
Review Detail of SnowLust in Multiversal Spa Resort

Review detail


Some points about the novel before you read it: 1. The story should not be taken too seriously, just turn your brain off and try to ignore the inconsistencies. 😅 2. The MC is not a genius and will do stupid stuff (a lot of stupid stuff). 3. The MC has an overpowered system which allows him to grow stronger with minimal effort. 4. At the beginning, interactions with guests are short and don't have too much depth to them, but this will get better as more chapters come out. 5. The frequency of R18 chapters will also rise soon enough. 6. This is my first ever attempt at writing and I'm using this novel as practice, therefore constructive criticism is highly appreciated. 👍 If you don't have a problem with any of these points, then go on to read chapter 1! 👍 👎 If you do have problems with some of these points, then this novel is probably not for you. 👎

Multiversal Spa Resort


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