
Review Detail of CrazyEyedJon in Dreamwalker's Bride

Review detail


A disgraced noblewoman out for revenge, and a reluctant soldier with unique abilities, thrown together by an unusual arranged marriage neither of them asked for. And both have secrets to keep... This proves a perfect setup for a delightfully complicated romance between two people suddenly thrust into intimate circumstances neither of them were prepared for with a total stranger. Dispite their mutual attraction (not that they'd admit it to each other, or themselves just yet) neither is sure of how much they can trust one another, or quite able to get a read on somone they're only just starting to know. The characters are well written and belivable. You might not agree with every decision they make, but you can understand why they make them. And while they're not perfect, it's easy to see how they might be perfect for one another. The intrigue had me immidiatly hooked. Already there are antagonists who I can't wait to see get their comuppance, and to understand more about the plots and conspiracies that the main characters are tangled in. I'm looking forward to finding out more about what the magic of this world makes possible, not just dreamwalking, but other abilities hinted at as well. Now that I've caught up with the story, I'm extra grateful that it's being published regularly. I'm eager to read more! I supposed I could check out the Author's other completed story to tide me over... šŸ˜‰

Dreamwalker's Bride


Liked by 5 people




Thank you so much for the kind and thorough review!! šŸ„³šŸŽ‰