
Review Detail of Nine11P2 in Under The Starry Sky

Review detail


I read this on your fanfiction.net account.What a great story.I hope he plays a bigger role like a leader to his classmates and maybe train ron and Hermione a little? I am still on ch 9 maybe that may come soon buuut that just a theory!

Under The Starry Sky


Liked by 2 people




OH my goodness, I am soo hapy to hear that someone has seen my book in both fanfic.net and here. I have also uploaded it on Wattpad... but wattpad is kind of hard... Anyways, i will incorporate leadership roles for Harry, but that would propbably happen after the GoF stuff. All the GoF stuff is quite intense and i have a quite a bit in mind after all. Anyway, thanks for the first review!


no problem but a reminder either have a fixed schedule and post ch according to it as it's difficult to upload daily, so stock some chapters so in case you can't write that day you have readymade ch

prakhart2007:OH my goodness, I am soo hapy to hear that someone has seen my book in both fanfic.net and here. I have also uploaded it on Wattpad... but wattpad is kind of hard... Anyways, i will incorporate leadership roles for Harry, but that would propbably happen after the GoF stuff. All the GoF stuff is quite intense and i have a quite a bit in mind after all. Anyway, thanks for the first review!

Honestly, i tried to upload a lot of chapters in the first week, but from now on, my goal will be to upload two to three chapter a week. After all i need to juggle both my school work and fanfic... So yaa

Nine11P2:no problem but a reminder either have a fixed schedule and post ch according to it as it's difficult to upload daily, so stock some chapters so in case you can't write that day you have readymade ch


prakhart2007:Honestly, i tried to upload a lot of chapters in the first week, but from now on, my goal will be to upload two to three chapter a week. After all i need to juggle both my school work and fanfic... So yaa

Just don't be too chummy with that annpying Ron and Hermione. 👍😈

prakhart2007:OH my goodness, I am soo hapy to hear that someone has seen my book in both fanfic.net and here. I have also uploaded it on Wattpad... but wattpad is kind of hard... Anyways, i will incorporate leadership roles for Harry, but that would propbably happen after the GoF stuff. All the GoF stuff is quite intense and i have a quite a bit in mind after all. Anyway, thanks for the first review!