
Review Detail of Gh0st00 in Young Titan (DC)

Review detail


he keeps talking about the MC and the third person or how should I explain this when he's talking about the MC he goes you are going to school or you react this way to something I can't stand them kind

Young Titan (DC)


Liked by 28 people




why he never acknowledge the real author said he can post

Helia_King:And compared to the people I have to deal with daily this is more like an annoyance

That’s second person. First person uses “I did this”, third person uses “he did this” and second person uses “you did this”.


I think cuz it's written for a quest not for fanfic



DevionKing:I think cuz it's written for a quest not for fanfic

you're the author what do you mean you think it's for a quest you wrote the stupid story

DevionKing:I think cuz it's written for a quest not for fanfic

He’s obviously not the original author if he says that

Gh0st00:you're the author what do you mean you think it's for a quest you wrote the stupid story

he probably did not read the synopsis

God_Ofshows:He’s obviously not the original author if he says that

so you’re just a content thief with no talent of your own then?

DevionKing:he probably did not read the synopsis

i mean he did not claim this is his story tho he just repost it here atleast ask did he get permission to repost it

Starkiller_Revan:so you’re just a content thief with no talent of your own then?

he is telling you to go check the original source in the synopsis, if anything this is just free publicity

Starkiller_Revan:so you’re just a content thief with no talent of your own then?

Adding a hidden disclaimer at the bottom of the synopsis doesn’t make the fact this “author” straight up copy and pasted this fic any better.

Fryandika_Larung:i mean he did not claim this is his story tho he just repost it here atleast ask did he get permission to repost it

It’s definitely not just free publicity, it’s stealing content. Authors of fanfics barely get any recognition or support as is, stealing their work just prevents them from receiving the tiny amount of support and encouragement that they would have received. The “author” also isn’t telling you to check out the original, if that were the case they would have encouraged people to check it out by basically advertising it, instead they just added a little disclaimer at the very bottom of the hidden part of the synopsis to try and justify their copy and pasting.

Klovnen:he is telling you to go check the original source in the synopsis, if anything this is just free publicity

ofc i got the permission

Fryandika_Larung:i mean he did not claim this is his story tho he just repost it here atleast ask did he get permission to repost it

i got the permission

Starkiller_Revan:so you’re just a content thief with no talent of your own then?

He is literally telling people to check out the original author in the synopsis so what are you talking about

Starkiller_Revan:It’s definitely not just free publicity, it’s stealing content. Authors of fanfics barely get any recognition or support as is, stealing their work just prevents them from receiving the tiny amount of support and encouragement that they would have received. The “author” also isn’t telling you to check out the original, if that were the case they would have encouraged people to check it out by basically advertising it, instead they just added a little disclaimer at the very bottom of the hidden part of the synopsis to try and justify their copy and pasting.

And you say it’s hidden when it’s really not since there is barely anything in the synopsis in the first place

Starkiller_Revan:It’s definitely not just free publicity, it’s stealing content. Authors of fanfics barely get any recognition or support as is, stealing their work just prevents them from receiving the tiny amount of support and encouragement that they would have received. The “author” also isn’t telling you to check out the original, if that were the case they would have encouraged people to check it out by basically advertising it, instead they just added a little disclaimer at the very bottom of the hidden part of the synopsis to try and justify their copy and pasting.

First of all, if they wanted to bring attention to the original author’s work there are a lot better ways than to just steal and repost their work with a single tiny disclaimer. To act like straight up stealing other author’s work is completely fine just because they add one little sentence telling you they didn’t write any of it is just wild, not sure why you’d even want to try and defend such a scummy practice.

Helia_King:He is literally telling people to check out the original author in the synopsis so what are you talking about

When it comes to being hidden, I said the disclaimer is in the hidden part of the synopsis… If the reader doesn’t click on the ‘More’ option it’s literally hidden from sight, I’m not sure how thats difficult to understand. The overall length of the synopsis is completely irrelevant, the disclaimer is still at the very bottom and is hidden unless the synopsis is expanded. If it was visible without having to click ‘More’ it wouldn’t be in the hidden part, but that still wouldn’t justify stealing other’s work because you’re too lazy or incompetent to write your own.

Helia_King:And you say it’s hidden when it’s really not since there is barely anything in the synopsis in the first place

What else is he supposed to do cause it wouldn’t help to just constantly put it in chapters as people would just get annoyed and ignore it similar to when authors promote their own stuff in a ff repeatedly so just putting it in the synopsis or comments is fine since either is doing the same thing at the end of the day

Starkiller_Revan:First of all, if they wanted to bring attention to the original author’s work there are a lot better ways than to just steal and repost their work with a single tiny disclaimer. To act like straight up stealing other author’s work is completely fine just because they add one little sentence telling you they didn’t write any of it is just wild, not sure why you’d even want to try and defend such a scummy practice.

It’s not the fault of the person who posted it as they didn’t design they way it works so obviously it’s going to be like that and even if they put it at the top most people wouldn’t look at it anyway. You just want an excuse to complain about it when someone comes up with a reason to defend it and at least they put who the original author is at all. So how about you go after the people who don’t and are actually stealing it and not giving credit to the original authors.

Starkiller_Revan:When it comes to being hidden, I said the disclaimer is in the hidden part of the synopsis… If the reader doesn’t click on the ‘More’ option it’s literally hidden from sight, I’m not sure how thats difficult to understand. The overall length of the synopsis is completely irrelevant, the disclaimer is still at the very bottom and is hidden unless the synopsis is expanded. If it was visible without having to click ‘More’ it wouldn’t be in the hidden part, but that still wouldn’t justify stealing other’s work because you’re too lazy or incompetent to write your own.

I suppose we just fundamentally disagree. I think plagiarizing other authors work is a scummy thing to do, period. I couldn’t care less if a person adds disclaimers every other sentence or doesn’t add a single one, the frequency of disclaimer makes no difference, either way it’s still stealing and plagiarizing content. What else is he supposed to do? How about not stealing other’s content in the first place? I’m not sure why you’re so dead set on defending this lol. The amount of times they post a disclaimer is completely irrelevant. The problem is not that there is just a single disclaimer, it’s that they stole the fic in the first place. It 100% is the fault of the “author”, I don’t know how you could possibly even believe what you’re saying. Who else’s fault would it even be? It’s not like anyone is forcing this person to steal other people’s content and post it online, their own actions are absolutely their own fault. This person literally copied and pasted the entirety of this story (as well as every single other one they’ve posted) without a single productive change or addition to what they’re posting. Nothing was edited, translated, revised, or even continued after being dropped by the original author. This is just straight up stolen.

Helia_King:It’s not the fault of the person who posted it as they didn’t design they way it works so obviously it’s going to be like that and even if they put it at the top most people wouldn’t look at it anyway. You just want an excuse to complain about it when someone comes up with a reason to defend it and at least they put who the original author is at all. So how about you go after the people who don’t and are actually stealing it and not giving credit to the original authors.