
Review Detail of GoldenOsiris in Iron Man in DC

Review detail


Should be a decent story, so give me your best feedback! I’ll do my best to improve!

Iron Man in DC


Liked by 5 people




And you just did it again, telling me that I can’t tell you, “I write what I want”. But it’s cool, no point in arguing over something so mundane.

John_Friday:I never wrote it was compulsory for you to write it that way. If you read from the beginning carefully I wrote the word 'suggestions' so what you could do was either read the suggestion and if it doesn't align with the way you want just ignore or don't read at all. Also, suggestion is part of a feedback. When given a feedback don't use aggressive text to reply. you either ignore the reply or tell the person thank you but don't was how you want the story to go and don't use words like no one can tell me what to write.

do MC kill or not ? this will be deal breaker or not depend


why must it always be a system fic


Yeah when it’s necessary, and sometimes naturally whenever he fights some fodder because of his powerful repulsor beams.

Artoriapendraragon:do MC kill or not ? this will be deal breaker or not depend

Hopefully joker on the list I really can't stand him

GoldenOsiris:Yeah when it’s necessary, and sometimes naturally whenever he fights some fodder because of his powerful repulsor beams.

it's been good so far. I would suggest that you reduce is pride and not be has prideful as iron man in marvel. He shouldn't be someone who likes to show off like he did in chapter 3. He should be focused on technology and please do not direct him to magic and if you do let it be technologically. Also, make him have legion of iron man where he will be one man army. Also for his secretary don't choose from any villain or heroine just an ordinary person not known. He should be chasing after girls. His lifestyle should be getting more knowledge, representing justice, Inventing tech stuff. Please no superpower. That all I could think of.


I see you where your coming from, but you can’t tell me how my character should act, that’s just a no-brainer😂 He will be how I want him to be. As for your other statements, their all things I disagree with. Like I told the others, when I say feedback, I mean constructive criticism, not how you feel the story should be, that’s not your role, I’ll write how I see fit. So just enjoy the story!

John_Friday:it's been good so far. I would suggest that you reduce is pride and not be has prideful as iron man in marvel. He shouldn't be someone who likes to show off like he did in chapter 3. He should be focused on technology and please do not direct him to magic and if you do let it be technologically. Also, make him have legion of iron man where he will be one man army. Also for his secretary don't choose from any villain or heroine just an ordinary person not known. He should be chasing after girls. His lifestyle should be getting more knowledge, representing justice, Inventing tech stuff. Please no superpower. That all I could think of.

like I said suggestions. I didn't say it is compulsory. So there no need to be aggressive. If you feel like the suggestion is not okay you leave it. I only suggested because you asked for feedback

GoldenOsiris:I see you where your coming from, but you can’t tell me how my character should act, that’s just a no-brainer😂 He will be how I want him to be. As for your other statements, their all things I disagree with. Like I told the others, when I say feedback, I mean constructive criticism, not how you feel the story should be, that’s not your role, I’ll write how I see fit. So just enjoy the story!

I understand that, but your feedback was simply how you felt the main character should be, that’s not really feedback, but rather your opinion. I’m looking for logical facts on how my fanfic needs to improve.

John_Friday:like I said suggestions. I didn't say it is compulsory. So there no need to be aggressive. If you feel like the suggestion is not okay you leave it. I only suggested because you asked for feedback

lol you asked for feedback and he gave it to you if you don't like it that's fine but don't act like a child and insult him. PS. asking for feedback and then responding to it by more or less saying no one's feedback matters I write what i want. what a joke

GoldenOsiris:I understand that, but your feedback was simply how you felt the main character should be, that’s not really feedback, but rather your opinion. I’m looking for logical facts on how my fanfic needs to improve.

Sure, if that’s what you think.

Abeeba:lol you asked for feedback and he gave it to you if you don't like it that's fine but don't act like a child and insult him. PS. asking for feedback and then responding to it by more or less saying no one's feedback matters I write what i want. what a joke

But I will ask, when did I insult him? I simply said I understand his view, but he will not tell me how to write my character. Feedback is something logical, like gramma mistakes, plot mistakes, etc. What he was telling me was compulsory, in the sense that he wants my character to act how he likes. No reader has the authority to dictate how an author’s character should act, nonetheless I was respectful the entire time. So don’t try and act as if I being disrespectful😂

Abeeba:lol you asked for feedback and he gave it to you if you don't like it that's fine but don't act like a child and insult him. PS. asking for feedback and then responding to it by more or less saying no one's feedback matters I write what i want. what a joke

1 you telling him that he isn't getting something you call a no-brainer you are essentially calling him stupid. 2 Feedback isn't just grammatical errors or plot holes it might be all you want but you didn't just ask for that you just asked for feedback and that can be anything from grammar to how you are writing certain characters, plot points and the story as a whole. 3you are right 99.99% of readers don't have the right to decide what an author writes and because of that, it's. not. compulsatory all he gave was feedback that you asked for even if you didn't want that kind of feedback you got what you asked for. twice now you have taken words (feedback. compulsory) and ignored the meaning of the word and used it how you want. with the word feedback you asked for it then got feedback and then complained. with compulsory you are making it out like he wasn't just giving you feedback and was doing something worse that he realistically has no way of doing.

GoldenOsiris:But I will ask, when did I insult him? I simply said I understand his view, but he will not tell me how to write my character. Feedback is something logical, like gramma mistakes, plot mistakes, etc. What he was telling me was compulsory, in the sense that he wants my character to act how he likes. No reader has the authority to dictate how an author’s character should act, nonetheless I was respectful the entire time. So don’t try and act as if I being disrespectful😂

I never wrote it was compulsory for you to write it that way. If you read from the beginning carefully I wrote the word 'suggestions' so what you could do was either read the suggestion and if it doesn't align with the way you want just ignore or don't read at all. Also, suggestion is part of a feedback. When given a feedback don't use aggressive text to reply. you either ignore the reply or tell the person thank you but don't was how you want the story to go and don't use words like no one can tell me what to write.

GoldenOsiris:But I will ask, when did I insult him? I simply said I understand his view, but he will not tell me how to write my character. Feedback is something logical, like gramma mistakes, plot mistakes, etc. What he was telling me was compulsory, in the sense that he wants my character to act how he likes. No reader has the authority to dictate how an author’s character should act, nonetheless I was respectful the entire time. So don’t try and act as if I being disrespectful😂

i wasn't calling you a child because you insulted him I called you a child because you acted childish and insulted him for doing what you asked for just because you didn't like/want the feedback he gave

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You said, “But don’t act like a child and insult him.” You were insinuating that only a child would insult someone over that. Well, meh, could care less. This argument is a waste of time, so ciao.

Abeeba:i wasn't calling you a child because you insulted him I called you a child because you acted childish and insulted him for doing what you asked for just because you didn't like/want the feedback he gave

there was no insinuating i was very openly saying that if you insult someone for doing what you asked for because you didn't know what you wanted you are acting like a brat/child

GoldenOsiris:You said, “But don’t act like a child and insult him.” You were insinuating that only a child would insult someone over that. Well, meh, could care less. This argument is a waste of time, so ciao.

Sure buddy

Abeeba:there was no insinuating i was very openly saying that if you insult someone for doing what you asked for because you didn't know what you wanted you are acting like a brat/child

im not your buddy guy

GoldenOsiris:Sure buddy

Sure buddy

Abeeba:im not your buddy guy