
Review Detail of Dr_Insane001 in Serial Killer In 'The Eminence in the Shadows'

Review detail


So far so good, could use some work on pov shifts and tell the readers when it happens so we don’t get surprised but otherwise win likening the story’s development so far and I think I that’s real orbit it’s still too early to say so I might update this in the future when more chapters are out.

Serial Killer In 'The Eminence in the Shadows'


Liked by 2 people




I see, thank you for the lovely review. Should I just add the POV name before changing? I usually try to show whose pov it is a few line in by writing something only that particular character would say or something. Nonetheless I'll keep it in mind and if I get a few more complaints I'll simply add whose pov it is.


Yes, and if your switching from 1st to third make sure to state it as well so readers don’t get confused

Zephyrrrrr:I see, thank you for the lovely review. Should I just add the POV name before changing? I usually try to show whose pov it is a few line in by writing something only that particular character would say or something. Nonetheless I'll keep it in mind and if I get a few more complaints I'll simply add whose pov it is.