
Review Detail of transcribed_master in Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian

Review detail


This fanfiction is horrible as a Harry Potter fanfic. None of the characters are like their HP counterparts at all. It feels like somebody who has never read the book or seen the movies tried to make a fanfiction of it. There are too many parts that I want to comment on but they would be spoilers. I will say this, no parent would leave their child where they know the child will be abused. James and Lily Potter would die for their kids, not put them in harm's way. I don't care who tells them it is for the best. Especially when they have other options. Finally, if you are going to write a fanfiction please actually have read the source material.

Harry Potter and the Silent Guardian


Liked by 26 people




you have to understand that the author is lost in the sauce deep in the bowels of Harry Potter fanfics. this whole thing is a mess of tropes that pop up a lot in HP fanfics.


that would explain it... I still wish the author would read the actual source material at least once

quaint:you have to understand that the author is lost in the sauce deep in the bowels of Harry Potter fanfics. this whole thing is a mess of tropes that pop up a lot in HP fanfics.

Don't even need to read the source material. Just knowing what happened to the Potters is enough to tell you they'd sooner give Harry to Sirius as his Godfather and go murder the Dursleys and be locked away for life in Azkaban than let Harry grow up there.

transcribed_master:that would explain it... I still wish the author would read the actual source material at least once

I am also using FanFiction to write my own FanFiction but I will likely strike to maintain characters to similar to movies or real life characters James can be bad Lily can't Dumbledore was bad but after making mistake with Voldemort he had corrupted most of his problems he character was always giving second chance

quaint:you have to understand that the author is lost in the sauce deep in the bowels of Harry Potter fanfics. this whole thing is a mess of tropes that pop up a lot in HP fanfics.

the main issue that hp fanfic authors struggle with is the fact that the Harry potter series is about a young boy going on an adventure and being the hero and also a coming of age story. they think "how could the teachers and Dumbledore be so negligent, they must be secretly evil" and they forgot that jk Rowling wrote a children's book, if Dumbledore and the teachers got involved it would be boring.

DV_5559:I am also using FanFiction to write my own FanFiction but I will likely strike to maintain characters to similar to movies or real life characters James can be bad Lily can't Dumbledore was bad but after making mistake with Voldemort he had corrupted most of his problems he character was always giving second chance

30 year old in a child's body go to a school and start thinking everybody is stupid around them like I don't like ron just because he is not a cute girl not because his character

quaint:the main issue that hp fanfic authors struggle with is the fact that the Harry potter series is about a young boy going on an adventure and being the hero and also a coming of age story. they think "how could the teachers and Dumbledore be so negligent, they must be secretly evil" and they forgot that jk Rowling wrote a children's book, if Dumbledore and the teachers got involved it would be boring.

iIcan understand this man. My first jaunt into HP at all was by fanfiction.net because there was so many fanfics of them so i kinda learned through fanfic

quaint:you have to understand that the author is lost in the sauce deep in the bowels of Harry Potter fanfics. this whole thing is a mess of tropes that pop up a lot in HP fanfics.