
Review Detail of SaltedEgg in A Rider Kick in Marvel

Review detail


The start of the story is pretty good, but after that everything goes downhill, especially after he fought Logan and faced The Lizard. He knew about marvel and the plot, even tho this world is AU several things is the same as MCU, but instead of preventing some accidents to happen, MC act like he forgot about all the plot. So the story become boring because mc act passively even tho he knew about the plot. He act like he is a great hero, he gives some advice to Gwen when she doing the vigilante for the attention that she get, but in the end he just a pathetic mc that act high and mighty. Looking down on the villain and never get serious with his fight. He have all rider form, he is really powerful but he chose to use the weaker form, even when his friend almost dead he only able to scream 'Nooo' even tho he can beat his opponent easily. This is a good concept, even pretty good at the beginning. But mc need to act more serious. Maybe author wants mc and other to have some charater development but making mc look pathetic isn't a good choice. His fight against Abomination is good, but his fight against Logan, Vermin and Lizard is disappointing

A Rider Kick in Marvel


Liked by 6 people




And that fight against Natasha? I don't believe this serum excuse. How could she cause problems for a Kamen Rider?


Bad plot

Diggo_Fake:And that fight against Natasha? I don't believe this serum excuse. How could she cause problems for a Kamen Rider?