Hello 🤗 folks, Completing the sacred Authors ritual, but it's just to just know you better. Ultimately you're the judge of if you want to read or not. And if you have any questions you can comment.
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LIKEIt's not fixed but it's near 15 for now. And he already had 6 wives so instead of just making them Pokemon, there will be a little more character interaction and proper development of feelings and for a reason instead of just charm. well.....that's depending on which character he is aiming for.
In terms of human strength he is currently Over powered as he can even defeat characters Rika a military veteran, Saeko and even master Busijma if he came and other characters pretty easily. But in terms of Most powerful he still got ways to go😎👌cause ........well it will be revealed in the story.
xPonGx:Is the MC overpowered?