Extreme nationalism makes it hard to read[img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap]
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LIKEYa I don't really understand how the governments still exist with such a broken system accessible to the whole world. I would think the first thing that happened would be that the world would come under one contires or persons rule. As such for me the Extreame Nationalism is simply pointless and crazy, with a tower and system like that existing you likely have much bigger problems than fighting over who rules this piece of land on earth. Not to mention Marvel is one of the worlds they descend into, how are they not advancing to the stars the tech level in Marvel is quite high and who knows what other worlds they visit.
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if you have to advertise through a webnovel review’s comments it’s clearly a scam or just doesn’t work. get a job bum
His name is also a dictator haha