This is the type of story I like, the protagonist is not a little guy who thinks he's very smart just because he wants to fool everyone, nor is he an arrogant idiot who thinks he's better than everyone just because he's stronger. No, the MC in this story is a good person, which is something rare, he is proof that there are still good people in this world and even though he is in a corrupt, rotten and blood-stained world he still carries hope, just like every guy who carries the title of HERO should have. A hero is not about having power, fame or a sad story, it is about doing good things out of pure kindness and overcoming all adversity with a smile on your face. That IS a hero.
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LIKEDebatable, Look at Darkest Night? Where Lois is killed by the joker and Superman starts handing out Death Sentences for Rape,Murder and Killing his villains Then Batman and The Joker (The One Who killed Lois) Send a NUKE at Metropolis and Expect Superman to just Take it then They Beat Superman To death With Kypronite Gauntlets (Batman) and Kypronite Knife (Joker) talking about how Superman was Going "Too Far" while They were the ones that NUKED A CITY
I mean, homelander in this novel is taking inspiration from 'Hope' Superman, not the injustice one. If we are talking about Superman characteristic in multiverse, which is the majority?, Hopelike Superman or injustice and Ultraman like Superman?
tbh? About a 60/40 Split Unlike Batman with a 30/70 split Not to mention 99 percent of batman are on the edge of falling Being Chaotic Lawful