/info . We“ll continue searching for translators on our end as well. So as u can see they only need translators so pls share the link with interested translators!!!(≧▽≦)(。•̀ᴗ-)✧


Jun Jiuling

Xi Xing

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