
Review Detail of Xamar in The Ultimate Evolution

Review detail


I like this story, the unexpeted events, the fights, everything seems perfect except for one thing. The MC can get crazy ideas and solve every situation he's stuck in, but is intel stats is one of the lowest with charm and spirit! So how do you explain his near godlike wisdom at planning and and counter plan everyone ? Are you telling me that because is physique is really high he is a genious ? So the brian is really a muscle? xD


The Ultimate Evolution

Rolling Up Soils

Liked by 4 people




Sad, no one can answer my ultimate question ... T-T


I don't even wanna start reading this novel. Coz the synopsis is the gayest thing I've read. I really like to keep one fiction away from the other.

Xamar:Sad, no one can answer my ultimate question ... T-T

The intelligence stat doesn’t actually represent the contestants intellect, it’s more like how much mana they have or something like that.

Xamar:Sad, no one can answer my ultimate question ... T-T

Thank you for your answer and i think you right, because many fighters don't need mana, but can't be stupid because of that! However, I really think they should use a different name for this stat...because the first definition of intelligence is: "The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills", a perfect decription of the MC cleverness.


are you here to read sypnosis or story? sypnosis is true to point unlike other novels where its totally unrelated or just there to lure readers and later on they are dissapointed from story unlike this one where everythig is true to pount and real life like

lucitfler:I don't even wanna start reading this novel. Coz the synopsis is the gayest thing I've read. I really like to keep one fiction away from the other.

Hi. Wisdom and intelligence are 2 different things. Also knowledge a different thing. Wisdom allows you to use your intelligence with your knowledge. So if you have the knowledge and have less intelligence but you have wisdom then you might outsmart everyonee that should be smarter than you. Also people with extreme intelligence are usually way too rational and dont stray from the most efficient ways while the wise have more room for options.


it was actually said in the novel thats that exactly the reason

Phsycon:The intelligence stat doesn’t actually represent the contestants intellect, it’s more like how much mana they have or something like that.

Well i think the synopsis already explain the novel up to some point, unlike other synopsis

lucitfler:I don't even wanna start reading this novel. Coz the synopsis is the gayest thing I've read. I really like to keep one fiction away from the other.

Most books/novels frustrate me with how they are so keen to describe the MC as clever and intelligent yet having the MC act like a drunk 3 year old the whole book over. This book does the complete opposite it has the MC outsmart any person he meets even the once described as intellectual giants. Yet at the same time the MC is not described as someone with unmatched intellect yet his every single action proves him to be so... Im flabbergasted at this UNUSUAL situation


yes i think the sames, but after reflection we know the MC never went to do studies but still got a high level of commandment on a Super Tanker. Perhaps he really is a genius, but never got the chance to show it in academic level, so he got better in relationship and understanding of the other, because of all the people he meet around the world.

MadMollusk:Most books/novels frustrate me with how they are so keen to describe the MC as clever and intelligent yet having the MC act like a drunk 3 year old the whole book over. This book does the complete opposite it has the MC outsmart any person he meets even the once described as intellectual giants. Yet at the same time the MC is not described as someone with unmatched intellect yet his every single action proves him to be so... Im flabbergasted at this UNUSUAL situation