
Review Detail of AlanCee in Marvel : Homelander

Review detail


Grammar needs work, lots of spelling and punctuation errors that has to be corrected and the writing in general is barely average. We know nothing of the character description besides the fact mc reincarnated with powers of homelander, and then author changes it and says it came from this ‘new order’ power that’s so overpowered it changes reality, thus allowing him to make any ability he wishes. Mc kills his pedo uncle and drug/alcohol addicted parents which is fine, makes sense. What doesn’t make sense is that the X-men look for him, Jean finds him and then he somehow forcibly mind controls her(new order bs power) to leave and attack the X-men while also making them lose their memories. Next he somehow gains a zealous ally that was never mentioned and talked about, and he vents to her on a angsty crying rant about being a god in chains wanting more power bla bla blah, out of nowhere. Keep in mind all we know is mc died (age unknown), reincarnated into current body in mcu(age again unknown), and he’s acting like this??? Story needs to be fleshed out so much it’s not funny, this just makes no sense(barebone details). It’s like going into the mind of a schizophrenic that gets more powers like it’s free real estate, but he also does irrational things for no reason. Also the ancient one exists for a reason when it comes to mystical threats and reality changing powers, but ok just ignore that as well.

Marvel : Homelander


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this is the most accurate review. Another thing that doesn’t make since is how a WALL STREET BROKER all of a sudden develops schizophrenia basically. Like the mental instability really didn’t make sense to me. And I feel like the whole “My powers made me this way” is very forced. I just think it’s the authors failed attempt at making a edgy mc. Or a failed attempt at trying to add Emotional depth. Now the premise/idea of the story is really good. Poorly executed though