
Review Detail of Loreem in The Broken Bonds

Review detail


Note: This is an early review, I've only read 20 chapters so far, so there's a chance I'll change my mind about this book at some point in the future. but so far I have had a great experience with it, this is the first book i really follow in this platform, this doesn't not mean I don't read web novel, just not here🤫. the book start slow and continue that way till the point where i am now, this does not mean it's bad or not worth it, the contrary it's very good, it give you the chance to know the character you will follow throughout this journey, it's set's the foundation of the book as a whole, and introduce you to the world you will come to love or hate. and this book does that very well, except for the world building part, but i feel confident in this new author, just from what I have experienced from him so far. Anyway, I'll follow this story and see what happens. and if i change my mind about it, I'll be honest about it. Note: The Porter-man is the greatest character in all fiction.

The Broken Bonds


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Although I did not expect to receive a review this early, I am glad to know that you are enjoying the book so far. Your thoughtful opinion holds great value to me, especially as a new author, and for that I thank you very much. There is a kind of special happiness and pride when you realize that what you are trying to convey to the reader arrives as you want it to be, and your review is evidence of that, because you understand the purpose of the slow pace that the book adopts in the first chapters. It's great that you connect with the main characters so well, it means I'm doing something right and that's the goal. I hope that as you continue reading, the world-building will become more attractive to you, and I have confidence that it will become so in the next few chapters. Thank you again for your continued support, whether in the chapters comments or the power stones, and also for giving the book a chance. All I can offer in return is to continue the hard work and promise a journey worth following. "I_K2ut"


I_K2ut:Although I did not expect to receive a review this early, I am glad to know that you are enjoying the book so far. Your thoughtful opinion holds great value to me, especially as a new author, and for that I thank you very much. There is a kind of special happiness and pride when you realize that what you are trying to convey to the reader arrives as you want it to be, and your review is evidence of that, because you understand the purpose of the slow pace that the book adopts in the first chapters. It's great that you connect with the main characters so well, it means I'm doing something right and that's the goal. I hope that as you continue reading, the world-building will become more attractive to you, and I have confidence that it will become so in the next few chapters. Thank you again for your continued support, whether in the chapters comments or the power stones, and also for giving the book a chance. All I can offer in return is to continue the hard work and promise a journey worth following. "I_K2ut"