
Review Detail of Gertieisabeauty in Everlasting Nightmare

Review detail


The story is pretty mediocre. It's pretty much everything I expect from a webnovel novel. The story being told is alright. It's not anything mindblowing, but it's a story. What bothers me is the way it's told. The grammar is all over the place. There are some moments where the author seems to use impressive vocabulary, but it's quickly followed by an awkwardly written sentence that ruins the flow, as well as my immersion. By chapter 40, you can kind of tell that the author is just pumping out meaningless sentences to fluff up the word count This review will probably get deleted anyway, so here's some advice to the author, who I'm sure will see this. Read over your story before you publish it. Read it aloud and fix the sentence if it sounds wrong to your ears. Believe it or not, I understand why you're pumping the chapters with meaningless words. Most web novel authors do it because webnovel is a soul-crushing company that wishes to siphon out everything within your soul by forcing you to write 1.5k words a day for a measly 28.5% royalty. Fluffing up a chapter with meaningless words still drops the quality of the story, but I understand it.

Everlasting Nightmare


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