Synopsis: A man who was reincarnated into DxD and lived peacefully for 20 years obtained the Celestial System when he took a devil pamphlet. S*** just got real after that. No meta knowledge, Touki build MC, the funny Blender, and best girl Ereskigal Review: Don't know how to write a review so I'll just list what I liked and dislike Like: 1. Touki. It's rare to find a fic about Touki, especially one with a decent story. I cast fist all the way. 2. The Grind. MC never skips practice. Always look for ways to improve his training and we can see his progress. Have good mentality too. Rarely complains, doesn't overthink like DxD next door MC. Just grind and enjoy the gains. He is a bit dumb tho. Lol 3. Away from Kuoh MC is in America, far from Canon. So no Rias desperate recruitment, no Sona forced chess match, no fake Dio, no fallen trio who somehow entered the harem, and of course there is no need to think about plans to rob Issei of boosted gear. It's nice to get away from these overused fic plots once in a while. 4. OP Protein Blender 5. Ereskigal Dislike: Cursed chapter 16. Spoiler, he made male AI. A male AI in harem story. What could be wrong? Read chapter 16. The flags are everywhere. Ended up being a false alarm, but still not a pleasant experience.
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