
Review Detail of Zekt in In Danmachi with A Jujutsu Kaisen System

Review detail


Will be updated after 100 chapters. I take constructive criticism, I don't mind negative reviews obvioulsy but that doesn't mean I like bots, trolling, or unserious reviews.

In Danmachi with A Jujutsu Kaisen System


Liked by 7 people




You said the Harem is about 3-4 may I ask who is in the harem.


so there will be 100+ chapters?



DaoistT0Lq16:so there will be 100+ chapters?

At the moment of your comment I didn’t have an idea but now I do. Artemis, as for the other two I have decided to do a poll when it’s gets closer, and for the fourth hehehe VERY down the line

Nightskin_Mystic:You said the Harem is about 3-4 may I ask who is in the harem.

Propongo riveria y am Freya o alguien nuevo, no pongas a hestia ni a lilit son muy comunes, además hestia es más un problema que nada, no te ayudará en nada, ha menos que quieras un personaje en blanco

Zekt:At the moment of your comment I didn’t have an idea but now I do. Artemis, as for the other two I have decided to do a poll when it’s gets closer, and for the fourth hehehe VERY down the line

Dejaré las siguientes dos decisiones en manos de todos ustedes. Sin embargo, estoy de acuerdo en que Hestia es demasiado común.

jonathan_santosmtz:Propongo riveria y am Freya o alguien nuevo, no pongas a hestia ni a lilit son muy comunes, además hestia es más un problema que nada, no te ayudará en nada, ha menos que quieras un personaje en blanco

I hope it's freya still haven't found a ff where freya is part of the harem, I don't know why I like her but after reading the fanfic of feniurme I come to adore her I don't even know why but anyway I hope it's freya she deserves some happiness she just want to find her odr...

Zekt:At the moment of your comment I didn’t have an idea but now I do. Artemis, as for the other two I have decided to do a poll when it’s gets closer, and for the fourth hehehe VERY down the line

ohh yeah why not make all his harem members only goddess ?

shiro_shiraori:I hope it's freya still haven't found a ff where freya is part of the harem, I don't know why I like her but after reading the fanfic of feniurme I come to adore her I don't even know why but anyway I hope it's freya she deserves some happiness she just want to find her odr...

go read elemental mage l, it has 1 girl romance and that's Freya, I honestly stopped reading any danmachi fanfic that has Freya in harem. it wasn't upto my taste but you can go ahead and read it

shiro_shiraori:I hope it's freya still haven't found a ff where freya is part of the harem, I don't know why I like her but after reading the fanfic of feniurme I come to adore her I don't even know why but anyway I hope it's freya she deserves some happiness she just want to find her odr...

ohh thanks who's the author btw ?

HollyRisk:go read elemental mage l, it has 1 girl romance and that's Freya, I honestly stopped reading any danmachi fanfic that has Freya in harem. it wasn't upto my taste but you can go ahead and read it

Why harem…


I will ask something which i hope you will do if you can make him get with alfia i have actually never seen it happen that she is a love interest so it would be really interesting.


Because it’s not a setting where I feel a single female lead can prosper in sense. If this were somewhere like JJK then it’d work but somehow someway Akutami will cause pain 🤣🤣

Yok_Sana:Why harem…

I’m actually gonna do a poll for girl 2, 3 and if there is a fourth I’ll do it as well for that one. ❤️❤️❤️I’ll include her in somehow in these polls and even the story if I can remember. ❤️❤️imma actually write this down

Ronin46:I will ask something which i hope you will do if you can make him get with alfia i have actually never seen it happen that she is a love interest so it would be really interesting.

After the battle she fought with zald towards the end for having new strong Adventurers if i remember she supposedly died in The dungeon after falling from a hole that ran through several floors if i remember right you could make it that she fell in a special area where she was hibernated till now and make mc find her through idle transfiguration he should be able to cure her sickness plus she is a peak level 8 withuot her sickness her strenght should reach about lvl 9 so it would be good for mc to have her around in The early stages too even if she stayed hidden as for how to develop their relationship into romance you can either do it slowly or fast by making her weak after she is cured for a while and during that the dungeon having felt that she awakened sent many Monsters to Kill her and they fight them together alfia was an absolute Genius with eidetic kinesthesia meaning any movement she had ever seen she can replicate so she is as Op in close Combat as she is with magic, so through their fighting together like a dance of gore and death they both develop feeling for each other it may seem fast but it would fit since alfia is nevrotic and kinda crazy plus mc helped her and mc is crazy too in his own way and having a woman that can fight by his side sounds like his type

Zekt:I’m actually gonna do a poll for girl 2, 3 and if there is a fourth I’ll do it as well for that one. ❤️❤️❤️I’ll include her in somehow in these polls and even the story if I can remember. ❤️❤️imma actually write this down

Sorry for the long comment but maybe it's useful maybe not but i will still give you my idea xD👍

Zekt:I’m actually gonna do a poll for girl 2, 3 and if there is a fourth I’ll do it as well for that one. ❤️❤️❤️I’ll include her in somehow in these polls and even the story if I can remember. ❤️❤️imma actually write this down

Tch…tell me how many…not more then 3 right

Zekt:Because it’s not a setting where I feel a single female lead can prosper in sense. If this were somewhere like JJK then it’d work but somehow someway Akutami will cause pain 🤣🤣

My fault i liked and didn’t respond 😭😭😭so one is Artemis, and the next two to three are gonna be decided in a poll i do 💀

Nightskin_Mystic:You said the Harem is about 3-4 may I ask who is in the harem.

3 or 4 ! That’s it. The fourth depends if I really want to or if it works in the story but definitely 3

Yok_Sana:Tch…tell me how many…not more then 3 right

…well at last not all of them like some stupids who is referring them self as harem god and put EVERVODY

Zekt:3 or 4 ! That’s it. The fourth depends if I really want to or if it works in the story but definitely 3