
Review Detail of MissIcycel in Immortality Through Array Formations

Review detail


This is one of the best new novels I've read. I didn't expect to cry at some point as these kinds of novels doesn't emotionally appeal to me. This is quite a mix and match as sometimes it's fast-paced with action and sometimes slow-paced with a slice of life. Most of the arcs are well thought out and have a clear end/purpose. So, the premise of the novel is; [Mo Hua, the protagonist, is born with a weak body and poor spiritual roots but great spiritual awareness. Having a weak body means he can't take the body refining path as with his father, a demon hunter. So, he turns to the formation/array where he has some talent and where the stele in his mind is useful.] I would like to mention that the protagonist has a status of casual cultivator with poor qualifications who's only good at formations, so be ready for a lot of mentions on his poor qualifications. I would say this is a bit emotional as the protagonist is an emotional person. I think that's actually what made me like this a bit more as it has some emotional color into it. The side characters are not just 'side' characters but instead like the main character, their story unveils throughout the novel. I can name a lot of characters I've grown to love throughout Mo Hua's journey. Another feature of the novel is how the protagonist kinda leap frog levels. It's not the same as other protagonists where he directly fights as this one uses formations to attain that leap frog fight. Overall, I like this novel, and I'll probably continue to wait for it to finish. Although, I think this is gonna be long as it has a LOT of foreshadowing happening.

Immortality Through Array Formations

Observing the Emptiness

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