This is a story leaning a bit on the macho side, battle battle battle everywhere, character development is slow, there is no romance ( none whatsoever), most of the battle techniques of the mc are introduced abruptly ( like there is no training or comprehension session, when he's fighting, at the very least second he erupts with a new technique to blow other people's mind),a few stuffs are exaggerated ( damn, I'm giving way too many negative opinions), take the story with a pinch of salt and hopefully you can enjoy it
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LIKENope, it's the same novel, the thing you mentioned in chairs 25 about him getting a gf, it's more like he forced himself upon her and kissed her and stuff ( there was no love in that), after that that lady just disappears for more than a hundred chapters before she is mentioned once, that Loli is kinda like a sister the him, and the interactions with other females is just normal stuff, you don't find any romance in that, hope this helps you
Tch. no romance what kind of author doesn't put in romance in the story even if the romance wasn't part of the main focus at least add it in a couple of chapters to make things more better. Such a waste. I read the comic which has the same title as this one and I like it. Just that romance is lacking quite a bit for my MC.