Welcome to the Danvers Family
Join Alex and Kara as they go on a journey of love and family. We follow them from the first day they meet, to falling in love, getting married, having a family, and falling in love again, as they meet Maggie Sawyer and Lena Luthor to create the ultimate OT4. There's love, sex, tons of fluff, a dash of angst to keep things interesting, and a few surprises hidden along the way. Vaguely cannon compliant.
Sex scenes are marked with an asterisk on the Chapter Title, and a long row of XOXOXO before and after. You know. Because some people want to skip the sex, and some people want to skip right to it! (Done upon request.)
***Note 9/18/21***I'm cleaning this up a bit. I do plan on editing a few minor things, but nothing to change the overall story.
***Update 10/12/22***I have had a complete life upheaval in the last year, starting right before i finished this story, and i can barely sit for 5 minutes right now, let alone write anything. I'm pretty upset about this, but i don't see it changing any time soon. Thus, I'm not sure about the sequel to this.
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