I think im on chapter 21 and this book is pretty good so far!! But to be honest the pages could use more written on them because they seem to not have as many words on them as other books!! The other thing is that if this book is about vampires and a harem then y only the 2 girls as main characters!??? And I think the 3 girls that where at the auction (the flower shop girls) should also be part of the harem I mean they obviously have money so y not!!??? And I hope that the MC finds other pages of the book and gets stronger and I hope that he he becomes there king and honestly if he has more then 1 page wouldnt that make him the one that actually has the right to the throne because he has 2 or more pages and not one like everyone else!!! And I hope the MC and the girls somehow get there hands on some start up money and make there own business so they can make a ton of money all together!!! I know the book is already in the 200s for chapters but I really hope that these this happen and/or r corrected !!
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