
Review Detail of Daoist4MxvaV in Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent

Review detail


the novel isn't bad , but it isn't for me ,if u are into psychopaths this fanfic is for u ,Personally i don't hate psychopaths characters but its always better to have context to why a character is evil or morally grey or at least show us the journey of why the mc ended up that way or give us interesting motivations to hold on to , having someone who is evil or bad just bc , is very boring and uninteresting , I Would have appreciated it more if there was someone who thinks on the same level and wave length of the mc as the mc rival to keep things interesting or have the mc run into or face a stray devil to add some excitement , this kind of mc of this fanfic only works for antagonists bc antagonists dont get that much screen time and it adds mystery compared to the mc , also the MC is corny , the mc is only a character an edgy teenager , psychopath , sociopath or someone whose life is too boring would enjoy, the mc isn't even relatable unless u find being a psychopath relatable . Compared others I have read this fanfic is pretty lukewarm it brings no excitement or interest , it just feels like the author reduced the iq of all the other characters to make the mc seem more intelligent than he is , it just feels like a chore to read . My advice to the author if u want to right an overly selfish mc , give more screen time to the side characters to show how the mc actions affect others around him . I would have given the mc greater and interesting goal(note I just want to survive isnt an interesting goal ) and added someone who could have given the mc a challenge to make things interesting bc I doubt u can make good fights

Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent


Liked by 46 people




No veo que sea un psicópata. Solo un tío que sabe aprovechar las oportunidades y es más listo que los que lo rodean.


sorry i don't understand what u wrote

Daemanuel:No veo que sea un psicópata. Solo un tío que sabe aprovechar las oportunidades y es más listo que los que lo rodean.

Daemanuel:No veo que sea un psicópata. Solo un tío que sabe aprovechar las oportunidades y es más listo que los que lo rodean.