Okay hear me out on this one. I think you made a good job by implementing the MC (new harry) into the story. The first time you mentioned his twin I really thought: "Ohh great its another one of those stories." But you really surprised me with it. It's also nice to see more of the Wizarding world outside of hogwarts since so many fanfiction are just a copy from the last. 1.) Reincarnated 2.) Except letter 3.) Becoming op fast 4.) Ploting against voldemort 5.) Happy ending It really IS refreshing to she the MC on the bad side, and I don't mean those Chinese potter novels where voldemort gets Reincarnated in a child's body and makes a 180° in his character. NO! I mean a real reason for the MC to become (evil) and do something other than play beta for the golden trio. KUDOS. I hope you continue this🫡
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LIKEThat's also a good point but I just think it's nice to see something other than the generic reincarnator that tries to save the world all be their lonesome self. It is something new and refreshing rather than what you normally see. Maybe grindelwald would have been a better mentor (rather sure he would) but I like the chaotic element that Voldemort provides.