
Review Detail of k1lausNamikaze in Red Nara

Review detail


OK, let's go. The story is good, the plot is well developed and has interesting changes in relation to the canon. Now let's go to the negative points, although the world is well built, the same cannot be said about the characters, the protagonist has a good construction, but the secondary characters need more development and depth. Another negative point is the scarcity of dialogue and third-person POV and other characters, there are a few here and there, but they are the minority (it is worth noting that this may be a matter of personal taste, I prefer to read stories told mostly by a narrator , with increments of the characters' POV). Last but not least - in fact, this point is probably the most important - the size of the chapters and the rhythm of the story, there are already 85 chapters, but only 65 thousand words, to make matters worse, the mc is 10 years old in chapter 85, and the first 3 or 4 years of his life were covered in the first 15, so it took 70 chapters to tell only 7 years of history, which is especially bad if you consider that the MC is only 10 years old. age. These extremely short chapters and very slow pacing make me think that it will take at least 150 chapters before we start to see really interesting things, and with a posting schedule of just one chapter per day (the author stopped posting the combos of chapters in 3 days) it will take another 2 months to get to the "interesting part" of this story. I apologize if you hear problems with grammar and things like that, I used the translator to type this.

Red Nara


Liked by 6 people




There are a lot of ff's that have a lot of text, fast paced development. However, at chapter 200 the author starts to suck the plot out of his finger and the quality of the story drops a lot. I hope that readers about this ff in 500 chapters will write that the quality if not increased at least preserved.


do you have the name of the fanfic ?


dude can you give us the link of this fic.