
Review Detail of DJREF in Dou Luo: This Tang San is Different

Review detail


Finally, a good doula fanfic that is not twisted by the CCP fucker from China blackwashing the novel because it shows an authoritarian organization under the control of a dictator getting overthrown. Also, I have read the various reasons why Tang san action is x, y, or z, like slaughter city destruction, causing criminals not to centralize, spirit hall destruction, causing no one to awaken various martial spirits or stop the war between two countries or what not, but those can all be answered with common sense like the two countries will step in to awaken the civilian population martial spirits due to the arms race between them, the unification of the two countries regardless who is the winner will lead them to explore the ocean and eventually find the other 2-4 landmasses of equal size and accelerate the tech development, the destruction of the slaughter city will effectively destroy the criminal's god given last resort or hiding space and prevent the possibility of a criminal becoming the god of asura who is technically the police of the god realm, there are also various other twisted reason why tang san is terrible in those fanfics, but as long as you use common sense after breaking out of the flow of those fanfic the answer usually appears.

Dou Luo: This Tang San is Different


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By the way, when I say twisted, the various fanfic China has released had various political standards set upon them in all aspects that every story over there has to follow; Douluo was a popular book, among other similar/western (mostly free thought) type books over there when the standards were a lot more relaxed to the point that as long as it didn't have anything to do against the CCP government itself, it would be fine. But, after the emperor rose to the throne, the *toxic* / *red* content of the novels produced over there steadily increased, with various works being banned outright or censored if they had low popularity. With its high popularity, works like this book are slowly being discredited by various politically supported fanfic whose main job is to discredit specific ideas within the book to an acceptable level, causing Tang San to become the collective symbol of hate to gather around and be kicked down.