Congratulation on completing your graduate degree first of all. Your work has always had a great depth and a distinctive style; every chapter clearly shows your passion of narrative. Your gripping account of Torrhen skillfully combines your personal vision with the complexity of A Song of Ice and Fire to enthralls readers. Fans of the narrative would really be losing something if it were ending early. Having said that, I totally appreciate your wish to concentrate on unique ideas and pursue a career as a writer—your talent is indisputable and it makes logical to spend time producing something entirely yours. Still, I believe the universe you have created with Torrhen has a great lot of promise. Though it's at a slower pace, many of us are excited to see where his path leads next and I really believe there is a balance that could be achieved between your original work and continuing the fanfiction. I will keep forwarding your original writings and fanfiction as well as sharing your work. Keep on; your potential as a writer is rather wonderful!
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