2024-09-24 17:21

i have to preface this, I have bias against translations as i believe the translators are usually the problem, the translation is "acceptable" at best as there are obviously Chinese names that have Japanese names that are forgotten. the other issue i have is the lack of awareness of the story... on chapter two it straight up says that the reporters were using camera phones to record a fight between the pirates and marines... there have been a bunch of other instances that make no sense and it kills the immersion.

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for anyone not aware, the only communication methods in the entire manga/anime is either a devil fruit (because you can do what ever you like and it would work out) a news coo that delivers a newspaper and finally a den den mushy (the little snail communication device)... there have not been ANY mentions of a phone in any sense of the word


one correction: camera do exist in one piece. Search "Attach" as a character. He used to previously work for marines now works for big news Morgan and he is shown to be using camera.

Crytach:for anyone not aware, the only communication methods in the entire manga/anime is either a devil fruit (because you can do what ever you like and it would work out) a news coo that delivers a newspaper and finally a den den mushy (the little snail communication device)... there have not been ANY mentions of a phone in any sense of the word

He doesn't use a phone camera he just uses a normal camera

Chunchunmaru_Lord:one correction: camera do exist in one piece. Search "Attach" as a character. He used to previously work for marines now works for big news Morgan and he is shown to be using camera.

sorry then, my mistake..

Spidergod8821:He doesn't use a phone camera he just uses a normal camera
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