Let it known in the description or the themes that this novel is genderbend. It'll help a lot of us instead of wasting our time and tricking us to read your novel to get your numbers up before we figure out the truth.Be honest.Good bye.
Liked by 87 people
LIKEYou speak like I'm some new author desperate for views. Plus the MC's gender is not fixed and I literally show it in the second chapter. And if you want to speak about honesty, my book cover should have shown that the MC at least starts out as a feminine character. Before you say something like I 'should have tagged the book' or something like that, I'm limited to the tags that Webnovel provides and there is no 'genderbend' tag. And since the MC's gender isn't going to be fixed as a female, I saw no need to mention that either. But if you think that the MC's gender is something you can't accept and not because of anything else related to the story, that's on you.
Will the Mc's gender switch during the story or will the Mc turn into a male?
DUDE WHY ALL OF YOUR CHARACTERS ARE TRAPS?!? It was so good with okay Yandere Xianxia MC but you somehow managed to slander your reputation!
Not sure I would 'slander' my own reputation but in the first place, my MCs aren't 'traps', they're futas. And are you saying that futas are a stain on my reputation or something? Just because you don't like it doesn't mean I can't write it, you know?
Junior, by correcting me you made it actually worse. Absolutely gut revolting obsession that should be shamed. You were one of the good anglosasi xianxia writers that understood what xianxia is to some degree, yet you ended up screwing it up and instead of taking the L you keep saying like Futa is not a demonic cultivators abomination.
write it in the synopsis that it is a genderbend novel why don't you? it misleads a lot of people. oh wait won't that make it so you don't get engagement from the readers that thought the mc is a male? Are you that hungry for engagement ? I dare you mention in the synopsis it's a genderbend
The thing is literally mentioned in the first few chapters. You act as if I benefit from getting engagement from people like you. If I really wanted to be benefit from this, I would have set the reveal on a paid chapter and made you pay for it before revealing it instead so that I could at least get something out of having to put up with comments like yours.
are you not understanding what i am saying? do you even know the meaning of synopsis ?
How can you be so… shameless!? Is this the fate of all Western Writers?!
I do understand. You tried to accuse me of doing this for engagement which I am refuting because I do not benefit from doing this at all. I don't gain any benefit from more people reading and leaving at the free chapters.
"Write it in the synopsis that this is a genderbend. "-- what part of this do you not understand ? and if you do why don't you write it?
1. Trickery of locked chapters reveal, shameless tactic used by frogs in a well 2. Absolute Westernois mentality: futa obsession? Check, inability to take an L? Check, bad case of fandom vilification? Check You’re westerid now boyo And speakinf about making it „our W for not locking the chapters behind paywall” go and see what will happen if people will realize they bought green hat futa dream
It's in the synopsis that there's futa, which is more focused on than the genderbend theme since my story DOES NOT explore the genderbending theme. Just because this one factor upsets you more than anything else does not mean I have to cater to you.
It's a little difficult to understand what you're writing here since your English is a little incoherent but I will try my best. 1. I'm not sure what you mean by 'trickery of locked chapters'. Are you saying that my idea of exploiting people by locking it behind the paywall is what makes me shameless? But the problem is that I didn't do it?? I was pointing out that if I really did want to exploit it, I COULD have done it. But I DIDN'T. So I don't even know what point you are trying to make? The original argument was that I was benefiting from this but the truth is that I am not. So I don't even know what you are arguing about? 2. I didn't know the entire western civilisation was obsessed with the futanari trope. The inability to admit you were wrong is not limited to Westerners, as evidenced by you (Assuming you aren't one since you are trying to insult them). Not sure how I'm vilifying a fandom when you and the haters are literally over here vilifying genderbend when my book isn't even about it. Hypocrisy much? You're literally personifying what you're insulting right now. I don't even know why you're trying to say the last part about making me see what will happen if I locked it behind a paywall. I already know what would happen, which is why I DIDN'T do it? And this point basically contradicts your first point, doesn't it? If you want to argue, at least make some sense in your arguments instead of beating yourself with it. I'm also going to guess that you'll have a hard time reading this because there's too many words for you to comprehend.
oh no no no ,not me alone,you also know how many people he asked the question don't you?
This applies to everyone else too? Just because this factor upsets a small number of you doesn't mean I have to cater to all of you. Are your opinions more important to me than everyone else? Specifically those that like what I write, that support me, that see no problem with this theme or are even paying to read this book? Absolutely not.