
Review Detail of Verthragna in From Earth X to Earth 199999 By: NidaimeKyuubi94

Review detail


I don't understand why you chose this ff, there are other much better on fanfiction. Now this story in my opinion makes no sense. Apparently there are a ton of Naruto that somehow got into the DC and Marvel Universes and all of them are beyond op cause why not. There is smut and the harem part makes no sense to me(just cause Jessica Jones can't keep up with MC). The Mc Naruto(cause there is another Naruto who is also op of course) has Many powers some redundant is rich but he steals stuff so that Shield has something to blackmail him with and is familiar with Shield but we dont see how. Anyway for me this story is kinda Meah.

From Earth X to Earth 199999 By: NidaimeKyuubi94


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